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Everything posted by Hawkoon

  1. I'm going to keep going on my crew for Pandora. Left in the keyword I have 3 Lyssa, 3 Sorrows, Kade and Iggy. I have a tournament coming up in May, where I hope to bring atleast 2 fully painted crews, so I really hope to finish off what I need for woes this month. Maybe even get started with the ensuing nightmares...
  2. Love the colours in these (the moorwraith is also my favorite)! So vibrant and saturated I really do get the psychedelic vibe from them. The Damned might be a bit over the top for my taste, but still very well executed!
  3. Now that the voting is closed I belive it's safe to reveal the remaining 8SS of my work this month. It was a fun project to work on, but it got a bit rushed to make the deadline. Oh... and my pumpkins arrived, so I got some work to do invovling painted models and bases!
  4. Tried them a few times, and I think they're really worth considering now. They are particullary good with nephilim, as they don't care about black blood (and may even heal from splash with Hayreddin in range). The combination of htk and drink blood makes them occasionally hard to remove.
  5. Very nice👏 I did something similar with MDF when working with a gw forest that has trees that look like they belong in a swamp. The tufts partially in the water is a nice touch. (Wish I'd thought of that...)
  6. This thread probably didn't affect the beta directly, but I think it was a common perception that the Bultungin (and the bloodwretch as well) needed a buff. However, I think that the playtesters read (or even posted in) this thread and that the changes with the errata indeed got some influence from it.
  7. I work a lot with laser mdf at the office, so I know what you mean. The smell is mostly from tiny soot particles left from the cutting and not the mdf itself. A good scrubbing with hot water and dishwashing liquid removes most of it. (Don't soak it! You don't want water inside the mdf, belive me...)
  8. Yeah, I'm a big FFVII fan, and the original sword is just so small and tiny. Mind you I've had this model on my shelf since 2E, and the rules did not match the model back then (did he have 3" on that thing?) so I knew he needed "something". My modelling skills being as limited as they are, I thought that I atleast should be able to make him a somewhat convincing Buster sword (It's quite easy to make, really!). Glad you think it turned out well, I wasn't all that certain when I was making it😁
  9. The base is an insert from Black Cat Bases that I've added some cobblestones to. Not sure it's worth chopping up expensive models to make something similar, but that's maybe just me. The sword is ineed home made from plasticard and some putty😉 (Impressed you got the reference)
  10. Aaaaand done😅 Checking in my 11SS for the month (there will be more... but it's seeecret🤫) Think I managed to pull off the NMM decently, but I feel this is an area where I really have a lot to learn. It does however take a stupid amount of time to paint, so I probably won't be doing it all that often unless it's something really special.
  11. Ended up doing something completely different this month. Still WiP, and my first attempt at NMM. Not really feeling it though so will have to work on it a bit more.
  12. I guess it's a bit hard to explain in words, but in regards to a) when doing OSL, the brightest spot on your model should be the lightsource itself. As you can see with any lightsource the intensity of the light fades rather quickly over distance (something-something divided by distance^2), so the effect the source will have on the parts further away is very little compared to the closest parts. ... I'm no good at this, so just watch the link
  13. If I may supply feedback on OSL, you need to take into account fall-off and intensity of the lightsource. Think of the light as a sphere with the source in it's centre. The light will be most intense close to the object and less intense far away from it. The most intense light should be near pure white with a hint of the lights colour. The true colour of the light will only show when you get a bit further from the source, and fade to the real colours of the model. (worth noting though is that metals distort reflections, and even though the barrel of the gun is far away from the source it will still have a quite strong reflection of the OSL light.) Looking at your photos I think you have too saturated light near the object, that doesn't cover enough of the model either, so it appears more like a paint smear than actual light from the object. The fall-off should also be shortened on her right arm and gun as well as her left leg and the ground.. Doing brush-only OSL is very hard, so I would highly reccomend using an airbrush just to get a good lightmap for the fall-off. Hope this helps🤞 Apart from the OSL the rest of the model is looking really good, so I hope I'm not contributing to messing up the work already done... Edit: If you would rather listen to the pros, Squidmar has a good explanaition here: https://youtu.be/4DR573EnCSU?t=546
  14. That's why I only pull out high cards if I'm certain a stitched will have use for them afterwards. I usually only pull out the high cards with Stitched's own Lucid dream at the start of it's activation. If I don't get a high card, I just remove the lowest and just don't use "gamble your life" that activation. Also I sometimes pull out a high card, If there is a high probabilty that a stiched will get killed in my opponents next activation. (It can use "fiendish gamble" on it's defensive flips as well).
  15. Why I always consider bringing Eldritch magic upgrade against Kaeris. Also very useful to remove burning from enemy models that benefit from it (like fire golem). Personally I tend to bring Iggy with it against Kaeris, even ook just because he can remove burning for a +flip when targetting a model with dispel magic, and then can remove injured/focus with the actual action.
  16. I didn't make any comments regarding brushes and what others have said sums it up pretty well i think. But I would like to add that, even though expensive, Artis Opus have some really good drybrushes (series-D).
  17. What a good way to put the input to a more accessible use! Love it 💖 If I manage to write or paint something sensible in the coming months, you're of course free to use it for this purpose! (And just for the record; if you by any chance go as far as commercial use, all I will ask for is proper credit)
  18. @TimH He does have a kind of "standing-on-a-peak-waving-a-banner-pose", so some creative basing will indeed solve the issue.
  19. I agree with @Maniacal_cackle here. Lead nightmare is such a great action on a 3ss model. Don't forget that the action also has a long range so you can get a lot out of it. They also have accomplice, so you can get important models out of engagement, then activate them right away before your opponent gets to re-engage them.
  20. Sadly the base looks a little too big for Horo, but the Goryshche fills it pretty well. A certain other pirate company has some nice big models on 120mm bases as well. (Got an Archangel and a Storm raptor that are pretty huge and flashy).
  21. I'll keep chipping away at my woes this month as well, got quite a few models left for a full kw... (Think I'll be doing some Lyssa this month) As to paints I don't really have a strict routine. I got paint from GW, Vallejo, Army Painter and Scale75. I have a small collection of Scale75 artists paints that I am gradually growing very fond of as they have a very vibrant saturation. I switch between airbrush and wetpalette and never paint straight out of the bottle. (except sometimes with contrast paints) When using airbrush I thin/mix paints in an old blisterpack then pour the mix through a strainer that fits into the airbrush cup (very handy). @Shock & Awe Titans are on 120mm base if i recall correctly.
  22. Done painting these guys for 12SS this month. The bases are a bit boring for now, but I'm waiting for some pumpkins to visually bind them together with my other Rotten Harvest models.
  23. I've only recently began playing Zoraida, but I find her highly flexible when it comes to crewbuiliding. From what I've gathered you really want to have other models that can move her around, like Mature or Rider, and you probably want some kw models as nodes, but outside of that you probably need to tailor her list to the pool and map you are playing. For killy pools you want fast hardhitting beaters to obey, but for schemy (is that a word?) pools you're far better off with Silurids/first mate and some tanky nodes (like waldgeist/kurgan) to obey your models from far away.
  24. Nice, short and covering for new players👍 I think the biggest issue right now is the availability of starter boxes, and I think you probably should mention that not all factions have one yet.
  25. Aaah.... clock is ticking and I haven't gotten much painting done at all this month. 😵 Seeing all of you other peeps posting pretty pictures and making progress, reminids me I'll need to put in a decent effort this weekend...
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