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Posts posted by Kimberly

  1. 20 minutes ago, Purple Mist said:

    I think GSW Shifting colours are very effective and look great in reality before than in pictures. Yes, with photos you can select the best pic to post and can optimize lighting conditions. In reality you see models shifting their shade live as you change your point of view, and that simply great. Using GSW Gloss black primer you exalt the metallic effect, to the point it can be too strong; that not a problem you can using washes to modulate shining. It's very interesting the result got by @Kimberly using a non glossy primer: colours looks more soft and less metallic but they keep their colour shifting property. That's interesting because it denmostrates you can use those colours to paint non metallic surfaces as a demon skin rather than a wizard robe. Of course on this last consideration of mine @Kimberly has the last word because she could see the effect live. As regard @Viruk he's so advanced in painting tecnique I cannot say when he got an effect with GSW paint rather then using traditional colors.

    I gotta say, I think they are far prettier in person than in photographs because you can see the shift in action. I liked that the matte primer gave it a "softer" shift so to speak. It shifted smoothly but was definitely not metallic looking. I can't agree with @Franchute's claim about it doing away with NMM, because the effect looks completely different to me. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Purple Mist said:

    We can ask @Kimberly for details about primer she used as a base for GSW Colourshift paints.

    Anyway, it's true here we can see just photos and things are very differnt live where,moving the object or the osserver POV you can apreciate the full colourshift.

    I approached GSW Colourshift paints when I bought some ships from TTCombat Dropfleet Commander and I was looking for a quick and effective way to paint them. Some other guys at the local shops bough their fleet too and a couple of them bought GSW Colourshift paints too. Unfortunately no one of them painted the minis so far. I have not a live comparison of GSW Colourshift Painted models from different hands and using different trick and base coats.

    I used Badger Stynylrez Black. My fiance and I are part of the cult of Stynylrez :P

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 3/16/2019 at 7:31 PM, DarkSpade said:

    But are they full character sheets?   I picked up one of their free rpg day books once and the premades were written up like NPCs.

    Heya! So what exactly are those character sheets missing that one filled in by hand are missing? I just double checked, using Honor Among Thieves as my reference and the Fated sheets have all of the Aspects, Derived Aspects, Attacks with any triggers, and Skills. The included backgrounds have the gear, twist deck, and Destiny

    What I'm saying is I'm not certain what you feel the Fated sheets are missing. Fatemaster Characters have the same information with the addition of the Derived Aspects calculated with their rank.

    • Thanks 1
  4. @Adran is right.

    Shifting Loyalties is where the attempted Ascension happens. Fire in the Sky deals with the first appearance of the Burning Man Earthside, and TOS involves the chaos afterward. For what it's worth, the primary antagonists of FitS are my favorite so far! Also, FitS does not shy away from punching hard. Had a Fated take 20 stacks of burning and fall like 10 stories.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Thedeadclaw said:

    I'd post this in the henchman forums but I'm still waiting for access there so I hope here is fine!

    I got my welcome kit today and the brochure said it should come with 2 small mystery boxes for prize support. That didn't happen, and I'm not actually upset about that since I don't need them ASAP anyways, but I'm worried that it'll make my event reports look inconsistent. Wyrd's obviously catching up on a lot of post holidays stuff, and I don't want to add to that, so does anyone know if there's maybe a form to just report something wasn't received? I don't even really need replacements I just don't want to cripple the community I'm trying to grow before it even starts!

    Replying off thread to keep things tidy!

  6. 3 hours ago, Aaron said:

    It's cool, I don't look so great in headwear, anyway.

    I shall take the championship belt for "Can point out all the rules you're playing wrong, but still can't figure out how to make a good decision."

    As long as I still get to claim "Will help you beat me by pointing out mistakes that hinder your play."

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  7. 1 minute ago, Aaron said:

    I haven't been playing a lot of minis games recently because of time involved, both to know the games, have the force, and then actually play. I'm looking forward to breaking that streak with TOS.

    And, since I'm near the Wyrd HQ, I look forward to showing Wyrd employees just how much better they are than me at the game! ...wait, that was supposed to be a brag. It came out wrong.

    Oh Aaron, you know you can never take my crown and title of Nicest Person to Win Against from me. 

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