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Everything posted by Zebo

  1. Well, in the fluff line of him being a hard guy and really dangerous both in range and melée, I would suggest Hard to Wound or Impossible to Wound, plus increasing both MI and SH to 7. That IMHO would take VS nearer to where a Caché 1 Master should be. His damage spread keep being reliable, but not as high as the specialists. He could be the toughest Master, but everywhere says he's really tough,and there're some masters as tough as him (or tougher) that have no reason to be. Also, I would decrease the AP cost of Stand and Shoot to 2, as it is enough difficult to be in range and LOS of 3 models at the same time that you are in a situation in wich you prefer to make damage to different models instead of focus in one and killing it. Finally, fluff-wise, I would love to see him with the Mercenary Trait, but it really only would mean he benefits of I Pay Better (that doesn't make me sad)
  2. At this point, that upgrade should be too expensive (you are summoning a 5ss model by the face) or too OP And this wouldn’t fix the Freikorpsmann problem. For them, I see 2 options to get more usefull. 1 - increase their lethality by improving the damage track of their Hunting Knife to 1/3/5 and their Clockwork Pistol to 2/3/4. This would mean them less dependent of make focus and spent a high card of your hand plus discarding a to make a big shot, and better suited to make two shots of min damage 3 (or 4). Also could make them a little bit more killy when using Reposition. 2 - (my favourite) make them better scheme runner by increasing their mobility with agile or some kind of push or movement (please, no more discarding things with Freikorps). A (0) action that allows them to push themselves 3’ or 4’ unless they are engaged could force us to choose between the extra suit or the extra movement. Also, the Specialist need some tweaks. I feel that increasing both def and wk should be fine, but I think that giving Move or Burn some kind of push (for example, taking 2 damage to discard slow/paralized and push 4”/their walk in any direction) could improve greatly the whole Freikorps themed crew. VS needs also it’s own fix.
  3. VS hasn't changed so far. And although I really would love it, I have no hopes of this happening. There's too many people saying that his stats are good for his cache 1. They aren't gonna change him.
  4. Strongarm was the 10ss Freikorps model that I like less when I started. Now I need to play more with both Hannah and Lazarus, because Strongarm has become an autotake for me. Not sure how you use him, or more important Who you face usually, but in my games he use to be the star. He rarely dies (he has one of the highest def of all the Armor +2 models, plus 10 wounds) and can hit really hard. I like to see him like a light tank. He is weaker than the Lazarus, but it's also quite more agile. You cannot take him out of the game by engaging him (he can charge out of the engagement), an he can also shoot with SH 7 and put slow on foes. You have Hard To Wound? My fist can trigger a positive flip to damage. You Have Armour? My fist can trigger that ignore all damage reduction. Sure, there're models that can kill Strongarm, but Strongarm can also run from them charging to another foe xD.
  5. Hi. There's my last mini. Anna.
  6. Sorry, but I must disagree. If the only heavy hitter are those with attack 7, only Ashes & Dust and The Nothing Beast could be considered heavy hitters (out of masters). Not the Desolation Engine, Killjoy, the Sabertooth (yes, I know that it's Arcanist, but is an example)... I think both SAS and Lazarus are heavy hitters.
  7. Hello everyone. After a long time stalking this forum, without posting anything, I decided to be a bit more participative, and anything better than a sight of my crew to start. It took me a bit of time to think about the colour scheme. The Freikorps are like an army, and they should have an uniform. I wanted to avoid the grey, since it's the colour y use the most in other games. This includes the "blue-gray" that could have been cool, and I'm not very fan of the greens, so I find myself very limited. Finally, I choosed beige clothes with leather-brown helmet and pads. The armour in iron to provide a third colour (and emphasize the steampunk-looking) Von Schill: First, The Man should stand out of the rest of the crew. For this reason I painted the upper clothes in prussian blue. A hard man should have scars Steam Trunk: The easiest mini to paint. Wood, metal and some details. Hannah: Bronze, Steel and magic runes. I tried to put one "power source" blue, another green and the magic runes in a mix. Lazarus: I tried to follow the crew's scheme, using bronze instead of leather, but I really dislike the mini. Strongarm: The first mini painted, the tubes are suposed to represent the energy coming from the boiler and returning. Maybe I could have make glow a little the gauntlets. Freikorps Specialist: With a darker brown coat and the flamethrower. Freikorps Librarian: With vandages for soak up the blood from her wounded hands (yes, my Librarians must grab their hands with the knife to use their blood for the spells) She grabbed a pentacle on her palm, and the magic is shining over the blood! Plastic Trapper: With leafs on his cape, I thought that the autumn colours should meet better with the rest of the uniform. Metallic Trapper: With a dark coat, and... I tried to diversify the crew and painted the hands like a dark skin. Freikorpsmann: The vainilla troops. Johanna: My first mercenary out of Freikorps!! Red hair, jeans and plaid shirt. That's all for now, hope they grow soon with Sue, Big Jake and the Effigy.
  8. The problem is that there is a Gremlin upgrade that prevents damage from attacks, and is widely accepted that it can be applied to prevent the damage from the dumb's luck trigger. If the damage suffered from the dumb's luck trigger is considered caused by an attack, the Remember Injustice should be considered equal.
  9. Maybe not giving VS armor +2, but Hard to Wound (or Impossible to wound). Maybe increasing his MI and SH to 7. I'm very impressed with somebody using Stand & Shoot, I have never seen it (neither me using it). Really you found yourself with more than 3 enemys on range and LoS, and in the situation wich you prefer to hurt many models first than kill one or two?
  10. In our meta, and with everyone I had talked before you, Von Schill is considered to be too expensive for its real impact on the field. His profile is a little bit meh. He's not very tough, is just "good" but not "very good" both in melé and range, he doesn't buff very much his crew, and his cost is the higher of any Master. There're Masters better than him in some things, and not worse in the rest with better cache. And then you have Perdita, who is better in everything and cheaper. But, again, this could be just our opinion. Anyway, I must say it's not only me, every player wich I have spoken with thinks the same. Von Schill is a little bit bad (always considering his Cache 1) and his upgrades aren't also very impressing.
  11. Anyone else thinks that Von Schill could have received a little bit of love?
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