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Everything posted by tactician

  1. As a Neverborn Lucius player, I agree that building a crew which doesn't feel like you've swapped another Neverborn master for Lucius is difficult. Playing him as an Issue Command bot is both boring and missing the design mark. I think the designer intended him to bring long-range shooting into a faction which has none and relies on mobility and close-quarters combat. However, as those who have tried this will tell you, it's hardly a winning strategy. His box set has more useful than useless models (4:3), so I don't feel too bad for buying it. Some say you'll only ever need one Lawyer. My counter to that is (a) you'll need both in your first games and (b) both sculpts are worth owning. @Masquer is right about the Mimic sub-faction's state of development and their connection to Lucius. However, this concept could actually be the key to a satisfying Lucius crew! A collection of characters who are apparently linked to other masters but subtly affiliate with Lucius. Pandora and Candy are chafing under Lilith's command. Mr. Graves and Mr. Tannen coordinate with Lucius whereas their boss fears him. Dopplegangers are master-neutral (save the one who became Viktoria's double) and only seek to cause mayhem. Titania addresses Lucius as a "Captain" of his kind, affirming the above and foreshadowing further development of this connection. In short, I am hopeful for the future of Neverborn Lucius, but his present is not too shabby.
  2. Community-wide Strategy and Scheme data? I didn't think there was interest for that sort of thing, seems I might have been wrong . I'll see what I can do for you.
  3. Just 23 days after initial launch, Logfaux is breaking 1000 games across 17 countries and 5 continents Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far and here's to many, many more!
  4. FAQ #4 reads: So, in the case of Frame For Murder, no points are scored.
  5. I am looking for a user-friendly way to integrate Logfaux with CrewFaux, which is the de-facto standard for crew-building. What I mean by integrate is that you should be able to attach the crew (or the equivalent of a link to the crew) to games you log. This can be done already by selecting Share on CrewFaux, copying to the clipboard and then pasting into the Notes field of your Logfaux record. When searching the Notes field on your My Games page for a model, you will be able to find the corresponding games. However, the copy-pasting requires too many steps for comfort. I am not planning to have all Malifaux models in the database for visitors to select from and put a list together. I am not planning to extract statistics from crew lists, because it will be too much of an effort for quite questionable gains. It is actually debatable whether statistics for Masters are any good, player skill being such a strong factor. Henchmen, Enforcers, Minions, Peons? Just no.
  6. I'm making a note of this. If there is enough interest to warrant the (no trifle of an) effort, I'll do it!
  7. I'm available for help. Thanks for all your work on this!
  8. Hi, I'm glad you like Logfaux. If the first player designates the second player as his opponent (auto-completion will help you find him), then the second player will need to do nothing. The game will simply appear in his panel. If they both submit the same results without specifying each other as opponents, the games will be considered separate. This thread is about tournament & league games, though. I will be happy support you on other issues via PM. Also, many of these topics are covered in the FAQ.
  9. Logfaux wants YOU! You: have results from tournaments or leagues which you don't mind sharing held the tournament/league in 2015 or later want to benefit the Malifaux community are not inclined to type a load of game results into your browser Logfaux: is an online game logger for Malifaux is on a mission to discover trends in the Malifaux community world-wide thrives on tournament and league game data because they represent the competitive aspect of Malifaux It's a match made in heaven! As the creator of Logfaux, I invite you to send any such data to me to logfaux@gmail.com. If you don't match the profile above but know someone who does, please tell them! Don't worry about the format. Electronic is better but if you only have it on paper, just take a photo! Also, it would be nice to know the city/town in which the event was held. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you all in advance!
  10. This has already been asked for and it's on track for the next update (during the following week)!
  11. Submitting tournament games on Logfaux just got easier! Tournaments now have rounds, which consist of a Deployment, a Strategy and five Scheme settings. A tournament can have an arbitrary number of rounds. Once you get to game submission, you will have the option of picking the round the game was played on. This will set the Deployment and Strategy fields and filter the Scheme fields accordingly. Tournament games get their Played on and Format fields pre-set to the tournament's settings. You can add a game from the My Tournaments page by right-clicking the tournament and selecting Add Game. Many thanks to @Khyodee and @Tris for suggesting these improvements! Looking forward to hearing more!
  12. It's on my list! It will be included in a February update.
  13. Sure! I'll make a note of this. Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Let me clarify, though: Logfaux is neither sponsored by nor affiliated with Wyrd Games.
  14. For starters, you should just not tag Vassal games with a city. If you have set a city in your member profile, clear the City field on the New Game and Edit Game pages to achieve this. I'll make a note of tagging Vassal games as such and enabling the statistics panel to filter for them. It's certainly a feature worth considering. Thanks for the suggestion!
  15. What would you like to see for vassal games?
  16. Some, yes, but they are few. PM me with info you gave and I will delete it.
  17. Not to worry. Go to My Games and find the incorrect game. Right-click it and select Edit.
  18. I'm glad you like it! Games are tagged by city, which automatically does the tagging by county/state/country/etc. Auto-completion on the City field will help you select the desired location. I input "Cara" and get Caracas in my list of suggestions. If you go ahead and select Caracas and then search for games in Venezuela or games in South America, you will find your game!
  19. I am happy to announce the launch of Logfaux, an online game logger for Malifaux! Logfaux is also a meta monitoring tool, allowing anyone to observe trends within the international Malifaux meta. You can find it here: logfaux.com FAQ: http://logfaux.wikia.com/ Report issues: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PvZ7y0M_BZPKObc2JJ6D0duiQaZaG0erCnAjPmV6UnQ Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/logfaux/ Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Logfaux
  20. From the Corrupted Hound's card: This ability's name makes me think it was intended for Obey-style operations. However, disengaging strikes are Attack Actions and they occur outside of the attacking model's Activation. I conclude, therefore, that the Corrupted Hound always deals disengaging strikes with a , no matter the ability's name. Am I right?
  21. Thanks for the eye openers, guys! I wasn't seeing the kill as part of Step 5 but it makes sense now. @MrDeathTrout: the FAQ is clearly supporting what you say. However, I'm cautious of misinterpreting - like I did in the OP.
  22. If Gracie is left with 1 wound and has Fees +3 on her when she kills an enemy model, does she get to use Eat Your Fill? The way I see it, "after completing an Attack Action which dealt damage to another model" comes before "after killing or sacrificing an enemy model" and getting reduced to 0 health ought to make her ineligible for the latter.
  23. Sure! The Hounds will first run schemes, then engage to harass. I will keep all the hounds within 6" of each other to force my opponent to expend resources for removing two if he wants to stop them interacting. I will deploy them on a flank and deploy Lucius closer to their flank than to the other. Also, I will run a Lawyer up behind them to give them for Commanding Presence during the first turn so that, ideally, they all get to advance 18". If they are still around during late-game, I will use them to engage the enemy and block interacting, possibly prompting them with Lucius for Attack flip goodness. The Lawyers will try to stack Fees on enemy beaters, make my engaged models Hard To Wound and run schemes after the Hounds are out. The Scribe will stay close to Lucius for Df bumping and Condition removal. If my opponent has a close combat beater, I will consider using Show Ya The Door on Lucius to deliver a Red Tape alpha strike. If necessary, follow it up with What Lackeys Are For. Alternatively, I can charge with Mr. Graves. In the latter scenario, I have the extra option of softening up the target with Lucius' sniper first. The Terracotta Warrior will put Ancient Protection on Mr. Graves on the first turn and try to stay within 12" of him later. The Doppleganger will move up close to the enemy, bait them for a charge and activate late. If I need to reduce the enemy's numbers, she will and try to Mimic a good weapon (Mr. Graves' if need be) and use it. Otherwise, she will run schemes or engage to harass. I 'll be happy to post the results as soon as I have them!
  24. For posterity: it's indeed a Chronicle, issue #15. The story's name is "Your Lucky Day." As for the list, I have this: Lucius (Surprisingly Loyal, Secret Assets) + 7SS pool The Scribe Mr. Graves Doppleganger (Useless Duplications) Guild Lawyer Guild Lawyer Terracotta Warrior Corrupted Hound Corrupted Hound Corrupted Hound Might not be competitive, but sure looks like fun to play.
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