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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. Lovely work and lucky client...very impressive conversion, coloring on HD totally "boogly" and Nekima is my favourite of all as with your brushwork you have singlehandedly convinced me that her sword can be made to look good 👍
  2. Where are Gulp !! and Goggle-eyed ?!?!....the two emoticons I need the most
  3. If you still have some of the sprue plastic left paint it with some of the clour you used on the model...leave it to dry for twenty four hours then you can experiment without risk to the model itself 😉 Dettol works well on "normal" plastic...leave it for ten minutes then start to brush it off under cold water, repeat until model is clean...can't imagine it would be different on translucent but using old sprue lets you find out safely
  4. @prof_bycid....credit where it's due prof......well deserved praise for the taxidermist should be addressed to @RustAndTheCity
  5. @Phinn That's a much better shot ....excellent brushwork with some nice blending and a great choice of colors
  6. @RustAndTheCity As if stunning work wasn't enough you have also added fast work to your inventory....love your work
  7. @Shock & Awe Many thanks for the link...I have the book but a pdf onscreen at the painting table keeps paint off pages 😉
  8. ...way back some time last year a combination of work and travel forced me out of the Challenge....and so...for February my pledge will be to actually finish Mr Graves....PLUS.....AAAAAAGH ! 😱😱 Look at all those brittle tiny translucent pieces !! - it's been sitting in a box laughing at me for far too long so Patti Ramone on her Doughnut of Death will be joining my collection by the end of the month...for a total of 15SS
  9. @Franchute...the Johannes Itten book is hardcore theory...not sure if it is currently in print Itten, Johannes, and Birren, Faber (1970). The Elements of Color: A Treatise on the Color System of Johannes Itten Based on His Book The Art of Color. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0-442-24038-4 For miniature painting in earnest I started with Kevin Dallimore's book published by Foundry and that got me underway in 28mm (still have a small lead mountain to prove it 😉)....Malifaux however is all together a different proposition and to be honest I've learnt and thought about things more since I started this challenge last year than I could have ever have gotten from twenty books in any language Will post February's pledge tomorrow evening
  10. @misterfinn Hallo thanks for your kind words...much as I would like to give a fully detailed response I must admit to having a kind of fly by wire approach when it comes to painting so I just picked three base colours that seemed to work together...if you wish to read colour theory you could do a lot worse than check out or find a copy of "Elements Of Colour" by Johannes Itten...he taught at The Bauhaus and pretty much covered all the bases regarding colour theory......or faster still check the 'net to see how to paint yourself a "colour wheel" as that will get you mixing and going "oh wow !" right from the get go 😉
  11. @Shock & Awe Thanks for the kind words....as for burlap sack well...yeah 😉...but I just thought "what have these things got inside of them ?"....and my answer was "lots of bad stuff"...so I wanted them "dark" and therefore concentrated on making them look like they'd be a real bother as opposed to just burlap.....the blends were done using a mix of contrasting orange,violet and pale green built up with many many layers of Vallejo Glazing Medium which is a whole new game for me but allows for all sorts of adjustments along the way without obscuring any details - cannot recommend it enough @Franchute Really nice work - lighting , flame and textures look great...very nice photography as well 👍 @MunkyMuddFace Those Kentauroi look...well...very scary indeed....great job @Phinn Love the palette you used on your Wisp and wish the photo was bigger - very nice brushwork ....and so on to February...already looking forward to everyone's entries
  12. Really enjoyed working on these whilst constantly checking out all the great work going on here this month...so...weighing in at 18SS my January pledge of 3 Stitched Togethers
  13. From the album: Burnin' Coal

    Painters Challenge Jan 2018
  14. Who ?! What ?! Where ?!....and WHEN ?!?....take my money already !
  15. @Franchute Unusually for me I have actually finished my pledge before three minutes to midnight on the final day 😂...Varnish is currently drying...will be posting tomorrow evening...thanks for not forgetting me 😉
  16. @tjgreenway well done - you're off to a good start....assembling and priming takes up a good chunk of free time so by the sounds of it you now have plenty to be getting on with (if my FLGS goes on holiday for six months I still won't run out of models to make)....after you've breathed out give yourself a pat on the back then carry on as you are by just picking out a few models at a time to work on...if you have an overall color scheme in mind then make notes of the paints you are using as you go so that several months down the line you don't find yourself wondering how you arrived at a particular shade or color Patience is your best friend...some painters with either a ton of talent or expertise,often both, can produce stunning miniatures in the time it takes someone else to open a box and do just the glueing and priming....there are lots of YouTube painting guides that are helpful for painting techniques but again chew into free time...if you're just starting up then simply do the best you can in a way that enables you to enjoy the results of your learning process so that with time and patience you will see progress
  17. @Piccio Worth every minute of your time - a wonderful result 👍 After all the time and work you've put in am confident that the final touches will come easily to you 😉
  18. @Purple Mist nice feel to those models...I like the tone on the Metal Gamin and the base work you made really suits them
  19. Am thinking Victorian dockside and industrial so have started on a large warehouse
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