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Burnin' Coal

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Everything posted by Burnin' Coal

  1. I am another applauding the decisions even though personally it'll probably mean I may end up buying a bit less...like many others I don't just buy my models at my LGS but also my paints,glue and general modelling supplies wherever possible...frequently they don't have a particular model I am looking for but while I'm there I pick up a few paints instead...so anything that helps them keep going in the current economic climate is great... What is not quite so great is I have enjoyed collecting many of the limited editions and it was frequently the prereleases that drove my orders up to a level that allowed me to acquire them...rabid fan ?...meh...not really...just prepared to take the hit on shipping and import charges to get a whole bunch of models I really want plus an exclusive rather than pay stupid money on eBay for a single limited model...that Gencon remains the same deal is great so I can budget for one big spend and if in the meantime I lose out on one or two exclusives then so be it. Overall Wyrd just keep on doing what you're doing because it works,the models look great and we all need LGS .... but when will the Rougarou appear ?
  2. ...and I'm underway....for April it's Showtime....two performers and Carlos Vasquez for a total of 19SS...and if those two mannequins lurking just out of shot see any paint as a result of my efforts then that'll be just swell....not to mention two less grey plastic figures in my "to paint" list
  3. Pledge for Painters Challenge April 2017
  4. @MunkyMuddFace That's a great looking trio you have lined up there - look forward to seeing where you go with them
  5. This is good news I will look forward to your tutorials...your skin tones are always excellent
  6. Ah...ok....that makes sense and I will look into it...however I would still like to know if there is an easy/obvious way to delete attachments that I am somehow missing
  7. @Gnomezilla Thanks...I only posted two images up to this point...does that mean every time I post an image I have to find and delete the one posted before it ? How do I get a painting thread up and running if I have to delete almost every image I post ?
  8. @H4ml3t I have the same guilders Rasputina waiting to be made up so will be following your progress with interest @ringsnake Your version of pukeworm is already way better than the official version @RustAndTheCity I really like your additions to the printing press I will be deciding what to make for this month in the coming days - looking forward to joining in for another month of inspiration
  9. Many thanks to @prof_bycid Apologies for what will appear a double post but this was the photo (at the correct resolution) that I was trying to upload for my March pledge...the varnish will go on in a couple of days....but for March here are 18SS of bad attitude with big anchors...I enjoyed painting them and am now looking forward to joining in with April's shenanigans
  10. Hi...having been painting for a month as part of Painters Challenge 2017 it was a source of immense frustration not being able to upload a photo...I believe it is because in My Attachments it says I have reached 96% of my permitted limit...do I need to delete the current Attachments in order to free up space ?....If so HOW ? I cannot find or see a way to delete them Thanks in advance for all and any assistance
  11. @prof_bycid Thanks prof...I really don't want to jam up this board with my woes...but no the photo isn't in the Members Gallery....should I be using that ?...Please feel free to PM me rather than turn this into a how to upload lesson...but I don't understand how my WIP at 300kb was fine but now it is saying I can only upload 20kb...do I need to delete previous attachments ? Very frustrating as I was looking forward to celebrating tonight and instead just ended up cursing all things technological
  12. Varnish will have to wait for another day...as will a better photo...but here is my finished pledge for March...The Drowned...18SS Edit...Am now throwing the towel in for the night...simply cannot get the photo to upload...has been great seeing everyone's models happening...hopefully I'll get this photo up tomorrow
  13. @H4ml3t Thanks but can't use Photobucket...I uploaded a 300kb WIP a few weeks ago without problems...but for instance now this box is not even offering up the possibility of inserting a photo...only "Insert other media"
  14. Help !!! I have spent the last two hours trying to upload a photo of my finished pledge - when I reduce it to 0.02MB it is just blurred pixels - what am I doing wrong ?
  15. So many great models are coming in now.....but it's almost the end of the month...yikes !....I will just make the deadline...probably around five to midnight tomorrow
  16. WOW ! just doesn't cover it !...colours,blending,everything just perfect...brushwork that is as beautiful as it is inspirational
  17. @so_diogenes What ringsnake says is so true about practice....and thinning your paint.... ....most importantly you have decided to paint your crews and as a result they will be individual because you chose the colours to use and they will be 100 times better than grey plastic
  18. @KrazyIvan Great looking crew ! Aionus I really like along with the palette you chose for Tara and the way you painted her - Lynch came out really nice too
  19. @Boomstick Those iron skeeters are looking good...look forward to seeing the whole crew @prof_bycid Your proxy Wendigo is the business !...and the skinned limbs make it look like a real worry
  20. @Ringil superb ! Love the subtle tones...do you use oils or acrylics ?
  21. @wizuriel I love the colour of your bacon bombs - they made me feel hungry ! @iamfanboy Dia de los Muertos face paint combined with Raiders colours makes for a great look and a subtle palette that ties them together nicely
  22. Female executioner in the Easter sale would get me making up a wants list pretty quickly
  23. @MunkyMuddFace Thanks...kind of the direction I thought it should be heading @Franchute Yes...I primed in black then shot a bit of white onto it with an airbrush...after that I just kept adding lots of thin layers and washes of Game Color Dead Flesh mixed with predominantly Vallejo Smoke
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