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Everything posted by KID55

  1. Ah, I this case yes. But usually you try to keep your waifs not so far away. And you have a scavengers they can push him. Or Emissary bonus action.
  2. But staggered prevent move effects from OTHER freindly models. Leveticus place himself with demise. Not other model.
  3. Leveticus my main Master since 2016, so I have some thoughts about his keyword. At first - he still strong. But now I should think a bit and prepare more. Levi itself still killing machine, especially with Stat 6 at melee. But he becomes much more fragile: heal after ressurection only +1 wound from waif's health and not end conditions. Against heavy burning/poison crew you need Johan in roster. And Emissary always good addition. For scavengers - yes we lost fast, that sucks. But now we can push other models and remove any type of markers. That's huge and won me games not one time. And wierd device is a bonus now, that's also cool. Tools for the job one of the best abilities in a game. For necropunks - just keep low masks in hand. If you really need leap - prepare. For 5 stones they are really cool. With current GG I often take 2 in roster. Nerf that I don't like is Alice movement. Downgrade to 4 is too much. Especially in current GG. 5 was enough. And argument that "she just disengage and shot you 3 times" is redicolous. Now we don't have easy fast, so even if she disengage it wiil be only two shots. But with move 4 she can even don't disengage. Her main purpose is shooting, and that not work very well now. But. Scavenger still can push her, as well as Emissary. So, nerf didn't "solve" problem and just make model worse. And her pit traps marker. There is no synergy with crew. It would be better if she will drop, for example, scrap for Ashes. I think she should receive her move back (at least 5) and change pit trap marker to something more usefull for crew. Ashes and Dust - I think he should receive buff, because without build in crow trigger his damage output to low for his fragility. If he got splitted on to two parts - 95% he don't assemble again. Because he needs both parts alive and in btb. And there is A LOT of options how to move models. I think he should receive build in crow back OR make ressurection easier. Marlena is good. Desolation I think should have def 4 or 2" or +flip on attack. If we check similar models in other faction the have it. Right now he too fragile to reach target by himself and you need to spend a lot of resources to move him with other models. And when you start attacking you often don't have enough card for good output (for his cost).
  4. Yay! Congratulations to all winners and thank for all participants and voters)
  5. I think for Tara2 there's should be some possibility to unbury model. For example WP vs. WP duel at the start of kidnapped model's activation. And if buried model fail, Tara can spend her resources to skip activation.
  6. KID55

    RH21WW - 12

    You are right. Also this is high resolution photo, you can open it full size and zoom and details that you want. But I get the point, it not very convenient, and not all would do that.
  7. KID55

    RH21ND - 1

    Too bright photo. And too dirt cloak. But maybe that's an idea.
  8. KID55

    RH21ND - 2

    Base is too empty
  9. KID55

    RH21ND - 4

    Base looks better than mini itself
  10. KID55

    RH21ND - 5

    Amazing color scheme again!
  11. KID55

    RH21ND - 6

    Nice and scary.
  12. KID55

    RH21ND - 8

    Clothes needs more contrast
  13. KID55

    RH21ND - 10

    Photo looks too dark, unfortunately(
  14. KID55

    RH21ND - 11

    That's spooky, don't want to meet her at evening)
  15. KID55

    RH21ND - 12

    Nice flames and OSL!
  16. KID55

    RH21ND - 13

    Needs more contract on black, it's a bit plain now
  17. KID55

    RH21ND - 14

    Nice idea with base!
  18. KID55

    RH21ND - 15

    Wow. Pretty disgusting)))
  19. KID55

    RH21ND - 16

    Base is brighter than mini itself. If you tone it a bit down it will be better.
  20. KID55

    RH21ND - 17

    Hahaha! Love this miniature)))
  21. KID55

    RH21ND - 19

    Idea with skin is amazing!
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