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Everything posted by Mortarion

  1. Fixed all the image links after the Great Bucketfail of 2017...
  2. It's been a long time since I posted anything, but now I have some new models done. Francisco Ortega - el mariscal de muerto. I wanted Francisco to fit in better with my other crews, so I made him into a Death marshal. I figured the sombrero would make it pretty clear who he actually was even with the new face. I am pretty pleased with how he turned out. Austringers. The models are cool in theory, but they were not designed to be used in reality. The string on the standing one broke before I had even started putting it together. And I did not even try to glue the legs on the falcon onto the arm, as they would have broken during painting or the first game. So I converted it and glued the tail feathers to the arm instead and built new legs. When painting them I thought about using more "feral" colours, but in the end I used the same colour scheme as my riflemen to mark them as guards. And finally changelings. I absolutely love the design of these models. They are so creepy! Wyrd have really managed to do "horror" models without resorting to just big monsters.
  3. Some new models done. First out, two Death marshal recruiters. "The Guild wants YOU to enlist today!" The design of this model is so cool. This one I don't like as much. I would have liked to have a flaming skull option for it. I tried painting the skin very pale and almost dried up, but alas, it is no skull... Some Clockwork traps. The pile of sand that is part of the models' bases provided some challenge to incorporate into my cobblestone basing, but I think it worked out OK. And finally two flame wall markers for Sonnia. One day I would like to actually sculpt some flame pillars, but until then, this will do.
  4. Great work on that emissary! Cool idea and well executed.
  5. Some new models done! First out is The Purifying flame. This one has actually been painted for a while. I've just not gotten around to taking photos of it. And then the Governor's proxy. I did a small conversion with his hand. The feather pen is supposed to balance on the tip but it is one of those designs that may work in a computer, but will break immediately in real life. On the painted picture it seems to float above his hand, held up by some kind of magical energy. So I decided to add some flames around the pen. I think it got quite close to the idea behind the model while still being a model that doesn't break as soon as someone looks at it. And finally a Guardian. It will be interesting to try one out after the errata buff. I removed the strange symbol from the shield and sculpted a Guild ram skull instead.
  6. Lots of new models! First of is Sonnia Criid. She's been standing half finished on my painting table for a while, but now I have finally finished her. I like the design/sculpt of this model. With the painting i used the same colour scheme as my Witchling handler. I think that the red jacket adds a little bit more life to the model than a brown leather one. And her buddy Hopkins! The basic design of the model is really cool but the large spirit trap thing that should be hanging between his legs just looks weird. He would hardly be able to move with it hanging there. Fortunately, it is easy to remove. The painting was again the same as Sonnia and the Handler. They are all witch hunters after all... And finally Ryle. I wanted to paint his claw like I have painted my constructs, but in retrospect I probably should have painted his trousers some other colour. He could use some more colour. But he still looks OK I think.
  7. Another model done. A doppelganger! While this may not actually be a Guild model, Lucius insists that she is. And she does look just like that important Guild officer. Oh, well... I guess she is a Guild model. I went for a fairly standard colour scheme, but made the towel blue to fit in better with the rest of the army.
  8. Another model done - a peacekeeper. I actually don't like this model. Its design is really different from the other Guild constructs, it is asymetrical to the point where it looks like some kind of one-off creation built from random parts and it does not fit on the base. But it was OK to paint and I think it will be fun to play with. And here we can see how the honest citizens of Malifaux were saved from yet another attempt by Arcanist goons to spread misinformation and hatred.
  9. Really cool light effects on the Carver!
  10. So, it's been a while since I posted anything here. It has been a combination of real life stuff that needed to be done, painting things for other games and me having the flu. But now I am back! Two new models completed - Exorcists! I really like these models. They might not be super hot in terms of rules, but they look so cool. Originaly I planned to paint magical/holy symbols on their coats, but in the end I decided against it as they looked rather cool in just black leather coats.
  11. Some new models done. From constructed cats to living dogs. Guild hounds! I went for a quite realistic looking colour scheme, with the exception of the eyes, which I painted yellow. Realistic dog eyes looks quite boring in this scale and the background talks about mutations amongst the hounds, so...
  12. So, if I understand the voting system correctly, most people seem to agree that it actually does stack and postpone the end time forever. Allthough I would have prefered another answer, the maximum of four cards (that I completely forgot, that rule does not come into play that often) makes it a lot less insane. Thanks fo the answers! So, I'm guessing that you mean that since Low River Style does not specify when the condition ends, it defaults to "End of turn" (Rulebook page 52)? Right? But wouldn't that work against Shenlong whenever he's out-activated? Let's say he takes a Defensive stance for 1 AP and gains Defensive +1 until his next activation. If he then succeeds in a duel with an enemy model after his activation, he would get another Defensive +1, but the end time would be changed to "End of turn", which is sooner, but the most recent application of the condition.
  13. There is a question (and answer) in the FAQ which puzzles me. The answer seems simple enough. But what happens if this continues? Let's say that the model takes a defensive stance again in the next turn. The way I read the answer, that would stack with the previous Defensive +3 to a Defensive +4 and move the end time ahead to the start of the models next activation. And then the Guardian activates and uses Protect again, which makes the defensive condition +6 and moves the end time to the start of the Guardian's next activation. The guardian and the other models could keep on doing this forever (or until the opponent grows tired of it and kills the Guardian), constantly raising the Defensive condition and moving ahead the end time. I am sure this is not the way it is supposed to be, but what am I missing? Or does this actually work?
  14. New models! This time two hunters. I wanted to use the same colour scheme as on my Wardens, but was a bit sceptical at first. Hunters are used to stalk their prey and blue with shining gold detailjs might not be the stealthiest colour sceme possible. But then I figured that the Guild must have some Hunters for use in urban environment, where stealth is less about blending into the background and where it might even be point of being visible, since it shows potential lawbreakers what awaits them if they try anything. And I like the result. The second Hunter. I wanted to tell a story with the base. As you might see there is blood on its tail. And it is following a trail of blood drops. I figured it managed to wound its prey in combat, but the prey somehow managed to escape. And now it stalks the escapee.
  15. It has been a while since I posted anything here. Most of my hobby time for the past month or so has gone into building a custom cake decoration for a friend's wedding. But now that is done, and I can get back to Malifaux. So here are some Wardens: Most robots I've seen for Malifaux are painted in metal colour, but I think that can end up looking quite boring. So I wanted them in the same blue colour I use for my other guardsman models. I tried out some gold on the trimming to get that oldschool police feeling. At first I was worried it might be too much, but when looking at the finished models I'm quite happy with the result. That is about how I would picture a late nineteenth century steampunk police robot!
  16. I'm sorry, I don't do commissions. I find it difficult to get enough time to build and paint even my own models. That's the general curse of gaming - when you are young you have all the time in the world, but not enough money to buy the miniatures you want. And when you are older you can buy all the miniatures you want but you don't have time to paint them.
  17. Thank you! I just finished som new models. First out - Lady Justice! When I saw the original model I thought three things. 1. She is the leader of the Death marshals. Every other marshal model in the game (including the female ones) wear longcoats. Why is she wearing som kind of tubetop with random armour attached to it? 2. That model would look so cool in a longcoat! 3. Why is her hair flowing in the wrong direction? So, I decided to give her a longcoat and change direction of the hair. However, all the small details of Malifaux models made converting a quite intimidating task, so it took a while before I gathered enough courage to actually try it. And here is the result: And painted: I'm really happy with the overall result, even though the painting could be a bit smoother. And to go with Lady J I painted a Brutal effigy I used much of the colour scheme from the death marshals, but added a bit more colour. And finally a real death marshal. This one had been sitting half finished on my painting table for some time.
  18. Love that Abuela base! A great way to tell a story and show the character of the model.
  19. A small update - the Scribe! Really cool model. And together with his Master. I updated the painting of Lucius slightly, with some added patterns to his jacket.
  20. Thank you! Swapping the head for a burning skull would require some work, but it is definately doable.
  21. Thank you! Another model done - The Lone Marshal. According to their background, when a Death marshal gains enough experience, his head stops being a burning skull and he exchanges his enchanted coffin for a horse and a rifle. Sounds like a big step down in coolness factor in my book. And it also makes the model a lot more realistic. So I had to do something about that. I had seen several people painting the mane and tail of the horse like fire, and that is a really good idea. Even if the Death marshal stops burning, the background does not mention anything about the horse. And I decided to take the concept further and sculpt some additional flames. Here is a shot of the unpainted result: And painted: I wanted the marshal to have the same colour scheme as the Death marshals. And to work with the flames the horse would have to be black. So, with all that black I realised pretty early on that the entire model would rely on the flame effect. I think the end result turned out OK, but it's really hard to get a good picture of it. As with the Death marshals, I tried a picture with black background.
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