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    Italy Chivasso
  • Interests
    Videogames (everykind mostly), drums ( i play that a lot) and Rpg like Dungeon&Dragons and such!

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  1. hello all! at Crescentino this saturday me and henchman pigna will hold a tournament before the holydays ask me for some info and see you at the torunament!
  2. hello everyone i'm actually looking for a Neverborn arsenal deck wave 1 someone have to spare it? send me a pm if you're interested in selling it! thanks in advance , Alermann!
  3. Me and Pigna are going to do a 50ss Tournament for the Cerberus Games Day at Crescentino. for anyone that wants some more information about it here's the link for the event! https://www.facebook.com/events/1447782411908382/ if you need any information you can send me or Pigna a pm! See you at the Clash!
  4. Andy here is going to do a demo play for all ppl who wants to start or to do some testing with crews and so on. i will be on the "job" from saturday the 25th from 21.00 till closing at via tommaso de crostofaris! so come whenever you want and ask for andy for a close up demo
  5. Miss Terious is just arrived! all is cool and she's awesome! Thanks Kirby... it's time to start and paint her real good
  6. on friday the 30th i will be up for some demos at goblin settimo! if anyone wanna try a 50ss play or want to start to play Malifaux i'll gladly see you there in the afternoon! send a pm if anyone wanna know something more
  7. i'm really hoping that #10115 will be fulfilled as well now S.s i badly need to get my hands on nellie **
  8. looking at that i think they're doing a sort of from the nearest to the farthest area but well they're going fast
  9. great they're doing an hell of a job! can't wait for reva nellie parker titania and zipp now *ç*
  10. Myrra i think we'll have to wait a lil more cause we're outside the American area and it seems that they've started shipping them 1st ^^
  11. nope i have a 10115 but nothing for now i think they're at 9600 now i hope
  12. i have an order too done at wednesday morning but i can't seems to track my order right now anyway i think it should be at my place in two days from now so i just cross fingers. some1 can tell me how to track the order anyway?
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