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Everything posted by fauxreigner

  1. Yeah.... I wish those abilities were separated. I would gladly pay 1ss for scalpel slinging, but not 2ss when the marker ability is basically deadweight. And I rarely find I need the masks that badly. Just a different play style I suppose.
  2. You find McMourning expensive? I just run him with On the Clock and Plastic Surgery, and no extra cache so I find him to be very cheap compared to Perdita. Can't really justify Evidence Tampering anymore, since in GG2016 there are very few schemes that hinge on end-of-game markers.
  3. Now you have the Lady J box, don't overlook the Judge! He is a fantastic henchman, super durable, good damage spread and can reposition your models. Together, him and Francisco can reliably score hunting party, and pack enough useful upgrades to score/deny Show of Force (especially now we have Debt to the Guild, which is great on both). Also, I obviously love the Pale Rider depending on the scheme pool. But I do struggle to get him into a Perdita crew, she is such a hungry master. Wants at least 3ss of upgrades and at least 3 extra cache, which really puts the squeeze on the rest of the crew.
  4. Freikorps stuff should look in theme, they have a mad max feel to them. Strongarm especially.
  5. Hahahaha it works! Seriously, you guys (Wyrd) are doing a great job, I can only imagine the stack of orders you came home to after GenCon! I should know... I placed two orders a day or so apart and the numbers were around 1500 apart. (The second order I placed after waking up in a cold sweat remembering that I'd forgotten Nellie).
  6. Wow that was magical. No sooner had I posted the above, than I received the email that order #10132 had shipped!
  7. Did anyone with an order number >10k have theirs shipped yet? Mine are both still showing unfulfilled and I'm so excited to get my hands on Rollins and Nellie
  8. I tried to love Sidir... Promises is amazing, but even with it I struggled to get 10ss-worth out of the big guy . Never tried Queeg, maybe he's more efficient.
  9. I meant that previously I felt like I was buying sub-optimal upgrades specifically because of Show of Force. Now, every beater should have Debt to the Guild anyway, so it doesn't have to feel like a tax. Its basically our Recalled Training
  10. Phiona has an upgrade that provides bonus against activated models - or so you said in the other thread @Hagisman.
  11. I am very excited about Debt to the Guild. We really needed a useful multi-copy upgrade to compete in Show of Force without feeling like we're carrying dead-weight.
  12. When you put it like that... sounds good! I'm definitely looking forward to experimenting with it, but wondering if I might just prefer to stock up on multiple copies of Debt to the Guild, which will always at least return your investment (1ss when the model does), and often provide a card and bonus damage when you need it.
  13. At this point, I'm so confused about what curfew actually does. Anyone care to summarize all the stipulations?
  14. Numb to the world: does this make a model immune to all conditions? If so, I like it in a McMourning crew where a nurse can then heal the model without paralyzing, and Dougie and give an injection without poisoning.
  15. It is a wonderful sculpt. I also love the McMourning one, but then again its hard to imagine a McMourning I wouldn't love
  16. I did know this, but only because they talked about it on episode of 30-Rock. About how when theres too many rats in close quarters their tails get all tangled up. Then I went to wikipedia like you did and was equally appalled. But I like how the rules reflect the reality of this monstrosity.
  17. Quite simply, some if the best models models I've ever seen from any company. Can't wait. As for pricing estimates... Having been a gw customer for years I'm still locked in that mindset, and would be pleased and impressed by any price tag below $120.
  18. I've got into McCabe recently myself, after playing with other Guild Masters. I think he's one case where Francisco is not an auto take, simply because you struggle to get the most out of McCabe's mobility while still trying to keep within El Mayor range. And McCabe can get his own Df up to 7 when in combat. If Hunting Party and Show of Force are in the pool, of course Cisco is still a great choice, but in those cases I'd probably be looking to a different master than McCabe. I think the trick to McCabe is using minions that can get a lot out of reactive and nimble, and ones that can really punch above their weight when handed a Glowing Sabre. I'd certainly take one Austringer. With reactivate and nimble and the 4" push from being handed the Badge, you can easily get two focused shots in turn 1, which is huge for scheme-runner removal. Often with other masters, you will find yourself using turn 1 just to reposition the Austringer, which can feel like a drag. Hounds (plus Luna) are an obvious choice for scheme runners and Glowing Sabre targets - using a dog to take out a more expensive model is very efficient. Other notable minions are hunters and wardens. I like hunters, because they have a Ml 6 attack with good damage spread on their base card. So, when reactivated they can be a frightening prospect even without the Sabre (i.e. if the dogs are using it). Wardens are more durable and will be more useful for holding points, and can get plenty of attempts at paralyze if you reactivate them. But they don't have the damage output of the hunters. If you want a larger model in the crew, then don't forget that the Pale Rider can do absolutely horrible things with the Glowing Saber in the late game! He just needs babysitting turns 1 and 2. As for Promises - I like it on McCabe himself. That way he's never gonna lose those buffs, and you are not wasting stones to bring Queeg or Sidir who I have found underwhelming with McCabe (others probably disagree). I love Sidir in my my McMourning lists, mostly because he can bring in Promises. But when you can put Promises on your master, I don't see the need for Sidir. To answer your question about deliver orders: when you actually take the interact action to place/remove marker, you need to be unengaged. But the 2" push is usually enough to disengage before interacting. Austringers are amazing in headhunter strategy. After killing an enemy, place the maker 2" behind your own model then use the Austringer to have him pick it up next activation. If you know the schemes for your upcoming games I'd be happy to help with a list.
  19. Just to piggyback off other comments... I'm not convinced that neutralize the leader plus Levi is the only situation where a master has to accept giving up VP to operate at maximum strength. Take for example hunting party against Ramos. Ramos summons wounded spiders, it's what he does. He's not gonna stop summoning spiders because of hunting party, and they will give up VP. But a good Ramos player will ensure that the summoned spiders still provide a net benefit through achieving and blocking other schemes. Just as a good Levi player will ensure his cycle of death and rebirth provides a net benefit despite giving up VP. Not to mention that neutralize isn't suited so pretty uncommon.
  20. As someone who recently migrated over from a GW system, I have to say how fantastic it is to see that Wyrd listen to, and act on, the feedback from their community on relatively short timescales, to keep the game as playable and enjoyable as possible. Thanks guys.
  21. What upgrade combo do you like on McCabe in that type of list? With the dogs out on the flank, do you still find good use for Badge of Speed? And what about Glowing Saber, given that Frank and Sidir have decent melee attacks of their own?
  22. Performer is great with Guild McMourning. He can apply the poison stacks, and she can expunge without the 9-wound cap. Also McMourning gets markers dropped in the middle of combats thanks to his injection, which she can use her ability on. Strongarm suit is good with any master if you just need a solid solo piece that can hold points and score Hunting Party.
  23. Yesterday I played my first game with McCabe, and wow. Just wow! Not only did he feel quite powerful, but also incredibly fun. Such a beautifully designed master, and I can't wait to play with him some more. As this was a learning game, I put together a relatively simple list and decided to run with it, whatever the strat/schemes: McCabe (Promises, Glowing Sabre, Badge of Speed) Luna 3 Guild Hounds 2 Austringers Hunter Pale Rider The list was designed to play into McCabes strengths, giving him lots of minions as targets for reactivate, significant dogs for scheme running, and the Pale Rider for late-game Glowing Sabre shenanigans. The list worked great, but I felt like this was largely a product of my good luck with the scheme pool.... Strategy: Guard the Stash Schemes: Exhaust, Leave Your Mark, Catch and Release, Set Up, Convict Labor I chose Leave Your Mark and Catch & Release, and had no problem dropping markers in the backfield and tagging things with all my fast significant models. So my question is, how do you go about building a competitive McCabe list when the schemes don't play quite as much to his strengths? What if the other two suited schemes come up? Hunting Party would be terribly easy to score against the list above (pop a dog each turn) and almost impossible for the list to score full points on (only has pale rider to score). Similarly it has no upgrades to score/deny Show of Force. The right list for these schemes would require an extra henchman/enforcer, some upgrades, and probably needs to drop some of the squishier minions. So I'm wondering, which henchmen/enforcers do you like to run in a McCabe list and why? Do you stay away from dogs if Hunting Party is in the pool? If so, which minions do you replace them with? Of course, it would be easy to say "Don't take McCabe if the pool is unfavorable". But, lets assume we've decided to run McCabe in a single master event, and the worst-case scheme pool comes up. Thanks!
  24. Just want to be clear - I'm not trying to argue one way or another that Guild are underpowered. Personal experience: having gotten into the game ~6months ago with a large group of ex-WHFB players, I (as the only Guild player in the group) have not felt myself to be at a disadvantage. But I have felt the perception from more experienced players (talking at tournaments, or following online) that Guild are relatively weak. So I'm trying to offer up some explanations for that perception.
  25. So then the USA just needs to teach the UK to play Guild?
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