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Everything posted by Kyris

  1. I'll be running weekly demos(with some exceptions) on Saturdays, 5 to 9 at Rune and Board in Hillsboro, Oregon. their calendar can be found here: https://runeandboard.com/hillsborocalendar/ and directions/address are on that same page. There also should be some tables open for experienced players to come in and play; depending on how slow the day is I may or may not be available for a game rather then a demo. Outside of that, my schedule changes a lot fairly often, I should be available for demos outside of those times but when and how often are going to change drastically week to week and month by month, so the best bet would be to message me directly and try to set something up.
  2. On free RPG day, June 17th. I'll be running two games of through the breach at Guardian Games as part of the event. from noon to 2, and then from 4 to 6. I'll be using the one-shot thats given out as part of free RPG day. more info on everything guardian games is doing can be found here: http://www.ggportland.com/free-rpg-day-2017/ with a full list of everything that's being ran on their event calendar - which may or may not be currently updated to reflect more people signing up as GMs.
  3. if you figure it out, let me know; I'm hoping to build a local community; all the Malifaux players are a few towns over in Portland.
  4. Well, actually fighting against masters was just an exaggeration to get the point across. I don't intend on actually having them do that....Well, maybe towards the end, see how it goes.
  5. So, I haven't ran any campaigns of TTB yet, only doing one shots. However in the fall I'm planning on running a full campaign for my college's board game/RPG club. I've heard that campaigns tend to progress very quickly, but there are methods for slowing it down. Now, that kind of concerns me because I kind of need a campaign that can last at LEAST 5 play sessions, maximum up to 15. So, how would you all more experienced Fatemasters suggest doing that? I'd prefer breaking the story down term to term; so I guess the best way to put it is I'm looking for a method of making three 5 episode "seasons" for the campaign. But I want to make sure that the characters don't progress too quickly or run out of things to do or advance. It'd suck if they're able to take on Master level characters halfway through.
  6. Yea, I do it myself some times. That's part of why I try to use word association with last/latter, first/former...I also spent a few months volunteering as a teachers aid, so you pick up a few tricks like that. that said. I think Gorar has potential to be a lot better than he is now even keeping him at a cost of 3, I'm not sure the best way to do that..Maybe making him a bit beefier? or maybe give him some better way to synergize him with Titania such as scheme marker tricks I don't know, I'm just of the mentality that a model should be improved stat/abilities wise rather then just dropping the cost of it.
  7. I think you got "latter" and "former" mixed up.. Here's an easy way to remember; Latter=Last. Former=First. Or I'm misunderstanding something? You say you'd rather Have Primordial Magic at 3 than Cherub/Gorar at 2, but give nothing but reasons why Cherub/Gorar should be at 2. I try not to be a grammar nazi but it's a bit confusing what you actually mean as is.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't anyone just..Make a discord room? it seems like there's not a room currently, hell, I'll make one right now. https://discord.gg/XkBaWkS is the invite link.
  9. So, unfortunately due to my constantly changing school schedule I don't get to play malifaux all that often; So with that I'm mind I'm hoping to find some people to play on Vassal with, preferably people who're cool with me still learning masters and getting used to the setting. I feel like I've been here forever but I've only got a few games in due to that pesky schedule(one day...one day I'll be able to play in person again..) I also have...zero experience with Vassal. I have it downloaded, and I've been fiddling around with it but I've never played anything with it before, at all. That said, I'm mostly only free weekends, saturdays and sundays. preferably around 3-6ish saturday or 3-5ish sunday. But at the same time I'm cool with playing it a bit more of a casual and "hey, you free for a game tonight?" kinda vibe.
  10. thats my current buy list. I'd also mention the Black Blood Shaman. They have great synergy with Lilith; handing out black blood to enemies and if you're making a grow list they help ease up the burden of actually making a grow list...y'know, grow.
  11. that's what I figured. either that or(I didn't go digging through my cards to check) there already are upgrades that use them.
  12. Sit around the campfire, little imps and terror tots, and let uncle Kyris regale you all with the story of my first time FMing a game of Through The Breach, and how many times I messed up the rules. - admittedly, most of the rule mess-ups were being more used to Malifaux than TTB and not realizing that some rules were different. So, a little background first; I'm a member of a board game and roleplaying club at Portland State University in Oregon, and am introducing the game to the club, running a bunch of one shots through the term, and then I'm going to use summer break as a chance to plan out a longer campaign(or just buy Nythera) and run a full campaign starting next school year. Last friday I was DMing my first game, a one shot adventure of the Sixteen Tons adventure, I had 4 players, all of whom are COMPLETELY new to the system and the setting, Malifaux is an entirely new world to them which is great because everyone seemed interested in the setting and the lore and the models I used. Another little side note; I have two sort of Philosophies as a DM; Never say no, and don't push the players into anything, I don't railroad, and I try not to even HINT unless it's absolutely necessarily. I will, however, give players all the information needed to make a choice for there character. So, for instance in the mine, I DID mention how valuable a soulstone is, but I only mentioned that there were some on the ground(as per the one shot) after they mentioned looking around, and I didn't mention stealing it at ALL, Burt's player asked if he could(Burt's player is a much more veteran roleplayer than the others, so he did kind of take the reigns so to speak). So, the players are in the mine and I read off the beginning of the adventure sheet; immediately everyone is rather apathetic, but at the same time a little curious. All of this in character of course. It was less "we need to see what happened" or "well that might cause a cave-in, we should get out for our own safety" and more "well fuck it, we can get off work early". So, we go along that path and introduce them to poor Mr Dobbs. Hurling dynamite behind himself...as he does. Everyone makes their Evade check and Burt's immediate response is to grab him and slap him around a bit demanding an explanation. Now, here's my first fuck-up. I accidently misread the text and didn't realize it was a moleman arm that Dobbs had blown off...making the entire encounter much more comedic and making Walter look a bit less sane. No, don't ask me how I missed the entire sentence going into detail about how it's a moleman arm. Because of this, Stanimer and Yong Gim's players are immediately skeptical to even the existence of molemen, Annabella is a bit more receptive due to her character being magical while Burt is as well because he decided "I've seen weirder shit than molemen" , they decide "fuck walter" and just go straight to the Elevator shaft. I explain it's broken and that there was signs of strange damage, Burt decides he's going to try and fix it, he succeeds with everyone else standing around watching..and it's here that Annabelle's player decides she wants to go investigate tunnel one(splitting the party is always good, right?) Now, it becomes immediate obvious to me that I have to be missing something about the combat. and I did...big time....So here are a few of my fuck ups right off the bat that persisted through the entire game(we were at least consistent) I gave them 3 AP instead of 2. No idea why I thought it was 3. I was following the Malifaux rules for both red joker on damage flips(IE, severe+weak, not severe+critical) and for blast tokens(which is a..big problem) I completely forgot about the "margins of success" for to-hit flips. I killed off NPC's after their wounds hit 0, thinking that critical effects were only for players(this one I chock up to my experience with Savage Worlds where most NPC's only get 1 wound and die super quickly) and...I was flipping for NPC's attack/defence, thinking that the brackets were a sort of "if the players are doing too well beef up the NPC to give them more of a challenge" thing.. Yes, yes, I am an idiot. See the title? I meant it. I FUCKED UP. So, that said, Annabella goes off to tunnel one and gets attacked by a moleman. She immediately turns around and starts booking it back to the other players - she's smart that way. So, the moleman attack goes off..fine, but because of the rule fuck up...the molemen didn't even stand a CHANCE, So now that they know molemen are real, my players decide "yea, lets investigate tunnel one, get us some dynamite and we'll be fine." Here's where..my favorite part of the whole night happens...Well, the players decide that, except for our favorite undead friend Stanimir. He wants to stay by the elevator with Walter. Burt, Annabella and Yong go down tunnel one, get some dynamite and I decide "you know, they had it kind of easy, so I'll attack them again with 3 more molemen which goes about as well as you expect, and then Burt decides to investigate the tunnel and the area, this is when he decides to steal the soulstone. and now for my favorite bit; Burt decides he wants to be sneaky about it, while Annabella decides that she wants to watch him doing it...I make them flip a challenge duel against each other, Burt's Stealth and Cunning vs Annabella's Notice and Intellect. Burt wins...But then asks if he can see Annabella seeing him; I ask Annabella if she was in any way trying to hide herself watching him or just sitting there staring, we agree she was trying to hide it, and so I have them reverse their duels; now it's her stealth and cunning vs his notice and intellect, this time Annabella wins. Leading to Burt stealing the soulstone, Annabella seeing it, but Burt not knowing that she saw and thinking he got off clean. This is when both Burt and Annabella remember...oh, there were more soulstones in Shaft two. Annabella makes the excuse of losing something personal in shaft two, while Burt makes the excuse of "going with her to make sure nothing attacks". they have a conversation about how to split the soulstones; Burt initially saying they should "each get one" but Annabella says she knows he has one; they agree to let Annabella hold onto two, they'll sell one and split the cash later. Yong meets back up with Stanimir at the entrance and they all decide to go up while Burt and Annabella are finishing up in Shaft two, but decides he doesn't want to go up with Stanimir because of the smell. So, Stanimir goes up, Yong goes up with Walter, Burt and Annabella both come back and go up.. Stanimir leaves to investigate the flash of light down the hill as soon as he gets up top. Yong gets up, sees him running and chases after him, Burt and Annabella get up just in time to see YONG running and chase after him.....and I played Yakkity Sax immediately after describing all of this. During the fight with the molemen, corinne and the snek, during Annabella's combat phase, the players are discussing what to do when Burt had a brilliant idea; can he try to like...see if Jared is still in there somewhere, Unfortunately this was during Annabella's turn, and she one-shotted him and the other molemen with a dynamite blast(because I messed up the wounds/blast rules). Corinne and basil went down relatively quickly as well. All in all, it was a lot of fun, the players enjoyed it. We did at least remain consistent on the rules for the night. Maybe it's not as big of a fuck up as I think it was, but just..how many things I got wrong feels awful for me.
  13. I'd love to see this, myself. I was thinking about running an Into The Bayou game sometime but knowing that there aren't any multipart kits for gremlins and I'd basically just have to buy the entire gremlins faction to use that for both players and NPCs(I don't play gremlins...at all)it kinda just..kills my interest to do that for now.
  14. Is there any easy way to dig through the vassal files of the TTB plug in? I'm running a few games and I figure it'd be nice to have a like..a place mat or whatever you wanna call it for the various decks, and I think the ones used on the TTB vassal plug in would be perfect to just print out and use, but can't seem to find the actual images or anything for them any of my install folders.
  15. Hmm, well I was planning on picking up Titania anyway so I suppose that's a nice benefit for me.
  16. Quick question about this, I picked up some stuff on the 3rd of march. Would that receipt, assuming that it fulfils the other requirements for the March Promotion, be accepted? or does the date on it need to be for after the promotion starts?
  17. Hey so I figured this isn't really worthy of its own thread so just asking it here. Has anyone made any reference cards or anything specifically for TTB? Most if not all of my players have NO IDEA what malifaux even is, so handing out reference cards with stuff that isn't exactly applicable to TTB might not be ideal.
  18. Cool, I'll at least pick up Recruitment Drive for now. Do the other one-shots typically not come with pregens? I was kind of hoping they were, as in my groups getting consistent players game to game is kind of like pulling teeth, so I was hoping pregens were more common.
  19. So, I'm looking to introduce Through The Breach into a few of my gaming groups. None of the people I usually play with have any clue what Malifaux or through the breach is, however. So what would you guys recommend, one shot wise, as a good sort of primer to the setting, rules, etc? do any stand out as better than the others in that regard?
  20. Long story short; I had every intention of backing the kickstarter, but unfortunately had some unexpected costs pop up at the last minute. I understand that kickstarter allows for projects to give late backing opportunities, so I'm wondering if there are currently any plans to do so?
  21. the best advice I can give you; do NOT buy the McMourning box if you're at all concerned with small models. that fucking chihuahua....
  22. Personally, I'd love a comic series. the artwork for Malifaux is, IMHO, a huge part of the initial draw for new players. it'd be awesome to get comics drawn in the same style.
  23. 42. summoner masters make feedlist Nakima very happy.
  24. So, I'm looking to start both Sonnia Criid and possibly Kearis. which naturally means a LOT of fire. I've always been dissatisfied with the way painted fire looks though, so I thought to myself...why not just rig up some miniature LEDs under/inside translucent fire effects to make the fire actually glow and shine? I'm sure you see where I'm going with this... I've found a few things that'll work...kind of. Dark Age sells some translucent fire bases in all of the right sizes, but I'd like more than just the bases to be pure fire. something like wyrd's own flame effect kit but made out of translucent plastics or resin. Anyone know anything that could help me out? So far it's looking like my only option is to buy a few metal/plastic products and then teach myself how to recast clear resin..which I would rather not do for a variety of reasons.
  25. I'm going for cult first and foremost; I'm just naturally drawn to weirder, "evil" factions - in WH40 I play orks and tyranids, in malifaux I mostly play neverborn and ressers, in guild ball I play morticians, you' get the idea. So the cult is just another in a long line of that for me. I have a massive nerd-boner for horror and such. that said. I'll probably also be buying King's Empire for recruitment purposes; I find a tabletop set up with a "good vs evil" feel to it attracts the most people. and I'll be buying gibbering horde for myself further down the line for the same reason as cult. I have zero interest in the other who's name escapes me.
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