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Everything posted by Cadaverousbirth

  1. Bah, just re-read the card again. Relying on him still being alive within 1" of anything worthwhile to get the Paralyzed isn't very reliable. Great when the stars align but he's probably going to get punked quickly. Highest Authority might help but I'd need the bad cards in hand to do it...hmmm needs some more doing and less thinking.
  2. Lucius can Issue Command, get the focus trigger, and get that Paralyzed relatively easily with a severe in hand, right? *schemey hand rubbing*
  3. Playing one of these guys tonight because of this topic. I've never seen a reason for them before, but being an annoying support model who dies have gives me a scheme marker? I'll give it a shot. He takes the spot of a second Austringer or Death Marshall who both do arguably better things, but maybe he can pull his weight.
  4. If they corrected it...correctly...and in a timely manner without undo fuss there wouldn't be a problem. I would probably stop ordering from that specific retailer (LGS, ebayer, or Wyrd themselves) but I would still be confident in my purchase. Given the widespread and profound mess up that is currently happening...TWICE, I can no longer confidently shop wth WGV.
  5. We obviously have different standards about who gets our money. I haven't ever had a problem with Wyrd products, for the record, but if I did I can confidently assume it would be corrected as soon as possible. I can make my own cards, but have gladly paid for the "real deal" because it isn't expensive and saves me effort. When a company lets me down twice there isn't a recompense that can make me give them more money. You can do whatever you want with your free cash, but don't tell me (and others) to not be mad when our time is wasted.* *I did get my full refund quickly, so no money lost. Only time and trust.
  6. I work in Quality and I can coorborate this completely. It isn't hard to make sure an error is fixed. I don't know their processes but I can tell you that if we find an error we watch it like hawks down the line to be sure it isn't repeated, or more errors pop up. Quality needs to be te #1 priority for a company to maintain customer relations. No copy pasted apology can make up for the inaction I've experience with this debacle. Yes, I'm saltier than a sailor on Lake Superior.
  7. A company makes a big mistake and corrects it in a timely manner? I'm a happy customer and understand human error. A company makes huge mistakes TWICE after the error was "fixed"? They lose my business. If Amazon screws up more than one order then why are you still ordering from Amazon? As a fellow consumer that is insane. These cards are a luxury. I've opted to make my own and save my time and money. They don't look perfect, but it took me five minutes of work and I didn't have to wait weeks for the wrong cards.
  8. You're going to want her other summons eventually, so Obsidian Oni and Jorogumo. If you have any McMourning players around you, Akaname as well. Other than that i would suggest Katanaka Snipers and Low River Monks to help round out the crew. Asami is very versatile to use and can do everything well so don't worry about her difficulty at first, you will catch on fast. Remember that you don't NEED to summon all the time, walking and putting a scheme marker down is sometimes the better play. Good luck!
  9. Probably because they are assumed to be grounded when not flapping around. Are Raptors Ht1? I can't remember. They are huge birds.
  10. Speaking of Ht in this game, things are funky. Sebastian is the same height as the chihuahua. Ryle is the same height as the Brutal Emmisary. But...why? I believe Ht in game mechanics refers to a model's presence on the board. People notice Sebastian less, same for the tiny yapping dog. Ryle is a hulking terminator with a Gatling gun hand and can be noticed very easily. Another example is the rail Golem and Lord Chompy Bits who are Height 4. You can see those monstrosities from a mile away. Also game balance LoS business blah blah blah /end height rant
  11. The easiest way is to play against Marcus or the Viks and when you ask what range the biggest threats have, your opponent can say "the board." Easy. The best way would be measuring all the things. Be careful about it and recognize the crew multipliers that can get huge beat sticks across the board. Beware Yasunori. I've also found that just by playing for a long time I can eyeball 6" pretty easily but still always double check. On inch is probably the hardest distance to memorize, I always think it's smaller than it actually is.
  12. Yeah this isn't a thing. Nellie is in a running pose leaning forward. She's fine. How tall is Lady Justice from foot to hip? That's a neat way to compare model height that I like.
  13. McCabe can do the same trick with Hounds who are even faster and still die just as quickly. The difference being you can have two puppies for the same cost. Their Df6 is good, but average for their cost and with no other defensive abilities they will fall over fast. Even with Defensive if the opponent wants them dead, they're dead. Unlike say 10T Bros who can very quickly be Df7 with a +, and maybe armor too. Their focus ability is for Shenlong's aura so they can Focus for a zero action. This competes with their push zero, but it can help get one attack in the right situation. They'll probably miss their second. Get some games in with them and see. When you're on turn 2 and your 18 stones are off the table, come back here
  14. Has anyone tried the Rougarou (???) with NVB Lucius yet?
  15. I should have done that and saved myself weeks of hassle. I got my refund quickly, at least. Never again.
  16. As someone slowly shifting to Neverborn for a while I am excited to bring Newcius into the fold. I'm excited to try out Bloodwretch's to Issue Command their Rage Builds for some juicy charge damage. Having access to Nekima too can be a huge boost for Lucius' crew multiplication. Bringing Dashel and Riflemen might be a fun 'gotcha!' for unexpected shooting, but it would really depend on the board and schemes, and if your opponent has seen you do it before
  17. I understand that you want to be shown and not told, that's a general rule of thumb in story telling and I agree. The problem is space. Each character has their own and vying for more in the narrative and there is only so much that can be put down within the space of the books as they are now. Look at the vignettes, which are great, and drive each character's story along in a few short sentences. Unfortunately we can't get a full beginning-middle-end structural arc for everyone so we are left with the minimum. It isn't perfect, but with more characters than Game of Thrones and a fraction of the space to read about them, it isn't terrible. Still, it's better than most 40k novels. "I am good guy." "I am bad guy." "For the emperor!" "For the chaos gods!" *six chapters of punching*
  18. (Foreword: I don't want this to sound mean-spirited and I apologize if it came off that way. I love my fluff and talking about it ) Would you be more interested in Seamus as a character if he had no backstory written in the fluff? Would your complaint change to "I don't understand why he's just a man given the description here of the killer being 'animalistic,' obviously he should be a giant beast." Because the story didn't present his side of things and we, the reader, are left with only mystery and our own interpretations? Seamus is a man, an undead serial killer sure, but still largely human. That is probably the most terrifying thing, and I think the entire point of his character in the narrative, that a human can delve so deeply into his own dark desires that he mutilates and resurrects women for his own pleasure. How would you want him to be presented instead? A shadowy character with no motivations or explanations that we are just supposed to accept as scary because we don't really know? Speaking as a normal human who in Malifaux would probably be a menial worker, I would definitely be terrified of Seamus if I met him. His reputation is terrifying, and everyone knows that. Do you remember when Seamus got shot in the head by Samael and then stood back up after the Gorgon did some meddling? That was definitely a scary moment. Lady Justice, for example, doesn't give two hoots about Seamus' reputation, she wants his head on a pike. She can be that way because that's how she's presented in the narrative, not as some mewling commoner like me, but the righteous arm of justice that wants these cruel murders to end. She may have to pass a TN 12 Horror duel in the game, but that's game mechanics and not the story. Malifaux is all about its characters, mostly masters, who are the equivalent of DC's meta-humans. You can't have a story here without the reader already knowing these characters. This is all game fluff after all, not a detective novel where the true bad guy is revealed in the second-to-last chapter. We mostly know everyone's history and what drives them to do what they do, and it's the struggle between them and the world at large that makes the story compelling. Titania *was* incredibly powerful before Malifaux's written history, as we know it. She isn't anymore, and sure the writer's could have shown us this instead of telling us, but I am under the assumption that everyone has limits to what they can write (word count, pages, etc) and they did the best with what they could. You have to have that suspension of disbelief with the fiction, accepting some things that just aren't fully fleshed out. Malifaux novels though, yes please.
  19. This seems unfair. The fluff goes as far to explain that she is very much a shell of her former self, being imprisoned for hundreds (?) of years. Titania even comments, internally, that she isn't strong enough to take on Lilith directly and uses diplomacy (or, err, tries to?) to get some of the NVB on her side. Pre-Imprisoned Titania was a powerhouse as the fluff dictates, but was defeated through betrayal and locked away. Until now. I give the benefit of the doubt that Wyrd knows enough that they can't create this SUPERULTRAMAX superstar master and then go and create balanced rules from that fluff - what is this, a game?! So they explain it through the story. Even the known Tyrants have been weakened through their host's bodies. Hamelin/Plague was destroyed by Kirai and reformed, "biding his time" until his plans come to fruition again, and The Dragon was crippled by The Event (or was it The Red Cage? Details.) but a sliver of each of their powers remain. The Gorgon remains elusive in the shadows, and Cherufe was locked away and contained - but talk to anyone that played against Sonnia regularly and you'd think he was out and about, strutting his stuff. I do agree that the major players should remain in the fluff, like the Oyabun and the GG. They are the motor behind the engine, the driving force of the narrative. It wouldn't do to have Marlow killed in the back alley streets somewhere by a Crooligan, he has to be above and beyond that in the story, remaining in the background to give motivation to our chess piece of masters.
  20. Caveat: I haven't played with these guys yet so my impression is only on paper, and from a generally competitive-sense. I wouldn't hire them. Asami can clutch summon some if she's going against a poison-heavy crew like McMourning for some help, doubly so if you didn't take Chiaki or you Low River Monk got punked earlier. Corpse, and sometimes Scrap, markers are not hard to come by throughout a game so using 8 stones of models to get some out doesn't seem worthwhile, especially since Obsidian Oni can do that at range on their own anyway. 10T Brothers are definitely superior, there's just no getting around it. That's true over all cheap 10T minions really. CounterpointIng myself: If you want to run Poison-heavy Shenlong they could be fun little additions and the models are awesome. Brewmaster has obvious synergies as well so I can see them getting play there too.
  21. I had the same just happen to me. Plenty of communication about the issue, received an email saying replacements were shipped out and today I received my second copy of the old cards. I requested a full refund for my order since this has been ridiculous. I cannot recommend anyone order from Wargamevault Vault in the future.
  22. Yes. I'll get the Guild typewriter's warmed up.
  23. I would hope The Dragon could avoid a stick pointed by an old lady. Also he's immune to energy fields~~~
  24. The metal Guardian sculpt is great, even if he skips leg day. Plastic Guilder anyone? ? I have never wanted two Watchers really. At least, I've always found one to be enough. Now that Reporters are a thing I don't see a need for a second one, even though I have two. Probably should sell it off...
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