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Flat Tooth

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Everything posted by Flat Tooth

  1. Luckily most of the bits can be poked into the foam they come with to help keep track of them. At first I was super upset about how complicated some of the builds were but I got real calmed down when I realized how few models I'd have to build in general (even with gremlins)
  2. Another way to make it easier on your wallet to start with (it's what I did anyway) is buy the So'mer box, slop haulers and the hog whisperer. The hog whisperer can proxy as a bayou gremlin to get you started and the piglet can be used in the list or as Lennys summoned piglet. As long as you're playing in a setting that is okay with a few proxies this will work. Otherwise it obviously wont haha
  3. I definitely like the idea of a heavy pig list. I feel like maybe having a couple of starting scheme runners (even if they're piglets) to start with is a good idea. I am also very new though so take what I say with a grain of salt!
  4. Yeah, I need to build up a light box. I'm lazy about the absolute weirdest things
  5. I had a similar idea. Luckily a friend is giving me the loose hat from his Mei Feng box. I think the shadow effigy will probably work great too
  6. Thanks guys! I'll try and get the rest of the boys up soon. I've got the 4 gremlins, 2 slop haulers, hog whisperer and piglet all painted. Now now I just need more games in haha
  7. Hey, everyone! I've recently gotten back into Malifaux after a couple of false starts but this time the hype is real! I got some so-so pictures of my gremlins that I've painted these last 2 weeks and I figured I'd start a bit of a photo blog here! As of this point I am out of unpainted gremlins so I'm very sad need to get more bros for gettin' and, you know, everything else. My first box I got was The Bayou Boss. Here's So'mer!
  8. I can tell you he has a hard time when Mei Feng is in his face... Then again he has an easier time with that when you remember you have the Warn the Kin! upgrade and Francois nearby.
  9. Thanks for this! Super helpful for us newbies to get kind of a jumping off point. I've only had the 1 game with so'mer (we haven't technically even started the league yet) but the summon factory was so fun. I have Wong from a 1st Ed box find so I'm hoping he's not too complicated to wrap my head around... Current philosophy is to get at least 10 games with each master in then move on. Maybe 5 games so I don't get burnt out haha
  10. This all makes me very happy. As a super new player when I see something that doesn't seem powerful I typically chalk it up to me not understanding the interactions well enough yet. I'm very excited to beat on enemies with a giant spoon and a model that reminds me heavily of Madam Mim.
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