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Design Dragon

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  1. Sorry I offended you with my opinions...not! 🙄 Yeah, I've tried that. Works sometimes but sometimes people are real sticklers about 1/16in. I think I'm going to try the "squares within squares" thing with my friends. Malifaux isn't a computer game, so I can just change it however I want so long as I'm only playing with friends. We might tape like paper squares on the bottom of the bases or something to make it more clear.
  2. I don't agree with this piece because I know Pathfinder has characters that take up more than one space and it works just fine, but I respect the desire for more flexibility. The finest grid I can see being tolerable is a "squares within squares" system where dark lines outline a 1in square and then lighter lines outline four 1/4in squares within the dark-lined square. This allows a player to easily measure in inches but still gives enough flexibility to place a model with 1/4in precision. Bases are troublesome though (they're circular not square), so it might be too late at this point to even consider something like switching, so I guess it is what it is. Just my feedback
  3. I don't like the measuring system in Malifaux. There, I said it. I like Malifaux, but when it comes to measuring distances in a competitive experience, I don't like it. In my opinion, measuring takes practice depending on how precise your gaming group wants people to be with measurements (sometimes just a 1/16in can be the difference between a model being in range and not in range or engaged or not). And, depending on your gaming group, a measurement discrepancy can lead to an argument or maybe a 5-10 minute discussion just to resolve and move forward. I understand that measuring systems allow a lot of flexibility compared to grid based systems. You can place your models anywhere! But...you know, you could just use a smaller grid to accomplish close enough to the same thing...with a lot less headache in my opinion. But this is just my opinion. Maybe lots of people just don't like grid-based systems compared to me.
  4. Anyone got any good encounters for 3 player M3E?
  5. I'd like to see 2v2, 2v1, and types like that supported more in Malifaux. Right now, Malifaux is pretty much just officially supported as a 1v1 game. You can use some unofficial rules to make the other modes work though. Like maybe half soulstones to each player, players on the same team have to hire from the same faction, etc. Would like to see official support though because sometimes you and your buddies are more than just two people. I'd also like to see upgrades become more "reactionary" purchases. What I mean by this is that I'd like to see the choosing upgrades step moved to take place after both crews are hired and revealed. This allows people to make some small modifications to their crews to help balance out what they're fighting against instead of it being a "well crap, I'm against X and I didn't take Y. That sucks"
  6. A story was released in the January addition, and, without revealing any spoilers, one of the main resser characters had something interesting happen. And maybe one of the main guild characters. It's a shame this forum doesn't have hide spoiler option, or I'd say it.
  7. Is it coming to the windows app store though? Tons of people run windows
  8. What do you think of the new Misaki upgrade that lets her place her blast markers 12" away and cheat minus damage flips? You might be able to wipe two or three models in one activation depending on how they clump.
  9. Thanks! Updated my questions. Ressers do have a lot of high health models. Which faction has the highest defense stat and armor etc.? For the master thing, I was thinking some masters are weaker than others but their faction crew makes up for this. Is that not the case? For example, maybe the Gremlin masters would be pound for pound weaker than say a guild master, but they work well in very large crews to make up for that weakness.
  10. Which faction has the most durable models per soulstone? Which faction has the models with the highest stats per soulstone? Which faction has the models with the best actions or abilities per soulstone? Which faction has the strongest masters? Which faction has the strongest henchmen? Which faction has the strongest minions? Which faction is best for cheap models (army of common many)? Which faction is best for expensive models (army of the elite few)? Some of these questions might overlap, but I'm just trying to pin down what defines each faction other than pure lore.
  11. I thought that at first too, but it's actually all MINIONS........or models with terrify. Since minions are just a subset of models this makes sense. The wording on the model could use some improvement, but basically, he has a giant hiring pool consisting of all minions. And you can hire higher (or lower I guess) rankings if the models have terrify. Are there any peons with terrify? Lol
  12. Yep, good point. Removed those three (Nothing Beast was errata'd to henchman too if anyone is wondering).
  13. So in the Halloween story scenario for Malifaux Chronicles 32, there's a custom summoning master. Here's the list of models that he can summon with his (1) Prey on Fear action. This list doesn't yet include Ripples of Fate (don't own that one yet), but has all the other book models listed. Note the ability's TN equates to a card draw of 4+SS cost of card, so the max SS he could possibly summon would be a 10 SS model on the flip of a red joker unless there's some model or upgrade that can increase your Ca. I listed higher SS cost models here too just in case. -The Lone Marhsal - Executioner -Peacekeeper -The Hanged -Howard Langston -Sabertooth Cerberus -Teddy -Mature Nephilim -Killjoy -The Illuminated -Rogue Necromancy -Student of Sinew -Student of Steel -Student of Viscera -Coppelius -The Sow -Yin The Penangalan -Talos
  14. Aaaand there's spoilers in this thread, so don't open it if you don't want to find out. Yep You had your chance. And now... So did SkitzMourning's assistant die before broken promises (Sebastian)? He seemed to be absent in the McMourning story while McMourning was...even more off the wall than usual. So far off the wall it'd probably be better just to call him SkitzMourning at this point, speaking to Sebastians that aren't there and all (yes, that was plural).
  15. Just wondering. It's not a big deal if they don't because the errata cards are in an easy place to grab.
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