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Everything posted by LeperColony

  1. Rocks is Pigs needs to say ignore LoS because it's a target ability, but they want to simulate the catapult nature so they allow it to hit targets that can't be seen (and amusingly, you can still do the building trick). As written, the only significance of the I can see is that if the Pigapult were engaged, it couldn't do it. "Anywhere within range" necessarily seems to include locations out of LoS.
  2. Sure, though the fact that the Pigapult doesn't need LoS means you can stash it out of the way. If there's a building you can go in, it can even just sit inside and somehow lob the pigs out. Seems strange, but by the rules nothing prevents that.
  3. Anyone know of a really good high resolution map of Malifaux? Preferably two maps, one of the city proper and another of the wider world.
  4. So I finally got a chance to do the Crossroad 7 as a group on Tuesday. I ended up going TT as I really like the Shadow Effigy granting conceal and taking actions to have my other models do interact. I ran all 7, the shadow effigy and I gave Wrath Masked Agent. I was playing against a Wong crew with Olivia, Gracie, 2 swine cursed, 2 lightning bugs and 1 Bokor. It was Plant Explosives and my schemes were dig the graves and deliver a message, he had outflank and assassinate. I ended up losing 3-2 (we had to call it after turn 3 due to time), though it should have been 3-3, I just forgot to send the message and made a second attack instead (MALIFAUX ISN'T ABOUT KILLING THINGS DUMMY)! If the game had gone a full five turns, I probably would have lost 6 - 4/5. He managed to do a good job of wearing me down with , either doing damage or forcing me to use cards. I should have spaced my guys out a bit more, but I was also trying to block approach lines on Envy from Gracie and Swine-Cursed and stay within the conceal of the effigy (though amusingly, the only time it would have mattered, I forgot it). Here are some thoughts: Pride needs to be with the group. I sent him off solo to kill a scheme runner, but that was a mistake. The crew as a whole likes to play as a bubble, but some are better solo than others. Pride doesn't seem to be one of them. Greed is really bad against Wong, and especially a Wong with only one soulstone user. just don't do much to his crew. The crew wants to be close because of the sin marker mechanics, but at the same time, it's not the strongest melee group out there. Playing all seven as a crew is tricky because, except for Wrath and Envy, they rely on Manipulative for their defenses. I found I was almost always activating the Emissary or Wrath first. There's a lot of interactions, and it's going to take me several games to get the right order down.
  5. Is Sparks, Pigapult and Stuffed Piglet as strong as it seems? Sparks stuffs the Stuffed Piglet with Bombs in Yer Belly. Pigapult chucks the stuffed piglet 18" ignoring LoS and terrain. So now you get a shockwave with 2, MV 15, Damage 2. Piglet only has a move of 5, so is likely to die. Triggering Piglet's Demise (2, Mv 11, 2 Damage and Injured +2) and Bombs in Yer Belly Demise (2, Damage +3 No test so it just happens). But even better, if it didn't die and you got the trigger on Pigapult, you get to do the Bacon Bomb (2, Mv 11, 3 Damage and Injured +1) which will trigger Bombs in Yer Belly Demise... One of our regulars was explaining this combo to me. It seems borderline broken.
  6. I've never been a fan of paper terrain. I have some terraclicks and some ColorED terrain, but I bought those because they were specifically Malifaux themed, and other than the Dark Carnival they don't see much use. But I should maybe reconsider, since I'm too lazy to build my own and other options are expensive.
  7. I agree there are different concerns between an RPG and a miniature game, but I'm not convinced that the differences are necessarily intentional. TTB had Malifaux as a starting point, but I suspect their systems develop more-or-less independently. Divergences that crop up are likely a result of their separate progression, rather than a clear "this is how it works in a skirmish game, here's how we'd want it in an RPG." I'm in favor of harmonized rules, insofar as it can meet TTB's goals, because it makes it simpler for people who play both, and it might help pull people from one to the other a bit more. Not that I think anyone has ever said they won't try TTB (or M3E) because they have some differences, but anything that makes it easier to play the games is good, imo.
  8. The on Silent Protector, Challenge, states: "Until the End Phase or when this model is killed (whichever comes first), the target must discard a card to target any model other than this model with an Action." If the model with Silent Protector is not a legal target, does the affected model still have to discard a card to choose someone else?
  9. All the Crossroads 7 models share a keyword, "Crossroads." In M3E, you can hire any model that shares a keyword with your master, regardless of faction (page 42 of the digital book).
  10. Yes. As the leader, Wrath would be free to hire and he'd also allow you to hire the Mysterious Effigy for free. Additionally, he'd gain a third action. The other 6 would come to 42 stones, leaving you 8 left.
  11. For transport to games, where I only expect to bring enough cards for myself and a few crews, I use the Ultimate Guard Xeno Skin Tarot Box. Says it holds 70+ sleeved, I can get more like 80. I haven't yet found a home solution I like. Some people on Facebook have suggested photo holders. I've ordered one and am going to try it, but I don't think it's a solution for me. I have all the faction packs and want a compact system that will hold each faction, subdivided by keyword, sleeved.
  12. Oh, I see what you mean. I don't judge people on the quality of the RP. Rather: P: "I'm going to intimidate the guard." G: "Okay. He has three buddies behind him, and they are all chuckling and making crude remarks. What exactly are you doing to intimidate him?" P: "I say: 'I'm the Governor General and they'll all hang if they don't move aside!'" At that point I'd apply a negative modifier because the course of action they've decided to take is less likely to succeed. But it has nothing to do with how well the line was acted by the actual player.
  13. Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to highlight another issue. In the thread @Ogid linked, I mentioned that one possibility (though something fraught with manifold issues) was that various abilities work differently despite similar wording. Perhaps some "at the start" abilities check once and apply only if legal at the moment of activation. Maybe other "at the start" abilities really mean something like "during the start activation subphase." And still yet a third category of "at the start" abilities may mean that they layer specifically as a result of another ability, but aren't generally active during the whole phase (for instance, an upgrade that attaches counts as "at the start" by virtue of the attaching ability).
  14. The actions are not sequential. At the start of Yan's activation, he doesn't have the upgrade, so any "at the start" doesn't trigger (as it doesn't exist). However, he would heal from the "After Attaching this Upgrade" because it doesn't have "at the start" timing requirements. Ultimately though, this remains a matter of interpretation that just played out over four pages in the thread @Ogid linked without reaching a consensus and resulted in a pretty even split. You're just going to have to talk it through with your group/opponent to determine how to play it.
  15. This is true, but does End of Game VP mean you score the turn 5 Strategy during this step and not during the Score VP step? Because it doesn't say that, at least not anywhere I could find. End of Game appears to refer to the Scheme "End of Game" scoring opportunity.
  16. This is a fair viewpoint. But to my mind, I don't see negatives as penalties. Rather, in my opinion, the basic plot of a game only takes up about half the session. The other half is the players mucking about, screwing up, chasing red herrings, pursuing their own interests and agendas, etc. So to me, it's not only appropriate to evaluate what happened in the RP, it often leads the story in other directions.
  17. I don't believe so. If a model is buried "at the end of the game" it dies. The sequence of the end phase is: A. Resolve Effects: All "Until the End Phase" effects end, followed by "During the End Phase effects," neither of which covers buried models. B. Score VP: Here's where you score for Strats and Schemes. C. Check for End of Game: Only if the check results in the game ending do the buried models die, so they must have been alive when we scored VPs. D. Shuffle Discard Piles (not applicable if game ended, obviously). So absent another rule that says buried models do count, which I didn't see under Reckoning, I don't think they would.
  18. Yeah, no consensus emerged after a lengthy discussion. Talk it over with your group and arrive at a solution that works for you. If it's a one-time opponent and you know it might come up, try to bring it up pre-game. If you're in the game and you can't decide, the good old "roll a die" (or flip a card) to decide and keep the game moving, with a potential post-game discussion, is probably the best way to go.
  19. I believe he would still gain burning. In my opinion, the intention is to change the damage amount, not the damage source. Thus, any effects related to the original damage source (other than the damage amount) apply.
  20. 1) No, if a flip is not opposed then I just use a fixed TN. 2) There are a few ways to do it. I do it like Malifaux, where both players flip more or less simultaneously (or to be more precise, the order doesn't matter). Then you have announced totals and the loser has the option to cheat, then whether or not the loser cheats, the winner has the option to cheat.
  21. Malifaux again this Saturday, 1 pm at Lost Planet!
  22. So if you have small hands, play a melee crew and if you've got piano player hands, go ranged!
  23. And as I've pointed out, that's incorrect. I'm not differentiating it, I'm merely describing the point at which I'm checking at that instant. I know you're sensitive to the concept of "checking" as a step, but since it (checking) clearly happens, there has to be a moment in time when we can point to and say "this effect qualifies." In this example, that moment is when I first activate Colette and she is buried, Showstopper legally applies and Source of the Contagion does not. Really unsure what's controversial about that. Yes, after I resolve Showstopper, I check again. That's how I know Source doesn't apply, because it doesn't meet the condition of "at the start" of the activation, because it's no longer the start. Under my reading. No, the issue is I'm interpreting an ambiguous interaction in a way that differs from yours. The rules do not completely cover this situation, so it is a matter of interpretation. The difference in our positions is that I've consistently described mine as an interpretation, whereas you're throwing yours out as gospel truth.
  24. I'm very suspicious of any resolution system that says you have to resolve a ton of pending effects that may or may not happen just to preserve the potential ability to trigger if it does later qualify at a point in time subsequent to when other abilities with the exact same incipient timing have resolved. It's a solution that sounds like it has been constructed to preserve an outcome, rather than a solution based on the timing rules that then results in an outcome.
  25. I don't think you understood @Maniacal_cackle correctly.
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