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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. I left out the book because the amount of extra shipping means I'm paying $90au for something that in a month or so will cost me $60au locally.
  2. To be fair, Nathan just said 'Already done one'. That doesn't actually mean it's on the way, or if it is, any time soon. It could just mean they've got the 3D renders but haven't got anywhere in the schedule for one. Though I really hope I'm wrong.
  3. I always get my items shipped to an alternate address where I know someone will be home through the day. Better than it ending up at the post office and needing to queue up to collect it then pay for the privilege.
  4. This is my problem. I like my stuff to be in theme, which is why I find it hard to run outsie of a themed crew. This box was fantastic, but nowhere near a 50ss list, so there's lots to add to it. But Guild doesn't have much that fits the mad max theme. At least for the Dark Carnival they teased the Nightmare Coryphee, which brings it to a 50ss list, and Angelica fits in visually as well. Maybe they will tease an addon at Gencon for Black Friday, like the Nightmare Coryphee?
  5. Then don't go hunting for old metals of her...
  6. I'm sure it'll come. Malifaux is chock full of interesting places. I know it doesn't help you right now, though.
  7. Time to get insistant! I was in that situation. I nagged my brother and friend into trying Infinity, and we dropped 40k for it once it gained traction (the first few months the Infinity models were just pretty 40k objectives). Now with Malifaux, I nagged my brother into it, he got his kids into it, and we play it more than Infinity.
  8. It's a very solid base. You don't have enough Bayou Gremlins to really give summoning So'mer a run, but he can do plenty more anyway. What you have is fine to start playing.
  9. Haven't done my order yet, but it'll be The Queen Returns, Mysterious Emmisary, and probably one of the Fate Decks. I was going to grab the book, but with shipping it was an additional $85. I can wait for it to hit the shelves. Now that I've had time to mull over The Wild Ones, I'm giving it a miss.
  10. No more right or wrong than getting excited over any form of entertainment or hobby. If your personal life circumstances are in a place where you can sit and refresh that page without anything else being affected, and that money truly is disposable income, then I'd say things in your life are going right. If you're blowing off actual responsibilities to sit there refreshing that page and are spending that weeks utilities or groceries money, then probably not.
  11. You'll see a lot of people say to drop the rest of her box, but she plays fine with them. Her Terror Tots are some of the fastest cheap scheme runners in the game, though card dependant. Barbaros, her henchman, is a good tank. Her Totem, the Cherub, has a couple of nice tricks. If you want to stick with her thematic crew, there's quite a few options out there for expanding it. If you want to expand outside her crew, she really does play well with most of the faction.
  12. Yeah, I've been looking forward to doing funky stuff with blood effect paint.
  13. Almost everything in the Neverborn lineup is something I want. I'm wondering if those blob things are a Nightmare/Fae cross? It certainly would fit. The guy on the Bandersnatch's base looks like it'll be easy enough to leave off. The only off bit is the big undead dogs. Not sure what's going on there, but I'll wait and see the fluff to give them a fair shake. Still surprised by the Gorar. The box render made it look tiny, like 30mm base sized. Someone made a joke about it being 70mm wide for a 30mm base, and I think they might not be too far off. Looks like it's going to be another 50mm base Totem.
  14. Ummm. I saw this on Dakka Dakka. Early leak? The Gorar looks enormous. Far left. Bandersnatch is in. Creepy blob things are in.
  15. Awesome, I was hoping they'd be some kind of twisted Fae. Possibly Fae and Nightmare? They certainly look the part. I really hope the Bandersnatch from Chronicles makes it too.
  16. Yes, Titania is based on the Red Joker from the old fate deck.
  17. She seems to be more about physical power and speed (for getting into position for those scheme markers) than willpower duels and subtelty, so I'm guessing outside of her Fae units the usual suspect like Terror Tots, Waldgeists, Nekima, Teddy, Doppleganger etc will work with her well.
  18. Details on those look really soft. Is that just the photos?
  19. Earlier this year one of the staff said third edition wasn't even on the horizon at the moment. 2E itself doesn't need it. The ruleset is fine. Not to mention they're currently working on The Other Side, so I doubt they would be actively developing two large releases at the same time.
  20. I've used the service a few times, since I appear to be the unluckiest person ever when it comes to mispacks. Wyrd are right up there with the best with replacements.
  21. I hope those zombie pistoleros are for Jack Daw.
  22. It's a bit unfair to hold any new book up to the core rulebook or Crossroads. Those books were all about updating the wealth of existing units from 1.5E to 2E, with a few surprises here and there like the odd new unit or a henchman being promoted to a master. Now we've fallen back to the normal amount of units Wyrd used to do in 1.5E books.
  23. Not all units are flexible, and you don't always need a flexible unit. Sometimes you just need a drunk Gremlin with a rifle on a huge, angry bird to trample things underfoot. If that's what you need, there are rooster riders. If that's not what you need, there's anything else in the faction.
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