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Everything posted by trikk

  1. It's not about the faction. It's about the players 😎
  2. Because Ironsides exists 😛
  3. I don't know what a "split approach" is but I kind of just assume he'll get 4 symbols unless I kill a bunch of his stuff Most of my ranged damage is based. Tara has a Df trigger that auto-fails my projectile actions on a mask. Hannah has Df5 and AR. Might as well shoot at her without overextending.
  4. My Symbols winrate is around 20%. Other strats are around 50-60%.
  5. New Challenger appears 😎
  6. I already played my game and won 7:6 in Nellie vs Tara. Super strong opponent and the game was pretty tight. Don't have screens but it should be on yt.
  7. You don't waste time walking if you start the game in enemy charge range (cause you're dead)
  8. Straitjacket has a restriction "The target has to be engaged with a friendly model". Does that mean? a) A friendly model has to engaged by the target? b) The target has to be engaged by a friendly model? c) One or the other?
  9. You are influencing morale. I think you need an pep talk with an Imperial Comissar
  10. They can't summon if they don't kill you
  11. Levi is only problematic in Public Enemies and he's problematic there for a lot of people. Schtook is pretty predictable and most masters can handle him IMHO. Kirai is all about what he whispers, but Lone Marshal really helps. Colette is a pain in symbols, but we don't have good symbols tech in general.
  12. You created an account just to spoil their fun. NOT COOL
  13. Yes. He has MG 😛
  14. I had a very sad game vs Mah Tucket Hoff +4SS Attendant Toolkit Riotbreaker Watcher Phiona + LLC Melissa Howard + LLC Opponent had Mah +2 SS Lass 2x Test Subjects Rooster Rider Gator Bushwacker Big Brain Brin Sparks Soulstone Miner T1 Melissa managed to blast a Rooster, Lass and 1 Test Subject (despite BJ on 1 attack) and Phiona killed Bushwacker. T2 I halfed Mah for Assassinate and killed second Test Subject. T3 I killed SS Miner and Gator and finished off Mah. Game ended in a 7:2 for me By my estimations I should be around 15-18th
  15. I play quite a few Lucius games recently with mixed success 😛 i don't think he's bad. I don't like his playstyle a lot.
  16. I really like Agent 46. I start every Lucius crew with him.
  17. Fun fact. Nobody who took Runic Binding won a game in the 5 Vassal tournaments
  18. He also has scrap generation and can create 2 schemes in his activation which is pretty nifty.
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