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Everything posted by Curtis

  1. No offense taken. It's not my favorite piece. I was trying to add random things to make the figure more interesting. I may revisit it at some point if I ever get time though.
  2. I'm feeling much better yes, thanks I should have some good things at the end of next week.
  3. Hey guys, Sorry for the late post. Had a medical emergency the past couple days. With that in mind this week is a bit light I'm afraid. I'll be back at it on Monday and hopefully have lots of things next week. For now, please enjoy some guild hounds!
  4. Happy Friday Wyrdos! Here's another batch of upcoming and newly released models This week we have the Slate Ridge Mauler, Dead Doxies, and Tuco!
  5. What, you mean this? He'll be featured in an upcoming article for the chronicles as well. We managed to get a test print of both him and the Arcane Emissary. Both are ready to be shown off at GAMA in a couple weeks That's it for this week. I'll have some more of our regular releases ready next week for you all. Hope you enjoy!
  6. Yeah, I just baked it and it breaks apart that way. The thin layer was created by chipping away at the edges with my hobby knife to make it look cracked and dented. I should also have something neat to share today once I hear from Nathan so stay tuned!
  7. Hey Tawg. Pretty close actually. I rolled out a sheet of sculpy which is an oven bake polymer clay. Once cured I broke it into uneven chunks and scored the flat tops of it with my hobby knife. The tufts are by Army Painter and the bricks were by Secret Weapon. I painted them in an off white using Menoth White and a mix of browns. Once painted I washed a black in multiple layers toward the edges. After, I went over everything with Dark Earth weathering pigment by Secret Weapon. Hope that helps!
  8. Hey Bengt. Yeah, the lighting gave me issues with the twins. I'm still not 100% satisfied with how this pic turned out (I can't tell if it's her whip or what giving my camera problems) but it was the best I could manage after messing with it for the better part of an hour. I might try again in future but for now I have to press on and keep putting out our other shiny things
  9. Update time! This week is a small one with the evil twins Lelu and Lilitu. I am hard at work on another project however. Something big... Soon as I'm allowed to share it with you all I'll definitely be adding it. That's all for now though!
  10. Was waiting until end of day for this one. Here's what I got up to this week. First I finished up the Troublshooters crew: Then I put together the new ashes and dust kit. They're just so angry! That's all for now! Check back again next week where I should have some more shiny things for you
  11. Hey Stark, thanks for the praise Toni took me approximately 6 hours. I'm currently in the process of finishing up the rest of her starter as well as a few other goodies.
  12. It does! She's basically a swamp fiend starter box
  13. Greetings from Wyrd HQ! This thread is to provide you with weekly updates on all of our upcoming new releases. Every Friday I'll post an addition showing you all of the shiny new things I've managed to get my hands on. Up first this week we have Toni Ironsides cosplaying as a member of her favorite scout regiment. And then we also have the cuddliest new addition to our line up, the Spawn Mother and Gupps. These guys are the subject for an upcoming article in the chronicles and will be available soon. That's all for this week. Check in next week to see what else I have for you!
  14. Thank you Aaron! I'm very excited to be joining the Wyrd team. You can definitely expect to see more painted models coming soon. I'll be working to bring you painted versions of our upcoming releases and a few other surprises down the road. So stay tuned! We're gonna paint all the things!
  15. As Aaron said, an article is coming on how Aionus' base was created. As the one who worked on that model/paint job I can confirm that the example was indeed a stock PVC version like the ones you guys will receive. Yes, the material is a bit tougher than their usual but the mold lines are placed in such a way that it isn't too tedious to remove them. I think I spent maybe 20 minutes cleaning him up. I do apologize if my basework was misleading as to what's included in the kit. They asked me to do my very best on this one and I got a bit carried away with it However, I promise it's a relatively simple process to recreate and full details will be available soon.
  16. Curtis


    Siren of The Deep Hello Wyrdos! Here's my entry for the Witches and Warlocks category. This piece used the Kelly Kraken model from Smog Riders by Scale 75. She was such a fun model to build and paint. I hope you all enjoy her as much as I did. Happy Rotten Harvest everybody!
  17. Whew. Got my entry in. Had to rush and do it all in 1 sitting but it turned out ok. Can't wait to see the other entries
  18. Hmmmmm. To enter or not to enter..... Maybe if I can throw something together between my existing projects.
  19. Curtis

    Doctor Ood

    Thanks. I will NEVER be doing a tweed pattern again. I think I spent about 8 hours just working in his coat lol. Glad you enjoyed the conversion work
  20. Curtis

    Doctor Ood

    The clouds weren't airbrushed. Only the gradient from green to yellow was because I was really pressed for time. So yeah, they better love my clouds!
  21. It turned out lovely! Very good job in this one. The judging this round is gonna be so close. Grats on finishing, especially with such a cool final entry.
  22. Curtis

    Doctor Ood

    "What, it's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool." - The Doctor Woo! Final entry done! With the theme of Space Oddity I wanted to include some Doctor Who action because it's by far one of my favorite shows ever. A lot of work went into this one. Coppelius' arm had to be cut, re-positioned, and then sculpted over. Then the wire for the communication globe had to be made and put in place. The base itself was sculpted by hand without any tools. And of course as always, free hand everywhere It's been a great contest, and I can't wait to see the final results. Good luck to my remaining opponents, and I hope you all enjoy my Space Oodity! (I had to, sorry )
  23. Wow. You might actually score higher than a contestant this time Seriously though, very nice piece. I love the exhaust. See you next time
  24. Curtis

    Mars oddity !

    Very nice sir! Now I have to hurry and get mine in Really nice conversion work
  25. Turned out wonderful. A very fun piece
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