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Posts posted by Phinn

  1. Thank you :)

    I have been watching a lot of painting tutorials lately and have been reading as well to understand how colours interact. My "style" is still very undeveloped - still figuring out what I like and what not. As I said the choice of colours is the biggest problem for me. I also try to pay more attention to bases now.

    @Butch, I think that your suggestion of desaturated red is the answer I was looking for :)

    @Franchute, I was allways tempted by the Monthly painting challenge, but I am a very slow painter. I think that in 2018 I will try the lowest tier, to motive myself to paint more :) I really like miniature painting, it's just that playing videogames or watching movies after a long day at school is... just easier :/

    • Haha 1
  2. Thank you, guys :)

    @Butch, I actually have a painting... blog?, I guess, here on Wyrd forums - Of Swampfiends and Men. I post pictures of a new miniature every three or so months though :D
    Here are some pictures to demonstrate what I was talking about.

    Picture No. 1 - Silurid
    I was affraid that he would look boring so I decided to make his crest red to contrast with the green I used mostly. I thought that it should work because red and green make brown which I used as a transition. It looks very harsh though. I added few red leaves and it helped a little bit, but...
    Should I have used different tone of red or not use red at all?

    Picture No. 2 - Silurid II
    This is the miniature I painted after the previous Silurid. The base looks more rich now so ignore how dull it looks, please.
    This time I decided to make it more interesting by adding a pattern on it's back which I am satisfied with. If I would paint it now, though, I would make darker shadows.
    As you can see I stayed away from red this time and used a greenish blue. I can't help but to think that it's missing something.

    Picture No. 3 - Bad Juju
    Once again the red looks too harsh but when I finished the model I felt like it looked boring. Red gems are supposed to represent Soulstones. There is ten of them on the miniature - eight for the model, two for Eternal Fiend upgrade.
    This time I made shadows darker which I like, but the choice of colours was once again... suboptimal I would say.

    These three are probably the most problematic I would say.

    Don't be affraid to be pedantic, I would like to improve as a painter :)

    • Like 4
  3. One thing that frustrates me when I paint, and thus keeps me away from painting, is that after finishing a section of a model I suddenly realize that it just doesn't work. How does one choose colours that neither look boring nor clash.
    I have been reading or watching YouTube videos about colour theory and such (like this one for example) and I think that it is a little bit better now, but still...

    Do you have any personal rules when it comes to miniature painting? Questions that you ask yourself before deciding on a colour scheme?

    If you would take your time, post a photo of a model and shortly talk about what made you to choose those colours on those particular parts I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you :)

    • Thanks 1
  4. Technically. Resurrectionist and Gremlins technically already have a Miss models. The only way to get them though is to hunt them on Ebay and such.

    I really like the idea.
    Trixiebelle is definitely the model all the Gremlin players want, name is funny and makes sense and I think that it would be a nice model.

    I am just a little bit worried that some people might feel offended. Maybe it is just some previous threads we had here that still reverberate through my brain and nobody would, I don't know.

  5. On 30. 9. 2017 at 6:18 PM, thatlatinspeakingguy said:

    ...and Nurse, which you probably already have as a Zoraida player.

    I do have Nurse, a Puppet Wars one though, but... I do.

    I am just being curious, not planning to purchase any other Outcast master at the moment.
    I will start with bare minimum - Scion of the Void, 1 Death Marshall and Talos - and if I like Tara I will then most likely gradually purchase Johan, Sue and Bishop/Killjoy and if I really like Tara and The Outcasts Hodgepodge Emissary as well and then later anothe master box set :)OR more Neverborn. We will see :)

    On 30. 9. 2017 at 9:11 PM, Raimu said:

    I won't bother with Bone Levy (man, I won't bother even with Iron, he is good in faction now)...

    Is it because of the new Leveticus' upgrades or because of a particular model from The Broken Promises?

  6. With what master did you play them, @Freman? Leveticus?

    Not that I am going to buy any of those box sets any time soon, but I was thinking:

    • Desolation Engine and later Salvage and Logistics
    • Hired Guns - If I understand it correctly, most of The Outcasts masters can use Von Schill's Freikorps.

    That was actually my next question, @thatlatinspeakingguy :D If Talos and Scion of the Void are only for Tara and won't find use out of her crew.

    The more I read about The Outcasts the more it seems that I should buy half of The Resurrectionists as well :D Karina's summoning, Leveticus' Pariah of Bone, Jack Daw's Tormented models...

    Another question I have: With what master is Marlena Webster going to see play?

  7. Asking questions left, right and middle, because I know nothing about The Outcasts.

    I haven't finished assemling Tara's crew yet, but out of sheer curiosity...
    With what master/s does Tara share models? From what I've read I understand that Outcast masters unfotunately generally do not share a lot of models apart from "all stars" like Johan.

  8. I use Rare Earth Magnets (6mm x 1.5mm) which I glue in a center of a base. In order to not break my miniatures off their bases I just put a stripe of a paper under them, bend sides upwards and then, when I am taking the miniature out of the box, pull the "handle" on one side. The magnets are strong enough to hold a miniature (I even tried to shake the box and nothing happend.) but if you lift one side of the base few milimeters they loose their grip enough to pick the model up safely.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Thank you :)

    I made the same post on A Wyrd Place, asked local Tara player, read more and listened to some podcasts to learn not just about Tara, but about The Outcasts as such, because I realized how little I know.

    At the moment my plan is to purchase:

    • Scion of the Void
    • Miss Terious, Female Death Marshal - As I was told that a single Death Marshal is enough most of the times.
    • Talos - If I am not mistaken he should be released at the end of october.

    Would this be enough?

    I do understand why a box set of 3 more Void Wretches would be useful, but can't see myself painting 6 of the same model, so they will have to wait.

    I will also wait with buying Guild Autopsies and Punk Zombies for Karina to summon and instead ask local Resurrectionists if I could borrow a single model of each.

    Is Aionus considered a core Tara model or is he just a nice model to have?

    Should I also get Bishop, Johan, Sue or Hans? I am not a fan of Killjoy, both sculpt and rules.

  10. Yesterday I won Herald of Obliteration, Nightmare Edition in a tournament. I wasn't planning to purchase Tara, but she was one of, many I must add, masters that allways interested me. It feels wrong to sell the box set and it would be nice to play something else than Zoraida (and to paint something else than trees, frogs and bugs) and the more I read about Tara the more I like her, but the more I am confused as well. That's why I come to you with a plea for help.

    What would you say are 3 or 4 box sets I should purchase next? Thematic models, preferably.
    Talos, Scion of the Void, Death Marshals and The Drowned?

    Outcast Tara versus Resurrectionist Tara. What are some differences in their playstyle? Do they use similar models?

  11. The Wp 2 strikes again!
    No, not really :D

    Thank you, guys, for your advices, they were very helpful and I will definitely keep them in mind in the future :)

    The thing is that I attended a tournament yeasterday and I won. The first prize was Herald of Obliteration, Nightmare Edition :)
    Tara seems very complex, which I like, and I like her models so I will probably focus on her in the next league and tournaments.

    • Like 2
  12. I have decided that it's time to expand my small collection of miniatures and I wanted to ask you for help.

    I am a very slow painter and thus buy probably only a single box set once a year which means that I have to think my purchases through very carefuly. I spend more time painting the models than playing them so the visual aspect of models is very important to me, but since I invest my time and energy into them I do not want them sitting on a shelf collecting dust once they are painted.


    Models that I already own:

    • Zoraida and Voodoo Doll
    • Bad Juju
    • Silurids (3)
    • Will o' the Wisps (3)
    • Waldgeists (3)
    • Iggy
    • Nurse
    • Stitched Together (3) - Only played them once so far, though. I like their models (both rules and sculpts) but wouldn't mind selling them.
    • And once it is available, Adze.

    I feel like theese models, minus Stitched Together, are enough to play a competetive game, but I kind of feel like I could use another Henchman or an Enforcer and with Zoraida's new upgrade, Powerful Control, I think that an expensive melee beatstick would be nice.


    Models that I am interested in:

    Mr. Graves
    Do you think that Mr. Graves is a model I could use? I really like his sculpt and it would be a nice break from painting all those trees, frogs and bugs.
    Is it worth to purchase Mr. Tannen as well?

    Played him few times and really liked him.
    You can trigger his Smell Fear ability with Zoraida's Obey or Bewitch, Voodoo Doll's Hem etc., newly, with 7:mask or higher, you can make him Charge with a single Zoraida's AP once per Turn and it's nice to have an expensive model to Obey in general.
    It is either drybrush or spend a lot of time on his fur which puts me off, though.

    Another Neverborn Master Box Set
    I feel like Lilith could use the models I already own.
    Jakob Lynch, maybe?

    The sculpt is nice, the Don't Mind Me Ability is nice, but... I do not think that I have a good Action to copy yet and don't want to rely on my opponent to bring one.

    Lelu & Lilitu
    They seem like fun models, especially in conjunction with Zoraida's Obey, and, once again, it would be a nice change to paint them.

    Mysterious Effigy
    One of my most favorite models but don't see myself ever hiring it, sadly.


    Models that I am not very interested in, but I also have Wp 2 so can be easily persuaded that I am wrong:

    Both Adrian Scott (Starting Malifaux on a Budget - The Neverborn, Wyrd Chronicles vol. 28) and Khyodee (Building on a Budget (Neverborn)) recommend McTavish.
    I tried him twice and he was good, but I still haven't got over the fact that he is standing next to the Gator, not riding it.
    Am I shooting myself in the foot by not purchasing him?

    I just prefer different style of models aesthetics-wise.

    Hooded Rider
    Long story short, 35 USD.

    Amphibious Assault
    It would be nice to own another Swampfiend Henchman, but Is Spawn Mother worth it? I also feel that I do not need Gupps since I already own Silurids, which I actually prefer over Gupps, and would rather spend my money, time and energy on a model/models that bring something new to the Crew.

    Bayou Gators
    Tried them few times, mainly as a Bad Juju delivery system where I didn't mind that they are so fragile and Insignificant and they also, usually, killed their Soulstone cost worth of models, but I would rather buy Neverborn models in case that I decide to purchase another Neverborn Master in the future.


    Is there a model that i didn't list but you feel like he is worth mention? A Mercenary maybe. Johan?

    Thank you for reading and if you would take your time and post a reply I would appreciate it immensely :)

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