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Everything posted by Carcosa

  1. I got them to run with Lucius to pay for Devil's deal, but I have not tried it out as yet as I still need to build the models. Illuminated may be better for that though as they are still minions.
  2. What do people think of the Hunter model?
  3. All they had to do was word it like Perdita's defensive trigger and all would be good, that's Why I said before the wording is terrible.
  4. That is some seriously bad wording going on with that Df trigger
  5. *Gives Aaron a medal* Here you deserve this.
  6. How do you respond to so few activations in such a list? It would seem to me like you are basically spending T1-2 just making more targets in a game that does not require you to shoot the closest target.......
  7. Errr............ How do you see the Cthulhu mythos?? Sure, HP himself kept it......... "clean" to an extent, but once you add in other authors, it certainly does become more "in your face" horror. Even his (HP's) own works dipped a toe into "visceral horror" with stuff like the Dunwitch Horror.
  8. If you wanted to do a podcast, how about you do one about a game you have played? 2 people, WHY this faction, WHY that crew composition, WHY those schemes etc. Then you could summarize the game you play and do it like a battle report. Just a thought
  9. Unfortunately, last I checked both Mark and I will be out for the next 2 weeks as well If there is any change I will let you know.
  10. Given normal terrain, the Ortega's can be in the middle of the board on turn 1 AND drop scheme markers as well depending on cards.
  11. Not sure if Malifaux is on tonight at Games Cube, Turelio is at Gen-con (luck bugger) and Neither Mark nor I will be coming in either (family stuff)
  12. @Uktena I use the Latigo's, and I know how crit strike can alter the damage spread. ALL I was trying to say was, you flip or cheat a ram, spend a stone and also get the inbuilt crit, you are looking at spending some resources to get a result, so you care about killing your target, and no matter what level you flip, your target is in a world of hurt. In essesnce, you are spending your resources for AP's, or AP denial. Not a bad strategy, but the math is just the mechanism to achieve your goal.
  13. Oh, I just meant the triple rams, getting slapped by lady J is never fun
  14. That's a very lucky lady J in that example, and a poor SOB on the receiving end.
  15. Why use Hair trigger on Nino?? Although he has a pretty average Sh5, he also has the inbuilt positive flip on his attacks AND the inbuilt ram to trigger a critical strike. Now, I'll grant you that a 1/2/4 damage spread frankly sucks balls but really it is a 2/3/5 when you consider the crit. If you can hit 3 times, that's 6 damage no matter how many neg flips you get, broken up into 3 hits which is nice for avoiding Hard to kill to an extent. You also have the option to focus for even more hit goodness and to make straight and cheatable flips for damage. Focus gives 3 flips, so a 75% chance of flipping a ram, cheat in a severe damage card if needed and you may end up with a 2AP 6 damage shot with a range of 36 inches. Hair trigger just makes Nino far more flexible, and I like flexible in my minions.
  16. I think he meant being able to take advantage of Destrio on other people with nino.
  17. My advice, and this does not just apply to Malifaux is to play as many different games as you possibly can. If you are at the LFGS and the Euro-gamers are looking for another player, pull up a seat and play that game. The RPG group is down a player, pull up a seat and play, when the TTGW players need another player, jump in. Even the CCG players, just jump in and play a game. Not only will you get to meet new people you will get something far more (relatively) important and that is a greater understanding of general game mechanics. For example: Many Eurogames rely on far more long term planning of your moves rather than just going for the short term gain, so they teach you a modicum of patience and foresight on how your actions will not just impact on your game directly, but how it will effect others and their decisions. The RPG aspect can help teach "odds and outcomes" and an appreciation of the "fluff" that in many ways makes a game interesting, or non interesting to a person. Other TTWG teach an appreciation of table dynamics in a non linear "square/Hex based" game, and threat assessment decisions. CCG's can teach you the art of statistics and how to "predict" how certain matchups or crews will behave. In short, play lots of games, not only is it fun, you will find that by simply exposing yourself to new games and systems will give you a greater understanding of just WHAT makes any particular game tick. I have seen a few posts saying the most "important element in Malifaux is luck and the fate deck", and I cannot disagree more strongly. Barring a few schemes such as assassinate, there are very few that even require you to flip a card. Dropping scheme markers? no cards. Being in range of your schemes as required, no cards. Even when you are doing things that require the flipping of cards, it is far more important to stack the odds in your favour, which is a function of strategy rather than card flips. Having said that, sure, luck can play a part, but the more you minimise that, the better off you will be. Knowing the win conditions of any game and playing to them will be far more useful than any kind of luck.
  18. @Nohero What may be better, depending on terrain would be replacing Nino with Santiago and giving him the rapid fire ability, that way I keep my troop transporter. I must admit however I am really fond of Nino's spotter ability. @Myyra If I take Santiago, I probably would swap it over to him so as to spread out the move tricks a bit more. I wouldn't mind putting it on abuela either for "Roll me closer/Cover me" synergy, but I would be stuck in the same boat of considering which 0 cost action to take. I'll keep the thread updated when I get to play more. I will give the list as stands another trial, and then start implementing some changes based on peoples suggestions and give them the same 2 game run. Thanks to all for your suggestions, keep em coming
  19. @Nohero YES!! I have, but I would need another SS and be prepared to live with the loss of being able to box fansisco for movement and maintaining his El Mayor with no range considerations. It's also funny when your Marshal gets into Melee, pops out Fansisco and boxes the second melee person and lets fansisco go to town. It's good for -me- as my available resources to buy new figs is REALLY limited. I think that on balance, the Marshal is a better call for a generic list for the movement, but for a lot of schemes, Santiago is a better call. His flurry strikes, and his synergy with a family member to shoot blind into melee is a powerful thing. Call it ingrained behaviour from playing a lot of TTWG's but I really place a high value on both activations and movement/position control, no matter how you achieve them.
  20. Can we get a teddy sculpt based on the "supernatural" teddy bear?
  21. So, got to give this list a try out last night exactly as written previously. My opponent fielded the Viktoria's (the 5 sisters, a ronin and Hans) and the board was a cityscape with plenty of cover and buildings (which really messed me up in the early game) Strategy was Squatters Rights My schemes were Line in the sand and Protect territory (the latter being a bad call as there were so many buildings with crappy entrances that dropping the scheme markers was problematic in the early game) Turn 1 was as you may expect, lots of movement, but due to my own ignorance mine was a little less effective that I had expected (a hard lesson learned about the downsides of pushes, but a good lesson) My opponent opened up on Nino with Hans from the get go, managing to hit him with a focused shot triggering a slow condition, but unfortunately flipped the black Joker for damage. That was not all the grief in store for Nino however as the main Viktoria managed to get into Melee with Nino later in turn but only had AP's enough for a single hit and only lightly wounded him. Nino dropped his "where did he go" and got out of dodge and returned fire on the vicktoria but showed that just because an opponent is 4 inches away, in the open and you have a positive flip on hits and still only managed weak damage. Turn 1 ended with Perdita being last to active and due to all my movement tricks was positioned within range of the Vickky with 3 AP in hand. She moved up once, blasted away at the vickky twice and also showed that cold guns have firing issues for a double miss. Turn 2 was going to be important, so with hope in my heart, I flipped initiative, a 3 My opponent, a 4. I soulstoned initiate and flipped a 12! My opponent declined to SS and off I went. Perdita repositioned closer to Nino, charged the Vick and redeemed herself by blasting the Vicky into the dirt with enough damage that SS for healing wouldn't have helped, she then turned her attention to Hans and snapped off her last shot, unfortunately missing him in his hard cover. I could have declared bullet bending, but I had another plan. Perdita told Nino to "cover her" and he moved up to her and the chain activated! Discarding my 1 of masks Nino put is finger to the trigger and rapid fired at Hans. A miss!, A miss! and finally a hit! Sure a hit with 3 neg flips, but what the heck! weak, moderate, RED JOKER!! Weak. 6 wounds to Hans, blowing him from his sniper perch and costing my foe 2 activations before his first turn 2 activation. Seeking revenge for their fallen boss, another sister moved up to nino a dispatched him handily and pushed herself out of melee range with Perdita. The rest of the turn consisted of further jockeying for position with most of my crew hitting the centre line and the Vickoria's activating 2 of the squatters rights tokens for a VP. Turn 3 was a bit of a mess, Fancisco, whom I had boxed in turn 1 popped out of the box and the Death Marshal proceeded to box the student of conflict. There was a bit of slapping on Abuela, but due to her matriarch ability she survived the onslaught. The rest of my turn was focussed on beating up the vickkies, but with a run of crappy cards not even a flurrying Fancisco could managed to take anyone down and Abuela proved that hitting a barn with a shotgun is not always easy. At this point we had to call the game as we had been going for almost 3 hours (I was still learning, and my opponent, while more experienced had not played his vickies for awhile). End result- 2/0 his way with ALOT of discussion on how things would have travelled over the next 2 turns. My crew was pretty centralized in the centre of the board with 6 models remaining so I was of the opinion that I could still have fulfilled both my schemes in time and probably gotten my 6 VP's from them and killed of 2 more vickies while I was at it considering all the movement and "obey" like actions I had in my crew (Perdita obey, Relocate and Cover me), Listen up young'un and the Nephalim's 2 pushes or obeys if I got the cards) to drop my scheme markers. Of course, that's all pie in the sky at that point. So, a slow game, but one that taught me a few good things about how my crew as written plays on the board, how important it is to know your opponents movement tricks as well as my own and the order in how I should activate when given a chance. Also, as a personal aside, while I have called my foe "my opponent" he was actually and old friend of mine who I had not seen in almost 2 years and we just happened to run into each other on the night!! Another good reason to play at your LFGS, you never know what old friends you may run into and are now playing Malifaux!! I won't get a chance to play for another 2 weeks at least but I am somewhat pleased with the list as it played, especially considering just how much terrain their was to hamper such a shooty crew and the opponent was very Melee heavy.
  22. @HN2WG Yeah, I am not too concerned about the Proxy-like heal all that much, it was more just a fact of recognizing that synergy if it happens to come up The list "as is" I think fulfils the 3 conditions you mention. It has the offence to hamper other crews and deny scheme dropping via Nino, It is certainly mobile enough. The only one that concerns me slightly is Defence, but I think that more plays into the best defence is a good offence for Perdita. I do get however what both of you are saying about being prepared to change things up on the fly depending on schemes and strategies, it's not like we are playing a league game of Mordheim or Necromunda after all. Using the Marshall as a troop transport was actually front and centre in my thoughts for him, and also a consideration in having 7 models in a 40 SS crew. I can go down to 6 activations by boxing my own guy and not face being out activated by most crews in my local area. As for running a marshal heavy list, well, that's more for fun simply because I love the models so much, they are the figures that got me interested in Malifaux in the first place
  23. @Diriel My real problem is to be frank, Money. I have the new plastics box for the Ortega's, and the 3 pack of Marshals and I really cannot afford to spend a lot more on the game. (10 years and 3 kids ago, WHOLE 'nother story ) So, while I understand that a "all comer" list is far from Optimal for Malifaux, I am sorta constrained by that to a degree. As for covering the board. The thought behind that is to quickly lay down scheme markers, retreat if needed against Melee heavy crews to maintain a tactical advantage and be able to surge forwards in later game to seize positions for VP's. I do however see what you are saying about such a shooty crew not really needing to have table control from the outset. If so, I would drop Nino for Santiago as he fulfils that role as support better. (which would probably make me think of replacing Abuela with Papa for the "hold this" action and go for obscene frenzied barrage fun Both crews are capable of being made with no additional expense, so I'll keep that option in mind What I *could* do quite easily is ditch the Effigy and keep the 4 stones from that to build up the cache, but that would put me down to 6 models, costing me an activation and an alternate healing method via "fear not the sword" which is useful for both Perditia AND Abuela via using Perditia as "armour 1" OR I could ditch the Marshal, but I LOVE the Marshal figures (I would love to make a all marshal crew to be honest, they were my draw-in mini's, but I hated Lady J) You have given me some thoughts to think, so, response appreciated
  24. Hey all, Getting into my first crew (Perdita) and have come up with the following list: (local games are 40 SS for the most part) Perdita with Trick shooting and Hermanos de Armas 3SS Enslaved Nephalim 3SS Abuela Ortega 7SS Fancisco Ortega with Wade in 9SS Nino Ortega with Hair Trigger 8SS Death Marshal 6SS Brutal Effigy 4SS Total: 40 SS The choices are mostly dictated by the utter swathe of movement and extra actions that this setup can provide given the right cards. If my math is correct, I should be able to cover half the board with 3 characters in turn one and even have enough spare actions to drop some scheme markers if they are needed in turn one, then be able to set up a decent defensive line or press forward depending on the VP conditions. I know Hermanos is usually a bit "poo-poohed" for Perdita as the 0 actions provided by trick shooting are better, but they are conditional on actually being able to shoot someone who will be affected by them. The way I figure it, giving her Hermanos gives you the flexibility to essentially let 2 of your models benefit from her relocate ability in situations where table positioning in more important than putting someone on their arse without the need to have the right cards to use Obey and the AP. The other inclusion I see that gets a bit of a "nose up" is Nino, and I feel I should explain my thinking there as well. Nino, by virtue of his from the shadows gives another viable target for the Nephalim's shackled ability to push people in different directions without needing to activate at least 2 other characters to do it. In addition with his Spotter ability, and 3 shots from Hair trigger, he can effectively shut down a table quarter or force my opponent to use multiple characters to get him. The big weakness here is a lack of SS pool, but truth be told I have rarely used SS in my few games so far. Any thoughts from my fellow guildsman?
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