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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. I actually enjoy that the boxes and books only show art and renders of the miniatures as opposed to painted miniatures. Don't underestimate the amount of time that having a painted miniature would add on to the release process--all of the miniatures are still made over-seas, so they would first have to get completed sprues shipped to Wyrd headquarters, then a world class painter (who do not come cheap) would have to complete the miniatures, then photographs of the painted miniatures would have to be incorporated into the box designs. Ultimately having painted miniatures on the boxes and in the book would slow down production immensely and increase the cost to the consumer. It would also hinder what and when they could put out new releases--any hiccups along the way at any step would cause for more backups. That being said, while I don't think they should have painted minis on their boxes or in their books, it would be nice to see painted miniatures showcased in their display at Gen Con.
  2. Really liking all of the new artwork we're seeing from that book!
  3. Hey everyone! Yet another review from you resident board game nerd--Firefly: The Game Pirates & Bounty Hunters Expansion! This game is one of my all time favorite games and I want it to be your favorite too! Check out the review over at my gaming blog!
  4. I haven't previously heard of this publication, but based off of what you posted here I am going to have to get an issue or two. Thanks for posting this!
  5. The link below the original post has several more pictures there (can't find a way to resize image when I post links to them on this forum). Anyway, found a couple minutes to save a smaller copy of the photo of the full crew.
  6. Very cool looking terrain! I would love to play my Rasputina on that board!
  7. Already 3 or 4 Henchmen in my local community, so I think we're well supplied with those for the time being. Glad you like the paintwork and ice spike
  8. And with this angry, spiky gorilla I have my second fully painted crew box! I hope you all enjoy! Check out the full crew over at my blog! (It makes it a lot easier than reformatting all of the photos to post them here)
  9. I've always wondered if the whole "Kiss of the Spider Woman" reference with Widow Weaver is intentional or not...
  10. From a terrain standpoint specifically built for Malifaux I have seen people mostly use a Victorian looking aesthetic (ie the Plast Craft Games buildings) or Wild West themed. One of the coolest custom tables I have seen (but cannot for the life of me find it again) was what they described to be some kind of giant, soulstone eating worm that had been killed and was now flayed open to harvest soulstones from it; it had gigantic ribs sticking up, lights underneath, and some very cool resin work.
  11. I cannot speak to the specifics of how a GM badge differs from a normal badge other than it does get you some special access to certain things not available to normal badges (usually preview stuff and early entry for some things). Currently badge early registration is going on, so badge prices are lower than they will be later (not exactly sure when the prices go up, but I think it's in late May or June). If you are purchasing a normal badge, a 4 day badge costs $80 currently and one day badges cost $45 each, so if you'll be there for two days, might as well get the badge for the full 4 days. Hotels are a little bit more complicated. Registration for the Gen Con hotel block has already gone live, which means it is already completely booked up. There are plenty of hotels in the Indy area, I've never bothered with trying to get in on the hotel block as I always stay with my in-laws when I go to Gen Con so I can't specifically say what the difference is between in-block and out of block rooms. Since you have never been to Gen Con, I must say this now--you need to go to Gen Con! With no exaggeration I can say that I plan my year around this convention. I recommend getting a few friends to make the pilgrimage together so that you can split the cost of the hotel room (making it a much more economical proposition). The hotel room you book can be cheap--you're not going to be spending much time there, gaming is going on 24 hours a day for the entire run of the con. A lot of the other questions you have can be answered at the Gen Con website. I hope to see you there!
  12. Probably the case. A lot of the stuff they bring out at Gen Con doesn't seem to be available for full release usually for a couple of months after. I am thinking that a few of the things we've been seeing in other Monday previews may be hitting the shelves at the Wyrd booth at Gen Con.
  13. Looking at all of the awesome new models that are coming our way over the next couple of months is getting me really excited; clearly the team at Wyrd has been busy! Judging by where the cut off is for what they have announced, my assumption is that the next bunch of models they will be announcing will be Gen Con releases. Can't wait to see all of the awesome that will be those releases this year! Now, I just need to get around to painting up that pile of stuff I picked up at Gen Con last year...
  14. Hey all! My latest board game review is live! Enjoy! Review of "Harbour" from Tasty Minstrel Games
  15. You can change your non-beasts into beasts permanently with a Malifaux Raptor so long as you have a tome--doesn't hit as hard as a canine remains (only 1 on weak) or have the ding to your Wp (or is it Df, I can't remember and don't have the card in front of me) that the rotting puppy gives you. Also, don't need to waste Marcus' actions on turning him into a beast again on a later turn. I like to set a raptor within range of two non-beasts at the start of them game and first activation bite each one to make them a beast for the rest of the game.
  16. Fun, yet filthy day--so not dissimilar to those implied with the Crush_Jansen's dilemma?
  17. You mean during Gen Con? Because nothing comes between me and Gen Con, I schedule my year around that!
  18. I was told I should come to the thread for the fun.
  19. So much stuff I am excited to paint, hoping that some of it will be in my grubby little hands in time to do it for Iron Painter... Time to start thinking about painting and basing schemes...
  20. Hey all! Just thought some of you all would appreciate the latest hobby tutorial I put together. It's on how to make a free or nearly free light diffusion box for taking better photos of your painted miniatures! I hope you all like it! Hobby Tutorial: How to Make a (nearly) Free Photo Studio for Your Painted Miniatures!
  21. I cannot wait to see the renders for all of the stuff we haven't seen renders for yet! So much I want to paint!
  22. Very cool! I look forward to seeing said shinies. Unless I win the lottery sometime soon I know I will definitely not be making it over to London for Salute--it's a bit of a trip from Houston. If you show up at Gen Con I will definitely stop by, I make it out to that every year (although I am guessing that the same applies to you in regards to a trip to Gen Con as a trip to Salute for me at the moment)
  23. Definitely want to get your arsenal decks to get your general faction upgrades as those don't come in the model boxes. I also find them handy when trying to get my head around the synergies between models I don't have and haven't played with; I find it easier to have the cards spread out in front of me than to be flipping between pages of the rulebook. It helps me to decide which models I need to add into my collection.
  24. I finally got around to finishing off Marcus to complete my second fully painted 50ss crew! Here's a few more looks at Marcus and his furry friends! I hope you all like it!
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