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David Blank

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Everything posted by David Blank

  1. This is a very light blue very clean. I truly enjoy it. It separates it from the other Ice Golems I have seen. I also like the small crystals at the base. I do not usually have the patience for great basing but so I have mad respect for people who do. Very enjoyable thank you.
  2. They are all fantastic, I played 40k before malifaux, and I understand your love for the card dynamic. These all look great I can't wait to get my McMorning Set!!!
  3. Thanks i will try it and let you know.
  4. Hi Omenbringer, I have a 6D and a T3I. I often use the T3I to take pictures of the mini's because it is a crop sensor so I can get more natural cropping. I have a variety of lenses, EF24mm, Pancake 40mm, 50mm 1.8, 85mm 1.8, Tameron 70-300 and finally the Kit Lens for the T3I which is an 18-55mm 4.5-5, I have some Macro add on lenses for this lens so I tend to use it for the mini's. I do a lot of Concert and Club photography so I tend to use the Tameron for this. Doing Macro is something I don't do a whole lot of, but I am doing more.
  5. Omenbringer when you say iso 125, do you mean shutter speed? My canon 6d does iso increments of 100, 200 etc...
  6. I really like the traps, and the flying model. Great colors.
  7. F8 will work, again use ISO 400, then try playing with the shutter speed. over time you will get it.
  8. David Blank


    Nice work, love your color scheme.
  9. I agree with the above statements, However I also want to mention know the settings on your camera, Understanding Aperature, Shutter Speed and ISO are really helpful. Knowing these allows for you to use the light you do own to more effect. While I am learning Macro Photography I have been a club and concert photographer, so I am often not in control of the light. Medium ISO like 400 is a good starting point, then a $20.00 dollar remote and a tripod, placement and I often like using terrain to make the model look in the moment. I am just starting on painting but a medium aperature like 8.0 or 9.0 is good for starting out and getting as much of the model in focus. The truth is it is about finding your own process and making it work for you. But your best bet is to use the manual mode on your camera and learn the settings, then you can fine tune till your heart is content.
  10. Do you have a front view of this model. I would like to see the whole thing.
  11. Hey welcome to painting. I think that you have a great start. For me I might suggest that you work on color selection. It might make the models pop a little more if you used some more contrasting some cultures. Do you use inks and do you highlight? Those are the things I am learning to use right now. You might want to check out some youtube videos on these they help. Good luck and enjoy!! Good Start BTW.
  12. I like the modification on the whip and the color scheme really punchy.
  13. Great Capturing of the character of the models, would like a close up of ophelia, but the third picture is my favorite.
  14. David Blank


    From the album: Malidave Models

    Did this one to look like Psylock from X-Men
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