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Everything posted by Fireuser

  1. Mantic was terrible about getting a box of zombies to my FLGS. The wyrd zombies were delivered promptly are nice sculpts in my opinion, and there are 5 different models which is also nice when keeping track of them during play.
  2. Anything 4ss or less is good too. The typical crew tends to be quite spendy, so some guild guard or wastrels to run schemes can be good.
  3. The answer is no. Characteristics are not interchangeable nor do abilities work on models of a "lower" station. Note that the notion of a lower station is not even defined.
  4. Apparently there is a call out box in the rulebook that says something to the effect of "rules on cards trump rules in the book" (at work so cannot reference specifics), but this means the Wastrels can pass upgrades all day, ignoring the restrictions. And for 2 AP it really should work that way anyways.
  5. If you use the Ace of masks from your hand, you do not get to pick it back up. So I am not sure I am seeing why having it would make terror tots that much more useful. I think Yan-Lo gets a lot of mileage of of Rezzers, though if you wanted some more ranged support 10T would be a good option. I recently faced off against a Samurai and their upgrades help them out a lot. I just recently started playing McCabe, and I am not sure it makes a lot of difference. Both factions have good ranged and melee options, and he is so upgrade congested that I don't really have room for generics.
  6. Saber on the Pale Rider is also ridiculous. Gets past the restriction on his built in trigger of being limited to only +2 damage, whilst ignoring pretty much all defenses.
  7. With the Kin, I think you could have them all go reckless, shoot people, and then have the hauler heal your guys. Unless you flip a Black Joker he basically gives four gremlins fast.
  8. And to stop, via Decaying Aura, the ridiculous amount of healing that the Gremlins had.
  9. Sadly the Chihuahua cannot take away the immunity. Ashes and Dust is immune to the Susceptible condition and therefore will not lose its poison immunity. Currently the Chihuahua's ability is useless sadly, as there is nothing immune to poison that isn't also immune to this condition.
  10. If you want to poison Ashes and Dust, just take the the carrion effigy. It even has accomplice so once it moves into position and strips Ashes immunity your other model can go.
  11. That is a nice hat marker!
  12. The Vikkies can be a challenge to handle as a Rezzer. The mark of Shezuul ignores most defensive abilities, making it harder to outlast them. However, positioning is very important for them. If you can lure one of the Sisters away from the other, they lose a bit of their punch. Ideally, you could lure one into gun range, and take a focus shot at her. When you do start killing one though, commit to it until she is dead. Once Blood dies, the fight should get a bit easier.
  13. Page 72 of the rulebook: "The player may also purchase and attach upgrades to Enforcers, Henchmen, and Masters....and following all restrictions on the upgrade's card. ...Minions and Peons may not have any. (Pg 55 overrides this saying that "in some odd cases they may be granted upgrades during the game." . . . Models must meet all all other restrictions of an upgrade." Posted the relevant parts. Since the Little hatter ability does not override the restriction - "Models must meet all other restrictions of an upgrade", it seems that "The Little Hatter" does in fact do nothing as the only restriction that seems to be lifted in the rules, is the one preventing minions and peons from having upgrades. Further, no model other than Seamus, could pick the hat up once it has been knocked off, as he is the only one that meets the restriction of "Seamus". If I am off could someone point me to the rule that I am missing? Otherwise I think these need to both say "ignoring restrictions".
  14. I have been trying to come up with a decent hat marker, but so far have not been having much luck. A friend gave me some sculpee clay that you can bake. But I am not having much luck making anything that I am happy with. What do all you wonderful rezzers use for the hat marker when running with the mad haberdasher? Also, has anyone else noticed that no one else can put the hat on, as none of the abilities or actions allow the ignoring of restrictions when attaching the upgrade?
  15. Nicodem out summoning the dreamer (summoner dreamer anyway) seems highly unlikely. To get going, Nico needs more than all the other summoners (as corpses are harder to generate than Kirai's hp, Molly only needs enemies, and the dreamer of course needs absolutely nothing). I am hoping that his avatar will be able to help him out.
  16. I only take the Brutal Khakkhara. Izamu is pretty capable of keeping himself alive in most instances (the exception being going up against stuff that ignores armor). Also, I hardly feel that the Chi mechanic is a tack on in anyway. Knowing when to sit on it and spend it and for what effects can often make the difference between winning and losing the game. My one hope for him is that his Avatar ends up with some way to spend the chi, as I always end up with far more than I ever need. As far as Yin goes, put necrotic Preparation or Unnerving Aura on her. Fly her next to a dude with low WP, then use her ranged attack to locked down other models. She is capable of tying up 2-3 models consistently even if she never kills them.
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