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Everything posted by ProximoCoal

  1. Is this where we can suggest changes to Vassal? I'm sorry if this is not where it should live. I'd really like it if there was a way to get a 'model' to instantly face directly towards another model. This would make pushes in regards to other models much easier. Maybe if after you selected a model you could hold shift and click another? I don't know, but someway of doing that would be mint. It'd also be mint if you could have a fanfare when you scored a Vp In all seriousness though, I'd like to thank Ratty and everyone involved for all the work you've put into the mod, it's fantastic. Thanks again
  2. I have just sent payment for Jen Truby. Just to repeat, Jen's veggie so please can we have some Veggie options for the buffet
  3. I am with Doxey again. Surely if you randomly happened to have matched two top players one of them will get a minor win and thus will end up in the middle of the table (theoretically with an easier game), but the top player who noob-stomped will face another top player because of the swiss system. Basically, in order to win you'll have to play the top players anyway
  4. @Oshava I can totally see where you are coming from, but I think where the contention lies is what you use the rankings for. For me the rankings is best used not to prove who are the best players in the country but for banter and setting personal goals. Elo might show more accurately who is top and not, but the difficulty of making goals makes it counter to purpose in my minds. I suppose it depends on how seriously you take it.
  5. You could just do the percentage increase based on the number of rounds. I.e. 3 rounds is 100% of players, 4 rounds 110%, 5 rounds 120% etc.
  6. Interesting topic. Thanks everyone for the feedback so far. First of all, the ELO system (I have no idea what that stands for by the way, I am just working off what people have told me) I am not sure I like it. It makes the rankings far more flexible, which I can see why people might think that's a good thing but for me it undermines what I think is one of the coolest part of the current system; that is being able to set yourself little goals. For example, at the moment I haven't set myself getting into the Masters as a goal because it's far too dependent on other players, but getting the big hat has an obvious number to strive for. To try and put it another way it's like having a race based on how far ahead of other players you are rather than when you reach the finish line, it makes it much harder for the runner! I agree with Doxey's suggestion, that has been something in mind for a bit now. I'd suggest that the extra players were based on the proportion of entries into the event rather than a static number (so if you did 20%, for example, a 10 man tournament would get the 12 to qualify, but a 25 man tournament would be pushed up to 30 instead) but otherwise support the motion. One of the things I was worried about with the minimum number of players was the Scottish tournament scene, which is sparser than Britain. I don't know what the best solution would be though. On Twitter, @derbymalal suggested that there should be some form of benefit based on the number of wins you got etc, which I suppose links to the ELO thing. I think if you do keep it the same, however, that I can't think of any effective change to take that into account. Giving some form of bonus to the number of wins and how close you are to first would not only be complex but also skew things in favour of three round events. which is counter to what I think should be done if anything. I can appreciate the motive behind it, but I don't think it would work well in practice. I hope this is of some use
  7. ProximoCoal

    Masters 2015

    In or not, I'm coming down for this. A weekend of Faux should be mint regardless!
  8. Hi, Thanks for the feedback, really appreciated. You're right about the mixed metaphor, the second has been removed. I have taken your advice about the shrouded figures, I think it helps. I have also been much more plain about what actually happened. I think I'm going to stick with the 'computer-speak'. It's something I wanted to do and, although I can see where you are coming from with steam-punk vibe, I still imagine them having the same sort of boolean logic thing. As I say though, thanks for taking the time to read and help me improve the story!
  9. Hey, sorry for being the one asking so many questions, but are the first two games Henchman led? They are more than 25 SS but you have called them 'Shoot-Out' So I wasn't sure
  10. This is my WIP for this months Iron Quill, using 'The Past Reborn' and 'Crag'. Feedback appreciated -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘It is done.’ Silken whisps of smoke swirled in the darkness, suffocating the already heavy atmosphere of the midnight-clad room. A hound of some kind barked out in the sodden cobbled street but a sheet of the relentless rain obscured what darkness hadn’t already claimed. The two figures in the room sat in silence for what must have seemed an eternity before a spark and flame from a match highlighted the sagging skin on the face of a grim aged man, lit a cigarette and disappeared again. ‘Excellent’ By the temerity and tone of the first voice it must have the younger and it responded with the impatience of youth, ‘I’ll assign a lance of guard and a few engineers…’ ‘No, I will not risk any potential Arcanist infiltrator. A couple of guardsman will be sufficient. Matheson will know who.’ The orange embers of the cigarette were extinguished and chair legs screeched on the floor before the old man’s face appeared out of the darkness, his nose not an inch from the young mans, and locked eyes with the boy. ‘I will not accept failure. It is in your best interest to make this succeed’ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crag speared the bloody orange sky above the labouring automatons. The already stagnant bayou seemed to thicken in the heat of the setting sun and barely moved as the large rust-buckets effortlessly heaved crates onto the skiff. The guardsman face glowed red as he shifted uncomfortably in his heavy dusters. His mouth was bone dry and he kicked the empty bottles resentfully. He must have been sent to hell. Even the rocks were uncomfortable, sharp and jagged like the spines a dragon of myths. ‘We been’ punished, Boss?’ his wiry partner questioned him as he shook the dregs of a dirty brown bottle into his mouth. ‘Nah, we be’en tested. Mistah’ Mat’eson said ‘f we do ‘his, he’ll know oo’s side we on’ his mind was thrown back to when the secretary had spoken to him. He had always thought something wasn't right with him, but this was different. This time he had brought his golden mask level with his face and mere inches away. He could feel the man’s stare bore into his skull and dissect his brain but even that far away he could see no eyes. Just the dark hollows of the mask. He shivered despite the intense heat of the desert. ‘Can’t we make ‘um go fasta?’ The brown bottle pinged impotently off the searing metal chassy of the slaving robots. ‘Sure! Like dogs, innit? Jus’ give ‘um a tap to make ‘um go’ The guardsman attempted to dust off his jacket after he dragged himself from the floor. He was a fat and brutish man and clearly was used to using the butt of his sword as a club. The hard clang that followed was swallowed greedily by the empty desert. The blow itself causing only a minor dent whilst the man swore and clutched the small cut on his hand. The sand-slurry of the shore, however, gave way and dragged one of the pair of machines slowly into the river. It almost looked like it reached out for help as it was consumed. The two men stared with eyes and mouth wide at their lives sinking away. They did not see, however, a faint purple glow emerge from the last metal labourer. ++BROOD ATTACKED++ ++DEFENCE PROTOCOL ACTIVE++ ‘What ya’ dun! Dey’ gonna’ kill us!’ ++THREAT AKNOWLEDGED++ ‘Don’ just stand there, ‘elp me drag it out!’ ++ERROR – OPERATOR ESSENTIAL TO PRIMARY GOAL++ ‘To ‘eavy boss! We gotta’ run!’ ++ERROR – BROOD ESSENTIAL TO PRIMARY GOAL++ ‘AHHHHHH! Get off me ya’ bucket ‘o bolts! ‘Elp me you idiot’ ++HUNGRY- FUEL NEEDED++ ‘Stop Squirmin! I can’t get a grip ‘un you!’ ++ERROR- SUFFICIENT FUEL IN FURNACE++ ‘MY ARM! Oh God! Get it off me!’ ++ERROR-HUNGRY-FUEL NEEDED++ The hulking machine calmly unclasped it’s fuel hatch whilst the fat guardsman dangled by a single arm, the other guardsman tanked futily at the fat man's dangling legs. Once it's task was complete, the second hand of the automaton turned its attention to the prey. There was a hideous popping nosie as the arm was wrenched out of its socket and the skinny man choked on the blood gushing from the shoulder. The skin peeled off the outside of the arm as it was forced in the fuel hatch, smearing blood over the rusty chassy. The thin man cleared the gore from his eyes just into time to see the great iron hand just before it crushed his skull with a sweeping backhand. The machine was methodical as it forced the remains into its furnace, each grisly joint of bloody meat forced into its fuel port, organs squelched as they were forced into the hatch and hissed when devoured by the flames. By the time it finished it was slick with blood and death. The hunger was burning in him now, he could no longer smell the bood and fear in his enemies. No longer could his leathery wings signal doom from the sky. There was one thing that he still had though, the one thing that the soulstone had retained from it's previous form, now forever trapped in this iron cage. The triumph after a successful hunt. Now he was alone. His brood devoured by the ever maw. Shackles broken but still bound in this hideous iron frame. ++ERROR – PRIMARY MISSION CHANGED – CHANGE PARAMETERS++ ++PRIMARY MISSION – FOR THE BROOD – ACTIONS?++ ++ERROR – ACTIONS UNCLEAR – REDEFINE++ ++COMPLETE PREVIOUS MISSION? – VERIFIED++ ++PRIMARY MISSION – VENGEANCE++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ He could feel the merciless judgement from the darkness, his please and excuses as effective as throwing a message in a bottle out to sea. The sea was disdain, hatred and criticism and he was drowning in it. But there was still hope, surely there should still be hope? "When the patrol passed the test site they found nothing but blood where the guards had once been. They successfully recovered an automaton sunk in the swamp and the stone has been salvaged." "What of the other?" The growl filled the room with accusation. It wasn't a question, the darkness knew, but it demanded it uttered and laid naked before it. "Each machine contained one stone, so..." "Don't dawdle, Boy" The bark was like a chainsaw obliterating his flimsy wibbling defences, "What of the second machine? What of the investment?" What could he say, the question was knife to his throat. One wrong move and he was dead man. "It's gone" "Gone" The single statement felt like it summoned eyes from every shaddow in the darkness to cast judgement. Laid him flat and dissected each letter, each syllable, each tiny portion of weakness and discarded it with contempt. "When the guardsman arrived the second machine was nowhere to be seen. Of course we have out best pathfinders following it and we will surely...." The screeching of chair on the stone floor cut him off. It was so dark that it blinded all of his senses, he couldn't tell where the disturbance breaking the heavy atmosphere had come from. The gavel has being lifted. he couldn't help but quiver in fear. "You lost a soulstone of unimaginable value. You wasted major guild investment. You have let untold power slip from your fingers. Do you know what the Arcanists would do if they discovered we'd bound Nephilim? Do you know what they'd gain?" A clicking noise was followed by cold metal being pressed against his forehead. Strangely he realized he had stopped shaking, everything felt so clear now. the fog had lifted and he could see his strand of fate puppeting him to this very moment. "You were told that failure was not an option. I cannot let you fail again and I cannot let what little you know survive. consider this your dismissal." the muzzle flash illuminated all for a split second. The mystery of the meeting place revealed and the truth burned into his retinas before death claimed him. Not one soul even noticed the gunshot, so common in this area of Malifaux. No soul but one. The Broodless watched and waited. Vengeance was coming. The hunt has begun
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