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Everything posted by N1ck

  1. In one of the blog's (Justin's I believe) he said that Mah Tucket's crew is going to be primarily an all female crew. Therefore it can be implied that her henchman will be a female, along with her enforcers, minions, etc. So with that being said since there is only one female Gremlin I can currently think of (Ophelia LaCroix) we will be getting quite the few female gremlins coming to play finally.
  2. I used a reaper model for Cojo. The model was a bionic gorilla of sorts so it kinda worked being a proxy since they were both gorillas. I also just glued a die onto a base and have been using that for Von Schill's Steam Trunk.
  3. Brewmaster's Avatar will be the Avatar of Sobriety. He will dish out coffee instead of brew and will give you fast instead of poison. That or the Avatar of Drunkardness. Similar to drunken Kung Fu but instead everything is topst turvy DF becomes WP and vice versa simlar to walk and charge and so on...
  4. I started Malifaux a few months ago. I wanted to pick up a new hobby and a friend of mine suggested tabletop gaming. Well not really knowing what tabletop gaming was outside of monopoly and risk.... I did hear about Malifaux and Warhammer. When I asked him which would be a better game to get into he suggested Malifaux for the fact that I would be working with 5-8 miniatures a game rather than 785478957384568 minis with Warhammer ( A bit of an exaggeration I know) Also the fact that cost was a factor, while I could have a Malifaux crew all set and ready to go for around $100 it was a lot cheaper than Warhammer. So until funds are more flowing I will be sticking with Malifaux for it is much cheaper and seems to be more hands on and strategic since you have so fewer models than Warhammer.
  5. Unfortunately due to my work schedule and being in a separate painting league, I am going to have to back out of the Free-Hand. If there is enough interest where this kind of thing happens again hopefully I will be more available to do it. I will keep an eye on the threads and will attempt to try doing this on my own time when I am free eventually because I do really want to try this out.
  6. I really would like to see how Kaeris plays out I have been wanting to branch further in the Arcanists faction and she had caught my eye before. Hopefully she plays well.
  7. Well for starters, which box set did you get?
  8. Well I have had a few ideas one of them being some kind of fancy "F" standing for the Freikorps. By fancy I mean nothing too elaborate but kinda like a cursive F... just not too girly cause that's not who Von Schill and his team are. Another idea was kinda like a skull and crossbones but the crossbones being the hunting knives that they all use. The rest of the ideas are somewhat similar to those two just with a few variations.
  9. Actually, now that you had mentioned that and taking a more in-depth look at the models the tattoo idea isn't going to work so well so the cloak/trench coat will have to be sufficient enough. Thanks for bringing that up.
  10. The idea that I want to go with is something in relation to the Freikorps. I want to eventually give each member of the Freikorp the design because they are a military mercenary unit, and in some cases such units have some type of logo or label that they are known by. However my dilemma is which Freikorp model to focus on? For example with Von Schill he wouldn't have anywhere to put it on except on his arm as a tattoo. With the other Freikorp models such as the Specialist, Trapper and Soldier they have a cloak/overcoat where I could put it on the back of their jacket. I am curious as to what other people's thoughts as to what I should attempt first?
  11. Here is the second Waldgiest that I have been working on. I liked how this one came out compared to the other Waldgiest. I think he is much lighter in tone which was what I was aiming for.
  12. Won this at a gaming event at my local gaming store. Needless to say I am happy, however I have no other Constructs or M&SU models or crews.... I guess I'm gonna have to invest in more models and crews now *happy*
  13. Just start with the models that you do not like that way you can practice/work on them and if they do not turn out the way you want it is not as big of a deal if you mess up or ruining them. In my opinion I doubt you will "ruin" them especially after how you painted your Marcus crew. You will be fine.
  14. Thanks! I plan on working on green stuff more often and get a better idea of how to use it. I wanna finish up the second Waldegiest, and an additional Cerberus by the end of the month. After that I am going to be in a painting/escalation league in which I will have to primarily focus on Ophelia and the LaCroix. I already have a few ideas in mind and of course I will share them with everybody during the process.
  15. I really like how his jacket turned out. Very detailed, very specific, very nice.
  16. Also the Cerberus isn't exactly orange, he is more of a red/crimson color to him. I wanted to something different rather than the typical orange cat. Sorry Evilbleachman that it is not orange enough for you :-P
  17. Here are some more models that I have been working on/nearly completed. Cojo proxy - I really, really wanted to play with Cojo in the game however since their isn't a model for him for sale yet I went with this model which I believe is a Reaper Mini, not sure. I picked him up at the discount table at the gaming store I go to. Cojo Backside/Booty Waldgiest #1 This is my first attempt using green stuff on my basing. I used a paper clip to support the dead tree and limb. As for the Waldgiest I believe he is too dark of a green for now so I will eventually dry brush a lighter green on it. As for the base itself Iam happy with the outcome however I am not quite so satisfied. I wanted to make it more realistic however in my opinion it does not. I will have to work on that. Waldgiest #2 I painted the entire model Green because I figure when I add the brown for his roots and legs it would make life a lot easier. He too also came out too dark of a green so he will have to be toned down a bit. As for his base I wanted to do something different so I took all the metal strips from the minis and assembled them into a broken bridge per say. I do not what else if anything I will do with the base but I figured this was a good start.
  18. I am still a beginner when it comes to painting. (I posted a thread in regards to my Marcus crew being the first minis I had ever painted.) But I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two.... or three or four and give this free handing a try. I have Von Schill and company all primed and ready to go whenever.
  19. The story was very entertaining. :1_Happy_Puppet1: I felt so sad for Teddy, never got a chance to play with his new found friends...
  20. Even though that does sound lazy and cheap, it sounds very unique because I would have never thought of that method. Kudos for the creative ingenuity.
  21. It's all good I should have explained it better no worries. But nonetheless your advice was helpful.
  22. I also have two Molemen, two Waldegiests, another Sabertooth, and a Canine Remains as WIPs. When I finish them I will post them up for all to see.
  23. Just out of curiosity, I scoured this thread and I didn't see how you made the bases? By any chance you are willing to part some of your wisdom on how to make the bases look as if they are stepping out of the swamp themselves?
  24. I really like your Marcus and Myranda! It looks like you and I had the same idea for Myranda's clothing scheme, but your Marcus I feel like is way better than mine. But still very great job for a beginner like me!
  25. Thanks! That was extremely helpful *grin*
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