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Everything posted by doubledragon

  1. I suggested this in a similar thread about expanding on Lady J, but it seems relevant here too. The Pale Rider: He is a super mobile firing platform, but that's not the real reason to take him with the family (Ortega's can be surprisingly mobile and of course very shooty). Take him for schemes. He can zero action push 4 inches to place a scheme marker, then walk another 6, then place another scheme marker. I usually use him to do schemes for the first couple of turns, then later game when his armour is up and his last crossing ability is easy to pull off, charge him in and kill something big.
  2. I would also consider Pale Rider or Lone Marshall for a very mobile shooting platform. The Pale Rider is also great for schemes. He can zero action for a 4 inch push to place a scheme marker, then move up to 6, then place another scheme marker. BOOM! 2 scheme markers placed in one activation from one model - that's rare stuff in the Guild stable.
  3. Although, Santana (being identical to Santiago) does not flip for friendly family models engaged in melee because of her ability, "Covering Fire". But, with that said, that ability won't be of any use in a Lady J crew unless there are other family models around. As Dirial says, Diestro is great for Francisco - it's actually an almost must have on him. Send him in and have the rest of your crew blast away at whatever is stuck in melee with him.
  4. My list of guesses are: 1. Sadir 2. Ikiryo 3. Chiaki 4. Chompy Bits 5. Cassandra And then I think we will see a few new faces.
  5. I'm not saying people should not voice their opinions. I think player feedback has been a large part of what has made this game what it is. What I do think is that people who say they enjoy this game, should not use words like "hate", "horrible", "sucks" etc. because it will definitely turn away other gamers who potentially want to play this game.
  6. Definitely. Not everybody is going to like everything. I am just one of those people who does like everything about M2E.I feel that there needs to be a bit more "love" shown in the forums and a little less "hate" in general. Especially if we don't want to turn away new players or potential new players.
  7. Hi guys! I thought it would be great to talk about all the things we LOVE/ENJOY about Malifaux in one place. So go ahead, and let us hear what it is you love/like or enjoy about this game! If you disagree with anyones loves or likes about Malifaux, please don't post it here - there are plenty of other threads for that! The different categories off the top of my head are: 1. Game mechanics/Rules 2. Fluff (the story) 3. Artwork 4. Miniatures/Sculpts.To start it off, I will list some of the things I love/enjoy about this game: The card mechanic! The fate deck was a stroke of genius! No more silly dice rolls! The fact that you can cheat in the card you want is amazing. It allows for so many strategies and eliminates much of the "luck factor" which many other popular games rely so heavily on. The artwork! Particularly the new M2E art. It really brings to life this strange and twisted alternate Victorian/Horror/Western/Steampunk world. This new artwork has been transformed brilliantly into the new sculpts. The Ortegas. Enough said! Lucas McCabe. Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to be Indianna Jones. Now I can be - sort of The cost! This game is so easy to get into. At a very low cost (compared to other tabletop strategy games), you can field an entire crew and start playing proper games right off the bat. The variety! With 20 different masters to choose from! With more to come!What do you guys love/enjoy about Malifaux?
  8. I seem to recall you being one of the haters, PierceSternum? To quote you from one of your own threads:"Now comes my dislike.I *HATE* most of the art in the book. I happened to open it up the first time and saw some sort of garish eye-shadow lilith staring back at me. I was VERY disappointed. I flip the page and Candy looks as bad or worse to me.I am on the fence about the new sort of suckerpunch/punk/anime aesthetics that the game seems to be taking universally, but the execution of the actual art I just find bad. (With a few exceptions)"Malifaux is at a point where it can really take off and become big with the release of 2nd Edition, but it will require the help of us existing players.We need to talk the game up. Talk about the positives and what we enjoy about it. All the "hating" on the forums turns away new players.So here's to hearing about what we love about this game!
  9. Thanks ducky! I must agree, we are having the same troubles as "unofficial henchman". The strange transitional phase that Malifaux is in at the moment between 1.5 and 2nd Ed has had a lot of potentially interested people saying that they will rather wait until the change over to 2nd Ed is complete. But otherwise, we have just been trying to build up the hype around M2E as much as possible until the new goodies arrive at the store.
  10. ART IS SUBJECTIVE!!! Artwork will never please everybody. If you're one of those people who doesn't like the new art direction, too bad! Whining about it is not going to convince Wyrd to change it. I REALLY REALLY like the new art direction. For the most part, all of the art is very well executed. I am an illustrator by profession, and coming from a professional opinion, it seems to me that one person has done all the new art. Which is great, because you want the art to be consistent. And for the amount of illustrations at the high standard that this person has done in such a short time - WELL DONE! For those people who are saying the new art direction has a "suckerpunch" feel to it, I have to disagree. The only crew that has that feel is the new Viks. If you don't like it, play another crew! Again, WELL DONE to the illustrator! Ignore the haters.
  11. I agree with all the above. Except I think one thing is missing - The size of the players model selection. One thing that occurred to me when reading this is that, players with a larger selection of models (masters and their crews) within in one faction definitely have a much bigger advantage (especially in tournaments) now than they did in ME1. I say this because of the fact that you now choose your schemes from a much smaller, randomly determined pool. If you get unlucky and happen to flip all schemes that require a fast crew, or all schemes that require a "killy" crew, or all schemes that require a objective marker heavy crew, and you do not have many models that fit these requirements, you are going to have a hard time no matter how skilled/lucky/knowledgable you are. This is assuming that you and your opponent are on the same level of skill and knowledge. If he/she has a better/larger pool of models to select from, he/she will have an advantage.
  12. I voted Brutal Effigy. That little guy is amazing. He is what Death Marshall's wish they were. If you had the option of taking three of them, I would take three of them over three Death Marshalls any day. He has decent shooting, decent combat, surprisingly tough to kill and a much needed healing spell for the guild. My brutal effigy once killed two teddies in one game.
  13. I really like the idea that he could be Coppelius!
  14. Exactly this. Sam is not a tank. If you are playing him as a tank, you are playing him wrong. He is a damage dealing monster. If you want a tank, take the Executioner or the Peacekeeper along.Sam is best used hanging at the back with Sonnia, dishing out burning so Sonnia does even more damage and has fun making more Stalkers. And if things get too close, he's pretty decent at ML. In my experience, if Sonnia and Sam gang up on a model in ML, few things survive. But that is a last resort.
  15. Thank Nilus! Thanks Ducky! I'll be using both of you's advice Ducky, do you have any other tips as to how you and your co-henchman do things?
  16. Hi guys,Is it possible for two people to register as a henchman for a local area? So, a co-registration?Thanks in advance for your responses!
  17. I watched this video first for a good laugh, but then a friend suggested that he would actually make a great enforcer for either Guild or Outkast. Imagine the guild trapper... on a buffalo.Watch the video and give your thoughts!
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