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Everything posted by Psientologist

  1. It's nice there's a bundle but the postage is brutal so opted to just order the Arcanist cards and GG2017 deck. I genuinely don't get how the postage for some cards can be so much, it's never been that costly for me to post the other way and has never taken as long as WGV estimates. However, I am happy this service exists, the price per card is fine I just wish the postage was friendlier to non-Americans.
  2. I need to start posting here more often, it's been a month since the last one. +36 Is out and covers one of the final Masters qualifying tournaments. I'm joined by Tim and Luke Cocksedge as they speak about their time at "Under the Christmas Tree" as well as some UK Masters predictions. +37 I'm joined by Tim and Josh, we chat about tOS for an hour (recorded 24hr after the KS started) and then we answer listener questions. CHRISTMAS BONUS - SECOND ANNUAL UK MASTERS "LIVE" DRAW AND PREDICTIONS It's exactly as it says, this year I have made sure to make it more inclusive. We talk about the system, how it works, how people qualify, the events, the players (what they play, how they got there) before doing the draw and making predictions. We= myself, MythicFOX, Clousseau and NoMoreMrNiceKai I'm also happy to say that the Patreon is going well and this means some rewards are unlocked, so if you're interested please go check it out. Patreon.com/arcanereservoir
  3. Apologies if this has been asked but when the cards are available on Wargames Vault will that include errata'd Cooper as well as Colette (and any other special versions of errata'd cards)?
  4. This is a pretty important question that I hope we get an answer to soon @Aaron x
  5. I do not understand this mentality. I have admittedly said I would prefer 2.5 for the next GenCon than book 5, but that would be to address much more, including some core rules. This however is, two pages of changes tops? You want to spend another (insert cost of book here) or just have a slightly more flawed game for longer?
  6. Literally every complaint about Colette is about Prompt, this is a fantastic change. It does however affect other things I like a little negatively but that's bye the bye, overall a great change.
  7. Thank you @Aaron and co. I will be putting my thoughts out in podcast form as usual but I am very happy with this indeed.
  8. Arcane Reservoir +37 is here: http://arcanereservoir.podbean.com/e/arcane-reservoir-37-the-other-question/ First hour or so includes a chat between myself, Tim and Josh about The Other Side Kickstarter (recorded 24 hours after it went live).
  9. Paid. Can I not get Mark round 2 this time please, thanks.
  10. I would like this model now please. Would you like my postal address...
  11. Recording a new Arcane Reservoir tonight where the main topic will be tOS (then just lots of listener questions). Hopefully that will count.
  12. Thinking about it (more awake) I believe you're right. May've been to 4 tournaments, won 4 and then is found to be a known (insert criminal types/racists etc.)
  13. Looks good to me though "active and in good standing" feels possibly opinion based. I understand it but the "not disqualified" bit feels enough. @mythicFOXAre we discussing possible changes to rankings here or are we waiting for @NoMoreMrNiceKai and his lovely numbers he has been telling us?
  14. I have gunpla for building and miniatures for painting, that me and my hobbies anyhow. Also being more Arcanist than Guild is another tick in the box for me.
  15. @Mason Thank you Mason. I am a fan of all big robots but especially humanoid fighty ones. <3 <3 <3
  16. All I know is that the King's Empire have the most gundam like mech so they're my pick. Abyssinia look maybe the coolest but there's something to be said for the understated nature of the Empire, that and I'm fine with picking the least popular.
  17. +35 is out As I said previously, this is the Nationals round up show, bit of a longer one but I got it down to less than 3 hours. The announcement I alluded to: https://www.patreon.com/ArcaneReservoir Way back on the Birthday show (+25) I said I was going to do it, I felt (and still feel) very awkward about asking for money and even putting out the suggestion of donating to help the show but after five months of bugging from some eager people and more cool ideas and plans running through my mind I bit the bullet and went with it. I'm happy to say at time of typing this I've hit a couple of goals which will get backers some sweet tokens and I will be creating an Arcane Reservoir site in the near future. So if you've enjoyed the show, please check it out. If you cannot (or do not want to) back me that is fine and I am still thankful for listeners and any interaction.
  18. I've put a lot on my plate so apologies I didn't see this earlier. Definitely worth making the trip, if just to be a part of Malifaux history and meet so many cool people. If Nationals doesn't work my other suggestions would be the Scottish or English GT in the summer, bother excellent events, two days and big (not three digits but big). I have poked Josh so hopefully he can give his secrets away.
  19. 99% sure it's Saturday. All their previous events have been then.
  20. Also worth noting I bit the bullet and made a Facebook page for the podcast. Not a big fan of FB myself but I hope it's useful for some of you, please go like the page. https://www.facebook.com/ArcaneReservoir/ Thanks
  21. Thank you for the reminder I can start eating Mince Pies again with an excuse. (to be honest, I started on the Stollen the other week)
  22. Will make sure I do. Cheers @Joel for sorting those extra spaces. BTW it's just Sime, sure it's correct in the other thread
  23. Copy and pasted from the other event of this weekend "Woah, I expected this to sell out but not so fast. Can I get added to the reserves too please @Clousseau Cheers"
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