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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Agree, if they're launching the new book then they will surely be launching some of the new boxes with it (based on the art we've seen probably Shen Long, Ironside and Colette, maybe others). Also, the way that Malifaux works Wave 1/2 isn't really a 'proper' distinction even though it's been thought of that way in people's head. All the rules are already out for all the models save Avatars so they need to get models out for all of them. It would make the most sense to get those which don't have any models, or low supplies of metal models, out first, regardless of Wave. As for Masters without plastics yet: Von Schill Tara Zoraida Brewmaster (although we have seen this, it just seems to have disappeared into the aether again!)
  2. 'Hanging' - I'm calling that a clue! Nightmare Jackdaw crews for everybody* *this is actually my guess for the NE crew for this year anyway!
  3. You should just give us more spoilers to get us back on topic and excited. Maybe a release announcement...
  4. Hi guys. I've been playing my Outcasts a bit more recently (I usually play Ressers) and wanting to give my Viks a run out but have rarely had 'killy' strats/schemes (i.e. Make them Suffer, Reckoning, Assassinate, Murder Protoge) come up so always end up opting for Von Schill instead who I see as more of an all rounder. Can anybody give some general advice (or specific if you have particular strats/schemes they're good at in mind) on how to use Viks in 'non-killy' strats/schemes as I'd like to get them on the table more often but if I don't see 'killy' missions they get ignored automatically.
  5. I was going to suggest seeing if you had a Henchman in your area too. Or at least an experienced player who wouldn't mind running through a game with you guys. I've had a couple of games of Malifaux with a Henchman around (Rodent Mastermind when I was in Cambridge and whatever Dominic in Cardiff's username is) and it is very helpful as they know the rules inside out and can also give advice regarding how and why to do certain things. I believe 30SS or less games are only supposed to be led by Henchmen (Malifaux ones, not real life ones!) too (can't remember the cut off and don't have the book to hand) so having Masters in such small games could certainly throw the balance out a bit.
  6. This! I started playing Malifaux 1.5 a while back because I'd always been pretty interested in it and I liked the fluff and miniatures a lot (these are important considerations for me) but I was playing with guys who knew the game inside out and not only was I getting beaten all the time (which doesn't bother me generally, I play to have fun, winning/losing is secondary) but in some games I felt I was a spectator as I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I was playing at a gaming club where I used to live and the guys I was playing against were all really nice guys and I'd played other games with them too which I'd enjoyed. But there was so much going on in Malifaux that I decided to give up as I just wasn't enjoying it. With M2E I got interested again because of the new miniatures (which are gorgeous) but best of all a load of my friends from my home town (which I'd moved back to) decided they wanted to get involved with the game too so I now play pretty regularly with people who have more or less the same experience as me. I'd advise trying to find other players who are also starting out (or take up the Vassal offer) so you can get a proper feeling for your crew. Maybe Ramos just isn't for you (check out this thread for some advice that might help) and you want to try out some other Masters/options but playing with people who are also not as experienced and also take time to play might help improve your experience (although from your description it sounds like extended playing time might be an issue because of other commitments).
  7. +1 to this. Unfortunately I can't see to figure out how to include the image dude (it wouldn't let me insert it as a URL link - if anybody can offer advice on how I include images I would be very grateful) but I googled 'Wyrd Games Twitter' and you can browse without having to be signed up to Twitter. I'm not a massive fan of her as she does seem quite 'plain' rather than 'Showgirl'. I'll reserve judgement until I've seen miniatures but they do tend to be pretty close to the art so I'm not holding out hope she'll be great.
  8. Sometimes you can take a risk and cheat in a lower card to make your opponent flip more cards though. I recently played a game with Von Schill against Jacob Lynch and his Huggy was attacking my Trapper. I'd lost the duel and was going to die to the minimum damage so I cheated my duel total to be even lower meaning he won the duel by a positive which meant one more damage card to be flipped and that ended up being the Black Joker so I didn't die. That's a pretty rare example but sometimes it can pay to cheat your own total down (and if you're doing duels against your own models you might also want to cheat to lower one (or more) of the results). OT but DGraz and Richard - your Cojo/Nicodem respectively look great.
  9. I asked in 'A Wyrd Place' Facebook group about this recently and there seemed to be some general apathy among the community for the game because it replaced the original one so quickly and doesn't seem to have been taken up as much as Wyrd would have liked which may make supporting it financially un-viable. I can't comment to the extent that these comments are true or not but I do hope that we get to see some expansions soon. I only picked the game up recently and have only managed to get in three games of it but I really enjoy it and I really like the miniatures (I've painted a lot of my Super Dungeon Explore stuff so I do like this style of miniatures). There's so much fantastic art for the puppets I hope we see something.
  10. Thanks for the clarification :-) Opens up some lovely possibilities as I've only ever really used Chi on Yan Lo himself.
  11. Just read through this as I've only played a few games with Yan Lo and there's some interesting ideas. However, I have a question about your interpretation of Chi. You mention Izamu using it on his heal and Yin using it for her casts but neither of those models get any benefit from using Chi that I can see? Yan Lo gets it because of his Focus Chi ability ('gains the following condition until the end of the game: 'Chi +1. This model adds +1 to its Ca, to a maximum of 3 additional Ca') and Chiaki gets the same if she hits the Tomb trigger on The Calling but none of the other Ancestor's make any mention of getting any benefits from Chi so I don't think that is correct?
  12. Looking forward to trying out the updated Android app. Thanks for all the work CrouchingMoose
  13. Hey Rowanthedawg. I'm also based in Cardiff and play down Firestorm pretty regularly. One of my friends (and another FS regular) has set up a Facebook group called Firestorm Irregulars so it would be worth joining that too to try to get a game.
  14. As Scott says, nobdy is asking for it to be done without Wyrd's approval. Just wondering if permission can be asked for. Personally I'm not too bothered about having all the cards for models because that's a whole ton of information but if the app could be made to include those as optional purchases then it would be good for those people who do want them. I just think the crew builder becomes more or less useless unless you know every upgrade inside out (the reason I never use the web one either). It's a lot easier to have a general idea of what your models do which enbales you to construct a list than to remember what all the different upgrades do.
  15. I've also asked for a description of the Upgrades. I already have the rulebook and the Arsenal decks for my crew, but a brief description of the upgrade would be invaluable if Wyrd would grant permission for it. I'm a pretty new player too and whilst I know what most of my miniatures do I can't remember the upgrades so if I'm on the bus, at work etc. and don't have my cards or rulebook to hand but want to make a list for a game that evening having a description of the upfrades would make it so much easier. Of course I would only be down with this is Wyrd granted permission.
  16. Not sure if this has been suggested or if you're allowed to do it because of the permissions but it would be really good if you were able to include a description of what the upgrades do as without knowing everything by heart I think it's difficult to use the Crew Creator effectively and you need the cards in front of you to do so which somewhat negates the app!
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