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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Defenders declare triggers first so surely that would end Killjoy's activation at that point as it ends 'immediately'. If attackers triggered first I would say he does get another attack before his activation ends but not in this case.
  2. It does activate twice that turn. I haven't got books to hand but pretty sure that if you gain Fast then Slow or vice versa you couldn't gain them again and it be applied (so if you're Fast then get Slow it would just cancel out Fast rather than giving you Slow but you couldn't gain Fast again).
  3. RaW say that you place them on top of the terrain and since regular markers can be placed on top of terrain it seems that they could be placed on top of terrain that is created during the course of the game (the rule specifically states 'created' during the game too). I don't like it mind and not sure that was the intention but it is sneaky so maybe that was something that was considered when written.
  4. Spine? We have loads. What size do you want? And welcome to the forum Ted. Most people are pretty friendly so feel free to ask any questions, it's what it's here for!
  5. By looking at the rules it would appear so - that is gross and sneaky!
  6. For some reason I didn't think she had the Mercenary characteristic but she does!
  7. I commented to an opponent last week about how Autopsies were better at shooting now they were dead and he replied that it's because they don't have to worry about whether they left the kettle on at home or have to pick up a loaf of bread on the way home! And they just highlight the efficiency of the Ressers cause - improving (un)life
  8. It's not just activation control but also AP that is huge in Malifaux and you only have a finite number of AP to achieve your strats/schemes and try to stop your opponent achieving theirs. Not having as many models severely limits you in a lot of strats/schemes which is why you have to plan around them rather than the other way around. I Pay Better seems like a great upgrade to take with Hannah as she's Ht3 on a 50mm base so has a large LoS and you draw an extra card when she's in your crew. Haven't yet tried it though.
  9. This sounded like a situation I found myself in the other day though I was playing with my Ressers so Hannah wasn't an option. But that is sneaky and I like it!
  10. I had fun eeking poison on Pandora the other day whilst Seb stood near.
  11. That's may be true but when that misunderstanding leads to him ripping arms of other people like Raspy did to him then it's a little hard to like the guy!
  12. Psientologist - how are summoners being handled in the Henchmen led games? Crews with Toshiro, Rusty Alyce, Mech Rider etc. could become very powerful in 35SS games.
  13. But you could still get an experienced player stomping a new player 10-0. It's only the TP that are changed, not the VP difference and if everybody is playing for the same tournament points it's not going to make much (if any) difference that I can see.
  14. He's like Beetlejuice, somebody must have mentioned him twice more somewhere else! And don't worry zFiend, I am just bringing them over to the Resser cause from the inside. Let's be honest, the most prominent Guild members aren't even real Guild. The Governor's Secretary is a Neverborn, the chief Coroner is a Ressurectionist. Things just don't bold well for them!
  15. Never feel sorry for that horrible git!
  16. FK are one of the most versatile crew so can accomplish most strats/schemes without too much difficulty. Breakthrough is actually pretty easy with them because VS himself can be very quick with his option to set up with his version of From the Shadows. The Trapper also has FtS and Strongarm suit is pretty speedy. Being out-activated seems to be a result of your crew choices, taking Hannah and the Strongarm eats up a lot of points and I think you need to think whether you need both of them. If you're playing Recconoiter for example you probably want to load up with some more standard Freikorpsmen as they're pretty durable for 5SS and being Unimpeded means they can make it where they want to in most cases. They're also your bog standard scheme runners for the FK. You want to be tailoring your crew to what strats/schemes are available rather than making your crew and then not taking schemes because they're more difficult to achieve. If Bodyguard is available then the Librarian/Hannah/Strongarm suit is probably solid as the latter two are pretty easy to keep alive. If Protect Territory and Plant Evidence are around then you want more Friekorpsmen so you have more AP for Interacts. If Vendetta is around then you definitely don't want to be leaving home without a Trapper (which is true of a lot of factions to be fair!). If you expand out of FK into the other Outcasts Void Wretches make good scheme runners too, especially if you can keep them hidden until the end of the turn because they become very tough when your hand is depleted. Desperate Mercenaries are also very cheap and can help with activation control (and you might be able to get a SS out of them when they die meaning they effectively cost 3SS but don't count on this as VS tends to run around doing his own thing). You also want to tailor your crew a little to what faction you are facing. If Ressers (and maybe Arcanists, can't remember if they can remove scrap as well) then you definitely want at least one Specialist and maybe two if you can fit them in to burn all those markers. Against Arcanists you might want to consider bringing Taelor and/or Johan along for that Relic Hammer. Taelor is also a good choice against both Ressers and Arcanists because of her 'Welcome to Malifaux' ability.
  17. It's really hard not to collect factions to be honest! I started out with some Masters but you end up collecting factions because you want more options (and don't want your opponents to know what you're bringing to the table). As others have said it's often better to buy crew boxes for the minions rather than the individual minion boxes plus they often have Henchmen/Enforcers in them that are useful for all Masters. With the dual faction Masters and stuff that can be used across factions Wyrd know what they're doing! I've realised that I'm going to end up with a pretty heavy Guild force almost by accident (McMourning is dual, bought Dead Justice for my Ressers (and Outcast Tara), want Bound by Law for the Guards/Lawyers for McMourning, want McCabe because I collect TT and want Hoffman for the constructs for Levi. At that point I'm already five Guild Masters in and Sonnia is the coolest Guild Master anyway so I may as well get her which only needs me needing Francisco......dammit!).
  18. Lists don't have to be in until Saturday now. I'm finalising mine today!
  19. Most definitely not! They are Beta and nowhere near tournament legal.
  20. Hadn't considered using her with the Viks, that is pretty brutal, especially if Vanessa is around for some more copying action (how easy is it to make Hannah a sister for a turn too as there could be some awesome healing action going on though might be overkill with the Viks low wound count). Copying enemies Ca I think is going to nasty but there's no way of considering that until she's actually on the table. SpiralingCadaver - do you always take the upgrade with Tara or do you find she has enough burying already? And no problems on the shout out, it's a great BLOG for a Master that is very difficult to get your head around,.
  21. There's six of us coming down, could we be two teams? Not sure about Henchmen led game or the difference in VPs for the first game. What is the more specific thinking with that? Why have people complained? Surely random draw is the only way to do it to begin with?!
  22. Hi guys I've yet to get Hannah on the table but envisage her making it soon as I'm going to take a break from Ressers after a tournament this weekend and focus on my Outcasts and TT. As such I'd like some advice on using her as I'm not sure I see the value in her (she is quite pricey at 10SS). I really like Arcane Reservoir (I'm thinking combined with I Pay Better it would be very useful) and her Ml attack does look pretty nasty but Outcasts are spoilt for beatsticks. As such I'd love some advice on how people use her, in particular how do you use Make a New Entry? Do you just keep a Librarian around so you can copy the extra Ca attack or are there any other good synergies? Do you always take Ancient Tombs or is it not worth it? What other upgrade work well with her (I'm thinking I Pay Better as above but Spoils of War seems like it would be good if running FK). The Outcast Masters I own are Von Schill, Levi, Viks, Tara and Misaki (though the latter I only ever see myself running as TT). I've read some of her synergy with Tara in SpirallingCadaver 's excellent BLOG on Tara but any advice would be greatly received as I'd love to know how to get the best out of her.
  23. Doesn't he get a stone back for passing damage on to minions anyway so as long as you've got the single suit the stone is effectively free (or is that a different ability?)? I've not played with Lucius but am looking forward to getting him and trying him out so the content of this thread is interesting to read.
  24. I play pretty regularly with about another six of the people playing in the tournament Svorlrik and we're all a decent bunch and though we all like to win none of us are WAAC players (I can't speak to the rest of the competitors mind!)
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