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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Hey guys, got my first couple of games in with Miss Criid this week. I've written some thoughts about them in the BLOG here if you'd like to take a read. I'd be grateful for any feedback.
  2. I would say the reasons are twofold. Number one has already been adequately described by Adran. Number two is that it's a lot harder to pirate physical copies than it is pdf copies. I don't know how big a concern piracy is for Wyrd but I'm sure that it must be somewhat.
  3. I also feel this might be a good option with him and am tempted to run him in a McMourning crew.
  4. If I run him then it's always with Nico and it's always the full 13SS My Favourite Shovel and Corpse Bloat combo. The former gives him a bit of manoeuvrability whilst the latter is what he's for! He can put out a lot of corpse markers and if you need to heal him back up then Nurses can do the job. Having said that his Shovel is Ml7 and if you jack him up with some meds from the Nurse he can be a proper combat monster. Chatty is also very frustrating in the right circumstances. I really should try to use him in alternative ways but I see his main role as corpse counter generation for Nico to do his thing.
  5. I've only attended one tournament but they called last turn around 15 minutes before the end and then they call last activation when time is just about up and the person who is currently activating a model gets to finish the activation and that is that. Personally I don't like the idea of working out what the VPs would be had the game gone the full length. Firstly because playing tournaments is about learning to play to a time limit and accrue VPs as quickly as possible. Secondly because as accurately as you can usually call what would happen you can never be completely sure because there are so many variations in the game that you could end up awarding VPs that in actual fact may never get scored. I think it's a lot fairer and easier (particularly for you as a TO) to just call the VPs as they stand when the last turn/activation takes place.
  6. This is more of a problem with the TO than the game to be fair (though I agree that 40k causes far more arguments in my experience).
  7. As always how you construct your crew depends on the stats/schemes that you're playing. For Nico I always take Maniacal Laugh and Undertaker. His other upgrades are situational (if Assassinate is on the table, or you're playing a shooty crew you might want to take Reaper Grin for example, or Necrotic King for an aggressive Turf War/Reckoning). I tend to run my Masters without totems a lot so not sure why you want the Graveyard Spirit in, especially with the crew you've got as there's nothing that needs it's protection that much. I'd pretty much only run him when I've got Izamu in to make him a horrible +4 Armour. I'd also consider having a Nurse and Chiaki in there as you can summon everything in your list.
  8. Even if it's in-built you don't have to declare it dude. Trigger's are always optional unless they specify (i.e. Gremlins, Nurses etc.).
  9. The intent of the question is about turning your own models into Peons. Seems like it could be an awfully good (perhaps too good?) way to deny your opponents VPs. If you do it to your opponents models you deserve to lose the VPs!
  10. Gaining Grounds rules state 'When new documents are published they come into effect for events held two weeks (14 calendar days) after their publication' though upon closer reading it does state that the most recent FAQ is used so I'm guessing that refers to other documents (though I'm not sure what they would be)? And thanks for the clarification on conditions.
  11. As in your other thread I think RAW they would not count for the strategies because it specifically states 'for Encounter purposes' but I think we'll see it FAQ'd pretty damn sharp. Having said that I think that even FAQ's have a specific period before they become tournament legal so for now we might be able to get away with it! My only query would be when to conditions end? Would you be a Peon for Encounter purposes but lose that condition as you die and therefore become a Minion/Enforcer/Master again upon death (and if so which order do these happen!)?
  12. OK, I'm set up with a BLOG now (courtesy of a friend I'm trying to convince to join this too) and you can read my Month 0 BLOG here. Hopefully if people post comments I'll get notifications about it!
  13. I saw Reckoning in the Valedictorian post and just started rambling sorry! Haven't properly looked at the new strats although playing one this week for the first time (with a new faction too!). I wouldn't be surprised to see Collect the Bounty FAQ'd so it's just the characteristic on their card that counts rather than what they are in the game (Chiaki can make things Peon for a turn and I'm sure there's other stuff too) but for now that is very sneaky!
  14. As I can't comment on Molly I'll say that both Seamus and McMourning do well because they're pretty independent of their crews (and I obviously did quite well with the good doctor!). For Reckoning I've started ignoring it and just focusing on getting my schemes done. It's pretty hard most of the time to kill two things in one turn and if you're playing Ressers you can be fairly confident that it's difficult for your opponent to do the same.
  15. This was one of the six tickets I purchased so I will try to get rid of it our end first if that's ok Psientologist as we also have a spare place in a hotel now too.
  16. The key to all games of Malifaux, and in particular tournaments, is maximising your own VPs. You will need to be reactive to try and stop opponents but if you are constantly doing this then you are on the back foot and not scoring your own VPs. In a tournament it's even more important to get your VPs in early because of the time limit. I've not played a fixed Master tournament but you want to hire your crew based on what you are trying to achieve and then try to achieve it. The best way to counter a bad match up in terms of crews is to ignore the crews and focus on the strats/schemes a much as possible.
  17. Of course, doh! Was thinking faction rather than their characteristics (which is pretty silly when I have a friend who wants Necropunks for Levi but no other Resser stuff.....doh!)
  18. Inflict hurts so bad! I like that motto too!
  19. This is how I run him too. He excels at being an annoyance and one shotting irritating things but SS users will be able to offset him pretty easily as you state (unless you're picking them off at the end of their life). Pretty sure he can't take Mech Rider and Flesh Construct as he'd need both Pariah upgrades and they're limited.
  20. I don't know how to divide quotes up on the Wyrd forum so I'll just quote these bits and give my thoughts! I definitely remembered your thread from the third game when I heard you calling yout your crew! Though I was surprised there was no Nico around as I thought from this thread that was what you'd take. I've still not taken Molly so I was interested to see/hear about her as you played my friend with her. Rock Star - Belle - heard about you using these guys for Vendetta and was something I'd never even considered before. 5SS means virtually everything on the opposite side can be a target and Lure is an attack action which means the first VP is easy to score. I think that it would be very hard to score the full 3VPs from but getting 2VPs looks pretty easy. Definitely something I'll consider in the future. Lame-Artist Sybelle - shoot something near Seamus. It's a Wp blasting attack so if he's giving out -2Wp then you are going to get through (and it's a failed Wp duel if you do so healing for Seamus). She also combines very well with Yin who can give out to Wp duel. I also like to use her to hit Seamus so he can Back Alley for free (usually only good early game). Lame-Artist Chiaki - you have one very important condition in your own crew that Chiaki excels at. Mainly Paralyse/full heal from the Nurse. Jacking something that's almost dead up with a Nurse then using Chiaki to remove to Paralyse is a lovely combo. I also find Chiaki a good choice for Bodyguard as she hangs back a lot and her ability to run through walls means she can usually run away from most things pretty easily. Having a Nurse give her +2Wk and only Interacts is also good for things like Breakthrough (again see running through walls). Lame-Artist Valedictorian - I really like this girl but I'm never sure that she does as much damage as her card suggests she will. I mainly use her for tying down areas as a large base with Terrifying, Armour and HtW means she can tie up large areas and I almost always run her with Unnverving Aura for this reason. Give her Necrotic Preparation and/or Black Blood with Molly and she becomes really frustrating. I tend to use her as a flanker to achieve missions like Breakthrough/Outflank and send quicker things like Necropunks with her so that she ties things up then they run away and drop scheme markers.
  21. Ultimately I plan on painting all the crew boxes I have (Sonnia, Perdita, Lucius and Dead Justice) so I think I'll probably go for the box cost/models for each model as it'll be easier to keep track from month to month.
  22. Wow, somebody is ahead of the game! Just a couple of quick questions - for month one can we paint just a crew box or does it have to be the full £40 worth? Can we spend too much one month on the understanding that we spend less the next? And can we count part of a crew box towards a cost? Main reason I ask is I've bought several crew boxes for Guild but not many separate boxes so I was thinking of something like starting with Sonnia but adding in Francisco who only comes in the Latigo Posse box. Could I just work out a rough cost for him or take his price as a single metal miniature? Similarly I'm getting some of the TTB miniatures to convert to Witchling Handers (and maybe Exorcists) and converting a Rifelmen into an Austringer so do I just estimate a cost?
  23. Used everything you list though perhaps not in those combinations but certainly wasn't expecting to see Datsue-Ba in there as I've only taken her with Kirai. Some interesting thing to think about. Thanks for taking the time to give us the details.
  24. You will find that whatever faction you want you will end up wanting quite a lot of stuff so that you have options so Ressurectionists are no more expensive than other factions. Having said that if you did decide to do Ressers (which don't seem to be high on your wants) then stay away from Nicodem as he really does benefit from having a lot of things. What sort of things do you want from your faction/crew? Do you like having support Master who make their other models better? Or Masters that can do their own thing? Shooting orientated crews? Close Combat orientated? Do you like law making scum ? Or crazy Monsters? Is there any of the stories that you've read so far that you really like or any models that really grab your attention? Thinking of some of these things and providing answers will allow us to give some more specific answers to factions/crews that might fit your style.
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