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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Datsu-Ba with more Seishen, Gaki and the Molly box would suit me just lovely please Wyrd! It does suck on the one hand that Kirai doesn't have as much in her boxset as other boxes but not as much as it would suck if she didn't have everything needed to make her work. Having said that if you want to bulk buy because of postage issues I think waiting is the name of the game unfortunately.
  2. I follow with intrigue! My campaign has been fairly ineffectual so far as I launched it after turning Ramos then changed faction for a change! I will get the good Doctor back on the board (in his true form) soon!
  3. Well, it's not a Resser crew without a nurse! +1 Bishop!
  4. Must do this more! Damn Guild distracting me. Going to run Guild McMourning soon but he no can do no Expunge fun
  5. Not a failure. The first deadline is March 9th according to the OP so you still have plenty of time (and are further into your painted set than I am!). Shame to see you have to go
  6. I think it would allow a disengaging strike. When declaring a Walk action that leaves a model's engagement the opposing model gets to take a disengaging strike. By declaring a walk action that would move Zorida behind Bad Juju you are declaring a walk action that would leave Hannah's engagement and so she would get to take the disengaging strike (before you move and if you lose you would have spent the AP but not get to move behind BJ). That would be my interpretation of it but I'm interested to see what others offer (I have got rules worong before!).
  7. I am nobody's Peon or Minion, how very dare you! I may or may not be one of those Guildies mind ... but my heart is really with the Resurrectionists (or is that their heart is with me ...)
  8. I think Pandora is comfortably better than Kirai.
  9. Has Godylness left the forum then? Is Dirialyness taking over?! So that's two jobs you'll have along with derailing threads
  10. He's still around no?! I can see a case for it but doesn't sub-zero state 'immediately'? I got into a 'discussion' about it with something else that also had immediately in it and to my mind (as Malifaux uses common language) immediately means exactly that.
  11. I am a big fan of the Pathfinder. Throwing out traps can be dangerous with certain schemes/strats but he's a pretty versatile guy and a focused shot dishes out some good damage with a blast.
  12. I've just written my next BLOG post as I've had a busy couple of days and got some more games in. You can read it here. Once again I'd be grateful for any feedback anybody would like to offer. Also, what's the best way to keep a running commentary on the forum here? I was thinking of starting a miniature showcase so I could post pics of the painted miniatures with links from my Photobucket account but how much do people follow these and is it ok to post links to the BLOG and have discussions about gaming in these? Or is there a better part of the forum to combine these things under?
  13. You've got a pretty good start with what you have already and most if not all of it can work well together (I've only recently started Guild so I am learning the combos too). As others have said if you want minions that are in crew boxes it's usually better than getting them on their own. Having said that Guild Guard only come in boxes of too which are slightly cheaper than the regular boxes of three and you almost always want them in pairs so it's not completely implausible that you might take four of them for a game if you branch out into Lucius so the extra two in his box wouldn't be the end of the world. Or you could use two male ones if you really don't like the female ones (a box of TTB Multi-Part kits will allow you to convert some easy male Guards as well as things like Austringers etc.). Latigo Posse will give you Perdita too who is all the fun!
  14. I'm a little behind but we still have a couple of weeks right?! I've found out I like playing as Perdita more than Sonnia too though I'm painting the latter's crew!
  15. Each Arsenal deck entry on the Wyrd webstore has a full list of everything that should be included.
  16. Me too! I would be there but it clashes with the rugby Just remember, McMourning and poison care not for Armour!
  17. Freikorps Specialist clears all Corpse and Scrape in (4) at the end of it's activation.
  18. Must try reading these again! My friends rave about them but I got about 200 pages into the first one and realised that I just didn't have the time to do my PhD and read such a lengthy series of books! Yeah, I got this when I used to do Thai Boxing/Kickboxing too! But I've just learnt to embrace my geekdom (mainly because I don't give a f**k what other people think of me!) Mine is a combination of a childhood nickname of Jonah (because I used to be pretty clumsy (I still am, but not to the same extent) and when playing a game of 40k in my local GW managed to break the stores Carnifex, Lictor and Hive Tyrant in one game and somebody said you're such a Jonah because of the character in the Beano/Dandy (still not sure which one) and it just stuck. I like it though, it's cooler than my given name of Michael and even my wife still calls me Jonah! The maul bit got added when I couldn't use just jonah for an e-mail address and was because of Darth Maul from Episode 1 (I was young, what can I say!). Now I just pretend it's about rugby!
  19. Hey, one of our other friends is going to come along in Mick's place so can we replace Michael Green on the list with Jay Walters please. Sorry to anybody on the reserve list but we are travelling from Cardiff to had space/hotel room.
  20. Although I have a few of the older metals I am pretty new to M2E. The Arsenal boxes are a little frustrating, especially as you end up with so many duplicates but I find them very convenient and a good investment. I chuck them in a plastic box which I think is for CCG's and they're easy access so it's a lot easier to look at your different options and have cards side by side to explore synergies. It's also a lot easier to have them on the table when you play rather than rely on books.
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