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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. I was thinking the same about the Rogue Necromancy!
  2. And of course you've picked the best faction! The only thing you need to be careful of with the Izamu trick is things that can ignore armour. First thing that I ask my opponent is if they have anything that can ignore armour and make sure that you target that model first and get rid of it! Although he can heal he has a low Df and relatively low wound count for his SS cost so he can go down easily. Also his heal is a (1) action and if possible you want to be using all your AP for smashing face! If you're just getting into the game I'd actually suggest playing some games with Seamus first if you're going to pick that box up. He's a little easier to use which is good when learning the game but still complex enough to continue using once you're more experienced. As a summoner Nicodem requires learning how to manage your resources (namely cards and SS) effectively in a different way to a non-summoning Master.
  3. The Hanged are really good summons but I very rarely hire them into the crew. I find that Bete doesn't work that well in a Nicodem crew. You can't summon her because she's not a Minion and you usually want to keep a 10+ card in your hand for her Bury to avoid her dying and that's a card that Nico could be using to summon something else. Izamu is really good in a Nico crew because you can hand out Fast like candy which helps with his slow speed and if you take the Graveyard Spirit you can give him armour +4 which combined with Nico's healing makes him very difficult to get rid of. One thing that hasn't been mentioned as a purchase yet is the University of Transmortis set. The Valedictorian is a great Hench(wo)man and the Iron Zombies make really good Swiss Army Knife summons as you can always have the one that is most effective for the opposition you are facing. Check out this thread too.
  4. I refer to you as a commonly used word amongst ourselves that is not suitable for publication on this page ...
  5. My point is that other companies provide release schedules several months in advance and stick to them so it's no unfeasible that Wyrd could do the same. I don't know how they could get around to that though, the only thing I can think is to make no announcements for months and get a stock ready before they start making announcements or to start doing their own production which is very expensive and difficult to do. I agree that I'm glad I'm not making the decision. As above (and above!) they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Personally I think it's a little frustrating but only because I want shiny new toys. It's not a problem to wait.
  6. OK, I have a game to report. So I took on those nasty Viks and decided I'd run with Seamus (who I think I've settled on for the tournament in a couple of weeks). The game started and before I could get Viks applied to the face Seamus applied his Flintlock to the face of the Vik of Ashes before she'd even activated - muhahahaha! Decaying Aura is gross! I was still quite lucky as even though I focused my opponent burned a SS for Defence so I was on a for damage and flipped two severe. One dead Vik! However, I'd also taken Deliver a Message so despite the satisfaction I could only fight for seven VPs. Bishop then killed off Hannah early in turn two and it really put my opponent on the back foot. However he kept his head in the game and still made me work for VPs. In the end I won 5-4 scoring three VPs for Breakthrough and two VPs for Stake a Claim with my opponent scoring three VPs for Breakthrough and one VP for Protect Territory. Lady of the match for me was the Nurse who jacked Seamus up with meds so he could (bitch)slap the Vik of Blood around (unfortunately she survived then run away!), made the nothing Beast only able to do Ml attacks, Paralysed the Vik of Blood and Johana Another win for the Resser cause! Hoping for a game next week.
  7. I agree and have said so previously in this thread. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. But I do think other companies do a better job of getting their releases out in time. I think Wyrd should stop announcing stuff until they know it's 100% ready to go then it's not suspect the various vaguries that can affect such a process. Bummed to hear about the Rogue Necromancy in particular but still looking forward to a lot of awesome releases. Annoying thing is I don't even care about the card as I have one but I can understand why they need to wait.
  8. Yeah, it's frustrating not knowing what's happening at all with those things and hope we get an answer. I desperately want a Rogue Necromancy (or two!) and the Molly box set (though the latter is still down for release). I've started Infinity as I've run out of Malifaux things to buy!
  9. Well I can definitely provide one whole table (may plus enough scenery). Can probably provide scenery for a second but no mat and it's a bit more slap dash so I'll probably just bring the stuff for one.
  10. Slight overreaction! The game seems to be doing very well despite the delays (some of which are Wyrd's responsibility, some of which aren't). Yet Wyrd insists on doing it and making a rod for their own back!
  11. Oh yeah, I can bring a mat too. I can't speak for the rest of my group but there could be another mat and a little more scenery too.
  12. Aw man, I hadn't noticed that. I really want them too. Starting to wish I'd done an Easter order!
  13. Are you particular about painted scenery? I've got some Sarissa Western style stuff and some trees/hills that could be used (as long as I get some sort of assurance for them being returned safely!).
  14. Tara is an Outcast! Certainly Rob plays her as one and I think she fits much better with that lot than Ressers. It is very cool. Although seeing as we all agree that Lucius is a Neverborn the 10-0 victory probably shouldn't count right ...
  15. It's because he's Neverborn and not real Guild ...
  16. I was referring to Bertmac who's Lucius commanded a Rifleman to shoot Papa who was on his side!
  17. If I wasn't playing Stake a Claim tomorrow when I think I'm going to need guys I'd totally be tempted to drop Mortimer and load Killjoy up for full nasty carnage!
  18. I'm sure that's exactly what Papa Loco thought ...
  19. I think Bertmac stacked the deck as he knew he'd be playing Viks but didn't tell his opponent which Master he would be using
  20. I'm painting up a Marionette to be a Performer. I do love Shikome, I can't wait until the new models come out as they are ace. They are my most summoned model with Nico and I've even been known to hire them with McMourning.
  21. I can definitely see some nasty Poison shenanigans with Nico because of how well Mortimer can hand out poison too. But as he can't really do anything nasty with that Poison (other than the things like (1)AP charges that can happen in a Doug list anyway) I tend to leave that to the good Doctor!
  22. Do you take Sebastian as well to give out extra healing for Mortimer in Nico's aura? I've never run a poison Nico list. I see this as Doug's thing!
  23. Yeah, I've taken Toshiro with Nico a few times and the double-up Auras are gross. Punk Zombies become so insane it's glorious!
  24. This is the bit I'm playing Devil's Advocate with. The two are part of the same sentence so does the first have to take place before the latter can? And as Traps have to be Pushed their Walk but have no Walk can they then have a scheme marker placed in contact with them?
  25. This we already know. But this is not the bit that I am questioning/debating. McMourning's Injection states you have to push your Wk but Traps have a '-' Wk value which is not 0". So if you don't ever to the Push for your walk can you do the 'then' It can definitely be pushed by an Austringer because it states push 2" which is a specified direction/distance. If it was not intended that it could move at all it would have an ability similar to Fuhatsu. I may have derailed this a little .... sorry OP!
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