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Everything posted by MunkyMuddFace

  1. Kaeris box - Burning Revelations, with the addition of: Rail Golem, Gunsmiths, and Large Arachnids would be a solid start.
  2. I had some good fun last week summoning Banasuva twice in Turn 1 to attack an over extended Misaki. Mid-Turn, used Sandeep to summon an Ice gamin with the Commands in Wind for the Attack bonus. Summoned Banasuva with Commands in Flame. Banasuva borrowed the Explosive Demise from the Ice Gamin, then charged Misaki with positive on the attacks (needed since he couldn't cheat). A Dawn Serpent came in and killed Banasuva, to get it out of the way of Misaki in prep for turn 2. Arcane Effigy activated and used Beaconed Sandeep's Arcane Storm with the built in Tome. Sandeep pitched a card for Student of All, and used the AP to Summon Banasuva again. Banasuva charged Misaki, landing a hit for RJ and death to Misaki (she had some other damage from the previous charge and aura damage). After that, Banasuva was largely ignored because he was pretty pillow fisted once the Ice Gamin died. I have mostly played Sandeep as a summoner, I haven't really gotten into the thick of things to see what else he can do.
  3. I like going after the man for the academic ties, and to increase the chances that Arcanists end up with him in the end. The twist on Shindig for this week's scenario should make for an interesting game...
  4. Only one game at the shop last night. A Sandeep win over Misaki in the Inquisitive Child scenario.
  5. Two games at the shop last night: Myself with a Sandeep victory vs Pandora in the Trickster scenario. One more point towards frozen heart! The other game was an Ironsides loss vs Misaki in the Self Righteous Man scenario. One point towards Sensei Yu training our werewolf!
  6. Oof, yeah. That's rough. It was just a casual smallish game, so nothing critical. I think the karmic justice was immediate. When I tried that run, it was just my second time out with Sandeep. It was late in the turn, and I had no hand. Of the four attacks, only two landed anyways. Heh, and on top of that, the time I played it legit without the 0 for placement, I hit the Red Joker on the third attack. I swear this game has a consciousness sometimes...
  7. Gah! Thanks for pointing that out! I feel like a big fat cheater now... Though, I did only get that off once. The other time, my positioning was off, so did not do the 0 for placement. Incorporeal with nimble and Flurry and Fast AP, is still awully brutal.
  8. Handing out Incorporeal is fun. I had a fun assassination run with Howard. He had Imbued Energies. I had Sandeep give him Incorporeal. On Howards activation, he dropped Energies to gain Fast. Nimble action to walk thru a building he was hiding behind. 0 action to use Sandeep's 6 inch Placement. Pitch a card to Flurry. Attack again with the Fast AP. Four attacks with minimum 4 damage is oh so tasty. "Atrocious" is how my opponent described the onslaught haha Turns out I was a big fat cheater in the above encounter. Incorporeal is still fun on a beater though!
  9. Two games involviing Arcanists last night. I played Sandeep, and managed a win for the Trickster vs Seamus. A fellow Union Man played Kaeris vs Sonnia - and won - for the Self Righteous Man.
  10. Randomly drew the Child scenario yesterday at the shop. Won with Sandeep vs Guild Sonnia Criid. I hope to be able to play all three of the scenarios before the second set are live.
  11. Had a great time with Nythera last year, looking forward to this event!
  12. Yowzer! That is a nice update, all the boxes look great! Waffling on which to add to my Gen Con shopping list - Parker Barrows and Sandeep...
  13. I think they also had the forsight to remove the Wastrels since they were the Miss model last year. If Wastrels were in this set, I would skip it since I have two Miss Anne Thropes. But the addition of the currently-unreleased Mounted Guards flips this from a skip-it to must-have.
  14. I hade McCabe in version 1.5, but traded it off before 2E hit. I have been mildly interested in trying him out again, but refused to re-buy his box. This box has changed my mind about re-buying. Especially with the addition of the mounted guards. Well done, looks fantastic!
  15. Nice changes, they are timely for me. I just started building the Hamelin and Brotherhood boxes last night - I haven't played with with the engine yet, so I won't know what I am missing. And as far as Leveticus goes, for some reason, I have always been very pillow fisted with him. I don't think this change to him will affect the way I play him.
  16. Looks pretty nice! Assuming this will be a 3 pack, I am looking forward to see his friends. Hopefully there is one that has the classic gaunt look of the metals, and maybe a female one.
  17. I am going to try a burning heavy crew. The Caprain (leader), The Firestarter, Johan, Gunsmith, Arcane Effigy. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
  18. The League just wrapped up last night, so it will be open play for a while. We are there on Wednesday evenings, feel free to drop in for a pick-up game!
  19. There was a miscommunication with the store and have pushed back the official start date to May 6th. Hug Fish - What models did you pick up? I would be happy to run you through a demo if make it down on Wednesday.
  20. Attention Minnesota players! Legion Games now has shelves full of Malifaux product! Come join Immune to Influence for Malifaux league nights. What: Rapid Growth League Night Where: Legion Games - 3124 West Hwy 13, Burnsville, MN 55337 (to find it by gps, enter the intersection of Highway 13 and Washburn Ave) When: Wednesdays 7:00ish - 9:45, starting 4/29. This will be a four week league (4/29 thru 5/20) Summary: Four week league using the Rapid Growth achievement rules. Fixed faction. $10 entry to go towards prize support, please pay at Legion. Signup by responding below or stopping in at the shop. Schedule: 5/6 - League kick-off. 26 soulstone games. 5/13 - 30 soulstone games. 5/20 - 40 soulstone games. 5/27 - 50 soulstone games, final week. 6/3 - results and prizes awarded. If you are interested in participating, but can't make it on Wednesdays, feel free to contact me, MunkyMuddFace, and I can help with arranging a game. Resources: http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/156-rapid-growth/ *** Updated dates
  21. The old books are available at DriveThruRPG http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/browse.php?manufacturers_id=5162 This has all the version 1.5 books (id you want the fluff) and the M2E core book. M2E: Crossroads and small rulebook are not up there yet.
  22. For a completely different shake-up, try taking a break from the standard strategies and play a set of Linked Story encounters. This will force you and your opponent out of your comfort zones on multiple levels: - Strategies: They are asymmetrical, so you each will be thinking about how to accomplish your own goals, and may be harder to read what your opponent is doing. Also, most of them are very different than the standard strategies, so there is no benefit to taking the "go to" list for that strategy. - Masters: Since a linked set locks you in with the same master for five games, you will eventually draw a strategy that is not ideal for your master. This is ok. This forces you to think outside the box, and can help you find model combinations that you may not have considered before. - Schemes: Story encounters do not use scheme pools and allow you to openly choose your schemes. However, with linked games, you can only select each scheme once. This really makes scheme selection interesting because it evolves as you play through a set. At the beginning, everything is wide open and it is harder to read your opponent. Near the end of a set, you are pushed to select a schemes that you may normally skip or are harder for your normal crew build to complete. This, in turn, pushes you to think outside the box on how to complete them, and you end up using a models you may not have previously considered.
  23. With the assistance of the Mannequin's "Magical Assistant" tactical action, yes, you could use both of the Performers general AP and 0 action to place 3 scheme markers, as long as they are placed 4 inches from each other (and any other friendly scheme marker).
  24. My character has a Speed Aspect of -1 and has not taken the Evade skill. Would his Defense be 1 or 2? The Defense Derived Aspect uses the character's Evade skill or Speed Aspect, whichever is higher. Does not having the skill count as having 0? (making it higher than my Aspect)
  25. Unfortunately, that was a misleading Store Closed splash screen. They close the store for the days leading up to Gen Con to add the pre-release shinies. Then close the store after Gen Con to process orders and take the pre-release items out of the store. When they closed the store post-con, it went back to the pre-con closed page. Perhaps it should have been updated to say something along the lines of "Store is closed while we process Gen Con orders". With the exception of the Nightmare Whiskey Golem and Miss Ery, all the shinies will be added back into the store as they reach their scheduled release dates. If last year is any indication, these items should trickle out over the next 3 - 4 moths.
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