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Everything posted by MetaphoricDragn

  1. It is, its from the updated Other Side pages. On one hand, black and white means maybe it plays with the theorized yin/yang theme of the Dragons, on the other hand, not very draconic. who knows.
  2. Court of Two faction symbol: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fe412ce4b0c449f7369857/t/58598d1537c58162723c6bd5/1482263836008/?format=300w
  3. In a new dispatch from The Other side, Binh Nyguen, a member of the Court of Two, is unlockable. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1334239018/the-other-side-9/posts/1767954
  4. The Second Load out would be Pandora -Voices -On Wings of Darkness -Depression This build dishs out paralyzes instead of damage, making it more control oriented.
  5. Good catch on the shared model, I missed that at first watch.
  6. Sounds like you better start posting them quick then :-p
  7. The crouching one still makes me think Changeling. Otherwise both could be illuminated proxies easily enough.
  8. Well why do you keep hiding interesting things in there!
  9. Is there fluff about the malifaux Undying Czar somewhere? I don't recall hearing of him until this thread.
  10. It occurs to me, we saw a Welsh unit, but no Irish unit yet
  11. Hmmm to go with the Horse PUncher faction, or the Land Shark Faction. Ya'll keep making this hard,
  12. except Shez'uul is a separately named Tyrant from the Dragon(s)
  13. Yeah but I trust Karina. Sounds like I need to get and read Under Quarantine now... My personal theory is that Vik's masamune is a reforged relic hammer.
  14. Faction and world speculation is making me more excited to get the rulebook for the stories and fluff almost more than the ruleset itself
  15. aaah, that makes sense. I had wondered if it was a generic vs unique thing.
  16. Both stormrisen and frenzy are amazing. I like the spotted skulkers. Though I'm not too much of a fan of the bug-eyed yarazi and speckled crawlers. though that might be just not coming through well on the renders.
  17. Personally, I'm sad we didn't get a 3 kingdoms army, or whatever 10T earthside looks like.
  18. Gorysche continues to look amazing, but damn are the Twisted Horrors disturbing. THis faction might have a bit too much body horror to be my goto, despite how cool Gorysche and Twisted are.
  19. Video definitely made these guys look cooler, and Lord of steel is easily one of the coolest models previewed (personally I think each faction got 1 absolutely stunning preview) At a glance, I want to see someone paint them in a deathstroke blue and orange scheme
  20. I will say the infiltrators are the ones I like the least, too guildy in aesthetic for a force that's breaking away from them. Love Margaret Belle though and could get her irregardless of the faction I end up choosing.
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