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Everything posted by TimH

  1. Well, until my coldsnap box arrives from gencon the Savage keyword is now fully painted! The chain on Thoon is my first real intentional attempt at doing Non metallic metal, pretty happy with how it came out. Happy with how the crew looks, can't wait for coldsnap to arrive so I can work out how I want to do the Kaltgeists. In the meantime will likely be moving on to some Elite/Mimic or Nightmare as I have the remaining models I need to complete those keywords, they just aren't painted yet.
  2. Tricky question but from my own recent experience... Wasn't so much burnout for me as failure to get motivated, was barely having any time off from the rest of life to paint and so in the time that was available to me I just couldnt be asked to get paint on my models. How I ended up remedying it was waiting until I had a proper day off with no real obligations or demanding household tasks that needed to be done and then buckled down and got to work on something different. Completely different model to what I'd been working on prior to burnout, different theme, different size different colours, something that I could just do without being beholden to the rules set out for me on the models I'd been planning to paint (due to needing to keep them in theme with the rest of the keyword). Once I was over that particular hump I ended up painting pretty much the entire savage keyword (going back to the project that I'd been on before my burnout) and converted a base for my hooded rider, a converted Stumpy for Swampfiends and a converted Scorpius for Chimera (plus constructed a leg for a changeling from greenstuff due to his original legging pinging off into some unkown corner of the room).
  3. Tin Foil hat moment. The Skinny vampire, Gwyll, the imp cluster thing and the 3 nephillim looking guys with clubs are the master box for returned. The mouth guy and 2 vampires pouring blood are one of his boxes, the flying vampires and halberd vampire are the other box. The Cat and 3 humans in the different plastic are 10T starter set. And the atlas looking guy, bulky vampire and the stitched together dragon thing(?) are the dual master box that the returned guy is in. This is purely speculation, I should not be allowed near ambiguous pre release photos they make my mind go crazy.
  4. Looking at those pictures, I'm guessing the returned faction might be liteal vampires.
  5. Whelp, i'm feeling better motivated to paint than I expected and have managed to get some models painted in the little time off I've had so far this month!At this rate I might actually have the savage keyword fully painted by the end of the month! Well excluding Euri2 and the Kaltgeists, those I'll need to wait on arriving from a gencon order.
  6. I'm joining the "painting something for the competition" club on my pledge. Aside from that I'm not sure. I've got some swampfiends, some Fey, some more savage. Various little neverborn bits that I might opt to go with. Should probably paint dreamer Insomniac too, he'd be a relatively simple 15 points depending on time constraints for the month.
  7. A lot has been going on this month including a twisted ankle, baking weather and a whole lot of extra work. So while I was hoping to try and get most of the savage keywrod painted I have instead just barely managed to paint enough models to not need to mulligan. First up we have the 2nd cyclops. Happy with how the paint has come out, less happy with how the gap filling turned out. In some places I didn't smooth it down enough and it has made the skin looking lumpy instead of smooth and on her right shoulder I missed an entire join gap so she has a big obvious line in her shoulder. On the whole though I'm pleased with how my chosen colour scheme is working out for the savages. Then for my remaining points I dipped into the Fae keyword with the Rougarou. Pretty simple models so was nice and relaxing to just get them painted up and out of the pile of shame. Got to play around with some Blood technical paint and completed the painting of my models from the howling boxset. Hopefully will have more success in August.
  8. One of the Bearly Togethe. Stitched Together Special editions/proxies. The other 2 from the set are individual bears but the third is the little baby bear swarm (and is an absolute nightmare to assemble)
  9. One final model done in the month Very happy with how the savage keyword is working out. WIll prolly be painting more of it over July. The second cyclops is started but not complete.
  10. Continuing working towards completing some neverborn keywords, have painted up the Bultungin, 2 for Titania and one for Euripedes. Also from earlier in the month A little bit more bloodbowl. The Regular yhetee was technically in the big group shoot but the two star players weren't. Skorg (the Yhetee with the scarf) was great fun to paint with all his little hair care products on his belt and the great big scarf wrapped around his neck.
  11. It's been a busy month for me due to non hobby stuff and so after the initial burst of hobbying painting up my Norse team I've found myself with little time or motivation for the rest of the month. Didn't want to end the month with nothing to show for it though so have spent today painting up 3 Aversions and 3 Lyssa. The photos were taken on a phone camera so apologies for the over illumination on them, still trying to work out how to use this particular camera best. The middle Lyssa has snow as opposed to dead grass on his base as he is based up to fit with Euripedes while the other two are intended for Pandora.
  12. Well that's a tyrant keyword😅
  13. Marcus also has a psuedo keyword change. Marcus 1 had the Chimera Keyword and the Beastmaster ability, while Marcus 2 only has the Chimera Keyword. Because of how the ability is worded it doesn't actually change the hiring pool for Marcus 2 but it does mean he has to pay the 1SS tax on certain beasts to include them in his list.
  14. "Are building size objects problematic for game play?" No, buildings can be fine, they can be used to make blocks of blocking terrain or potentially narrow chokepoints if you use a couple of buildings. Dont go too overboard though as you do need space on the board to place objectives and too much terrain (or too little terrain) will scue the advantage towards certain lists. "How important would multiple playable levels be?" You don't strictly speaking need them but at the same time you don't have to avoid them. What I would say though is that ideally any raised surface a model can occupy (a raised walkway, a flat rooftop) should ideally have a staircase or slope that allows non flying/teleporting models to reach them. (not 100% sure on that one) "should internal parts of buildings be playable?" I love this conceptually but in practice have never found it to work. It leads to games getting bogged down with trying to fit models inside of house only to find they are too tall, removing roofs and having to calculate where models are upstairs in relation... Also inevitably you get problems with 50mm base creatures needing to enter human sized doors. Personally I love the idea of the wild west town board, I have a few MDF assembled buildings in that vane, town gallows, market stools and rails that I use for my own faux board.
  15. Part of my points for May First wyrd contest I have entered and honestly happy with the result. I've had this boy sitting partially assembled and awaiting painting for some time and then when the theme of Showers and Flowers was announced I realised he would be a pretty good fit. I'm really pleased with how the tree sap came out and this was my first time making flower clusters. Congrats to everyone who took part in the contest!
  16. Big thanks to everyone who participated! And love the overachiever category.
  17. I shall be painting up some more neverborn this month, possibly some conversions too (Stumpy and Scorpius conversions are in the pipeline). In the meantime I have spent the first week of the month finishing up this little project. Additional photos of the boys were taken but thought I'd keep it to these 3 on account of them not being faux.
  18. Lady Yume completed. she continues with two themes for me this month. Theme 1. Greenstuffing gaps (not sure how I managed this but there was about a 2mm gap in the top of her heair and along one of her arms, no idea how I failed to notice that during assembly) and theme 2, using purple in skin tones. Not shown here is a Norse team for bloodbowl that I spent some of my hobby time on this month, at present it isn't completed but it is where I went to experiment with the purple skin hues after I was done with the Geryons. Will share some photos once that project is done. For Yume I'm a big fan of the official paint scheme but wanted to make it look like she is emerging from a pool of blood as opposed to the shadow portal thing. Extended the edges of her base effect to cover the entirity of the base with some greenstuff.
  19. A pair of Geryon, greenstuffed along the seams and painted up. My end of month total is going to look very high this month compared to my model output. As long as there is no objection I'm planning to add the difference between what I calculated on the Other Side stuff and what I was apparently meant to calculate and then add that to the total. I'm making the pledge without those extra stones anyways.
  20. I believe it is yes on all accounts. 1. It's an aura so it does effect the model that creates the aura (the Kurgan). So as long as the aura is active the Kurgan will always be in Severe/Concealing terrain and can tangling roots any model within the aura. 2. If the Goo is in base contact with any part of the aura I believe the entirity of the aura becomes hazardous as it as all one terrain piece. Interestingly based on the Kurgan being a terrain marker being a seperate part of the effect I believe the Kurgan itself is only treated as hazardous if it is in base contact with the Goo. 3. Through the muck doesn't specify terrain marker, it only cares about terrain. So a Grave goo or Moorwraith (yours or the opponents) would gain shielded for ending a movement within the aura.
  21. Well I have massively undercounted my ss totals for a couple of months it would seem 😆
  22. That's how I read it in the rules. Admittedly looking back at the rules the statement "Almost all models count as their Soulstone value; but" is specifically in the Malifaux section but yeah when I was counting stones on all my stuff I was using scrip value per unit. For the court and guild OS models I'd definitely just use their malifaux points values instead.
  23. I think standard units of other side are scrip to soulstone basis? So a 5 scrip unit comes out at 5ss. At least that is how I calculated it for all my OS stuff in the first 3 months. Of course this is alternatively 8stones of Ikiryo, 9 stones of Datsue Ba, 18 stones of gwishin and 27 points of Enslaved Spirits if you were to consider them all malifaux models... Which would be 61 stones.
  24. So looking at your post in last month you are using Imgur. When you select an image on imgur you will have several options. Image link which is what you used will display like so https://imgur.com/SZQ5ysF and just give a hyperlink to thew imgur website. If you instead select Direct Link You will post the image in the forum even with your image allowance on the site spent. Keeping vaguely relevant with my choice of example image, some huge join lines on those shoulders now completely hidden by a little bit of greenstuff magic.
  25. I'm also in the greenstuff as a filling agent crowd. With this months theme in mind I will probably look to paint up my Malisaurus, maybe Serena Bowman, maybe some Bultgin and Geryon. Basically anything that had any significant amount of filling applied to it. From my past models the most significant filling work has been done on the two titans (Horo and Alpha Crawler) who had some real big gaps to fill. Hopefully the work on Malisaurus turns out as well. For my application I use a general purpose hobby tool.
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