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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. ht zero 30mm and yes you can stand on it.
  2. Misaki can take disguised and can discard a card to make walk away from you when you walk near her. Downburst self. discard card, maybe walk a few times. now unless that thing has 3" melee she is not getting hit. This is Very intentional. for Misaki. On the Push to yourself. if you are the target and you must push towards the target aren't you already as close as possible to yourself, so you don't move. Dumb question right. But so is thinking you can push yourself towards yourself. no it does not need an errata. What it needs is for people to stop trying to make it better than what it all ready is.
  3. i hate when the BJ is flipped and makes me lose an important duel. So if I get it in my hand i keep it till turn 4 or 5.
  4. Standing next to a friendly or an enemy with fears given form. Sad days for her.
  5. Also on that if you burn your last stone for let's say a crow now since you have 0 stones you get a free crow. Yay assassinate!
  6. So RAW mourne is right. Now this opens shennaigans for things that are wicked. punk zombie is behind a wall razorspine rattler other side neither has los to each other, punk zombie fails at walking away now takes damage. Clearly seems legit.
  7. it would activate next turn and then end its activation. Then it would lose both slow and paralyze. some thing like i activate so-n-so your activation
  8. [h=2]Dirty Goblin Games LLC 4 South Western Ave. Queensbury, NY 12804[/h] Tournament will Start at 1 its Fixed Faction 50SS fun fest. 5$ entry fee Hope To see you there!
  9. But do keep in mind somethings can break a rule concerning hiring. Like nix leading a crew can hire guild hounds and canine remains and such. Think they are hounds.
  10. See i said this (alot actually) but it falls on deaf ears. They see it with rose colored glasses i see black and white RAW. Sure it might not seem like it but and i quote even though its a bad example "a model moves without moving" the faq says it cant be moved further which leads me to believe that it had to have been "moved" previously. and to answer hypoking easily, i declare a walk action i do not move. i moved with out moving. or in this case i cast lure on your model, you model can not move any further than it is right now. moved by not moving. And done waiting for the wo/man to grace us with the Devs of how it should work in minute detail so little minds like mine can read it be that wookie on endor.
  11. i will let you know next faq. (but of course by then you will know too. lol)
  12. So i have to be ridiculous to use the ability's as they are written on cards? Well than let me get out my Jester hat and baton and put on a show for ya, Because for some reason i choose to follow the rules as they are written. Lure: Move target model its Wk. The target must end the move as close to this model as possible The FIRST word of that effect. What is it oh yeah move. k got it now lets move on Q: If a model with the Lure Action targets a model in base contact, can Lure be used to move the targeted model, so long as it ends in base contact with the model taking the Lure Action? A: No. A model which is already in base contact may not be moved any further with the Lure Action. Nowhere does the FAQ say that the model does not MOVE. but can not be MOVED further now Since its been established that a model that is effected by Lure moves (whether or no it goes 1" or 0") Pounce:When an enemy model ends a push or move within this model's engagement range that is not part of a Walk or Charge Action, this model may... So now it ended it move in my model that has pounce engagement range...well golly gee wilikers Batman i get to make an attack
  13. I cast lure which says move. AT this point your model has begun a move. it stands still. it ends a move in the same place it began. i began its move and ended its move in the Exact same place. bam problem solved.
  14. ....So what your saying is me casting lure has no effect cause you dislike using its wording? House rule um Lure does not move you you uhhh teleport to where you go as the Space time continuum displaces the vortex which causes models to move when the effect says move which starts a movement which is not a walk or charge even if it does not move so pounce can freely go off.
  15. Which again is irelephant since lure is cause a model to move. which no matter the outcome it has to end. which triggers pounce.
  16. Q: If a model with the Lure Action targets a model in base contact, can Lure be used to move the targeted model, so long as it ends in base contact with the model taking the Lure Action? A: No. A model which is already in base contact may not be moved any further with the Lure Action. NO it says may not be MOVED any further.
  17. disagree. as does Ausplosins as he has said so in this forum http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?48543-Smoke-and-Shadows/page2 ---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ---------- lure says move, you have to do what it says as it is an effect. ok you dont move cause you cant. you ended a move pouce kicks off ---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 PM ---------- How far you move is irrelevant since Pounce just asks that you end one for it to work
  18. See Lure. ---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 PM ---------- Starts a move at 0 ends a move at 0. ended a move
  19. Lure: Move target model its Wk. The target must end the move as close to this model as possible Pounce:When an enemy model ends a push or move within this model's engagement range that is not part of a Walk or Charge Action, this model may... Now i may be either over simplifying this or a genius. lure says move a model its walk. faq says if your in b2b no move happens, moving 0 does not count as moving so on so forth. now to my point why does that matter? pounce says ended a move. which even if i moved or not at all an Action or an abilty caused me to move (or attempt to move) so by all accounts did i not do what pounce asked? ended a move that was was not a walk or charge action? bell is b2b casts lure on model. model has ended a move in my engagement range regardless if it moved or not. This is due to Lure saying Move this model. which even if it did not move i would be counted as ending a move that was not a walk or charge. just how i see it. ---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ---------- in pounce there is no clause saying models had to have at least moved to be pounced, just ending a move, which they do cause of lure.
  20. a Friendly model could be in an enclosed space and a torakage (or a orian, now a TT Bro) could pop up outside on the other side of the wall. Really useful abilty
  21. Ronin seppuku= killjoy where needed and out of melee for super charge.
  22. Why no shooty? Also his own models are affected by fears given form (as of right now). So it is true it hurts but he is also taking duels. What was the strategy and your schemes?
  23. My mind. Target doppleganger next flip. Skipping the random due to Santiago ignoring it. If your start the process to randomize tjen the gangers abilty never comes into conflict.
  24. I would say Santiago shoots just fine. But not looking at the cards atm. Reasoning is you never start the process to randomize so doppleganger would not be able to hide.
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