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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. I have seen him fall over way to quick being df3. But that's just my personal experience.
  2. My dreamer list does everything. Oh and is terror all cept nekima. Start the game with 5 models end turn 1 with 8 end turn 3 with 10-11 and they eat things. Daydreams and webmarkers being at 1 wp is going to be great. And most off all flying teddy. Cause he downed all the red bull. Don't tell anyone but this is my list for round 2 of the masters. Please please let me face spam. Lure bots away.
  3. I wanna say one for the simple fact that did you start in has terrain yes flip. It not asking did you start in haz terrain and if so how many. I could be wrong. Good question.
  4. I love Misaki as outcast or TT. But your list is shooty but if that's your goal it's decent. I am more melee with yamaziko otototo killjoy 1 ronin a torakage and an oiran. Stalking bisento and survivalist And smoke and shadows on yamaziko and tally sheet 9n otototo. Ronin can be used as a kill joy delivery system and with some decent placement can charge for 1 ap and maul things that need dying. With smoke and shadows torakage/oiran can be at any point on the table tying things up. Which coincidently if they die kill joy is where you want him. Also Shanghai with healing is always good works well with survivalist. Oh. Yeah I love me some killjoy.
  5. Now to really make you think look at the guild rifleman. Gets a ram from focus, gets a ram if guardsmen activated already near him and can cheat on in. For some super crazy long range damage. (4/5/7) But as stated above the damage flip does not confer suits to the duel total.
  6. My Santiago has the rock in the center of the base and his foot touching the table. Super dynamic. Course if someone says they have los to his foot I will remind them the base is really him and the rule of cool need not apply.
  7. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/507884081/fall-schematic So who wants some minis.
  8. Once it's killed abilities trigger before the model is removed. But whose ability goes off first is under timing. (I think it's defenders first but my rb. Is Mia)
  9. Box gets you coppelious daydreams choppy and dreamer. And stiched? That's all good value. But widow is nice as is the twins.
  10. Yes. They have a 2" melee range so if something walks or is pushed into their range. And yes it would have to try and disengage from the trap.
  11. If you find that thread you will see your answer. The trigger itself explicitly says when it works. Ie before the model is removed. Don't worry I was upset to wondering how a dead model does an action. (Or if a model that is at 0 wounds but heals does it still die but hey can't have it all)
  12. Zing! See that is humor. Which some people missed. On the too sexual thing nah. I play the game to play the game I have not once thought oh hey how would this person be offended if I brought these minis. But same note I going to assume everyone with a job has had the sexual harassment speech that just because you don't find it offensive someone else might. Which at that time you be polite and acquiesce to there request to be less....whatever. Now if anything you should be offended that zoraida is forgetting underwear not that the viks are wearing any lol. It's all in the mind of the person and the onlookers of what is determined decent. That is what culture and society is. So of course people will differ from the "norm" So to answer the questiom: Yes malifaux is to sexual to some people. And also no it is not to sexual. Each person has the right to define their beliefs. If they don't want to play I am sorry for their loss. But hey to each their own.
  13. Oddly enough that is not the case. The trigger it's self says perform the trigger before removing the model. But that was a whole diff thread.
  14. Heh tell that to after damaging triggers. Collodi is a prime example of a dead model doing an action before expiring.
  15. If they are picking on teddy they are leaving nekima alone hopefully lol. And you should be able to control activations. (Hopefully) with dreamer summoning.
  16. Query. When is a model killed. When it's reduced to 0 wounds it is removed from play as killed. So does a model get a state of killed before being removed or does the act of actually removing it count? Models being killed have abilities triggered but killed itself is loosely defined. So on topic before the model is removed a tot is placed. Then it's removed as killed. Then fmd happens which a model has been removed as killed and prerequisites have been met.
  17. Burt is my fan favorite. Mainly because with "it's magicalsdon't question it" He can reckless then regenerate and get master ap at no cost. And his pepper box doing 3/4/6? Is just funny.
  18. Would benefit. From hard cover. And since hard cover gives a better bonus than soft why would you want to use soft?
  19. Well to beat a dead horse again. Find me where killed is a: state,condition, or something. One reading is that a model has to be removed before it is actually killed. Things like karina's upgrade make things die as sacrificed. Nekima does everything right she killed a model but before that ability is resolved she places a tot. Then resolves the second ability which the model is still killed and she can have something else gain the benefit for purposes of grow and mature. Which conveniently there is a tot now. Now I will clearly say it's unintended but it's still there raw.
  20. The model is not removed until after the tot is placed. So when it is removed as killed there is a tot within 6"
  21. +1 He is not gaining any benefit. But when you reform he does ignore severe and gets some walk lol.
  22. I pick her up and then spin in a circle and throw her up in the air. Somehow she locks on to a model and crashes into it obliterating it. Heat seeking missile indeed.
  23. and you played it right within 2" and LoS of the target up to 6" your target was somer who is not 4" away so unless he pushed into more sisters you get to sit their going hey come back here.
  24. So i was brain storming just a random crew and this just seems solid for so many schemes and strats Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap The Dreamer -- 5 Pool +Restless Dreams [1] +Tantrum [2] Coppelius [8] Nekima [13] +Fears Given Form [1] +Pact [1] Teddy [11] +On Dreaming Wings [2] Widow Weaver [8] seems short on models well first activation you summon 3 daydreams who then burn though activations pushing things around. and teddy near widow with Wings make him a fast flying huggable bear of doom. nekima is there to make there stare at her also forces terror when she kills turn 2 use day dream push something sac, go to dreamer 0 action walk summon day dream and an alp chompy comes out. burn more activations and hopefully kill flip stand where you need to Strats. Oh and most everything is terrifying so -wp from daydreams and web markers. yeah. thoughts?
  25. Nekima Bleeds on model and kills it summons a tot can she immediately Grow the tot into a young? a slow full health young seems good to me. for referance Feast, My Darlings: When this model kills an enemy model, a friendly model within 6" may count as having killed the model for the purposes of the Grow and Mature Abilities. Born of Blood: Once per Turn, when an enemy model within a2 is killed due to the Black Blood Ability or the Black Blood Pustule Action, this model may discard a card to summon a Terror Tot in base contact with the model before removing it. The summoned Terror Tot suffers 2 damage, ignoring the Black Blood Ability.
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