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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. What ausplosions means is that this "state" business does not exist in the rules. What does exist is the question "can this model activate yes or no?" Then you reference other rules that say if the answer was yes then it can't do so again with out reactivate. And this only cares about things that can active.
  2. .....after damaging is after damage is applied reduced prevented etc. When damaging is when all that stuff is being applied. (I.e. critical strike) So her ability goes off first then she is pushed by teddy.
  3. No teddy does not. His peekaboo is not a "towards" push. It is a push into base contact. Irons sides ability you looking at me. Is a towards.Target model is pushed its Cg towards this model. Away and towards are center to center cause that is the most direct route and as close as possible. Teddys push is what ever gets him in base (barring terrain or other models)
  4. The condition is removed. No ACTION was taken to remove it. But it is removed by an ability. Same with Levi.
  5. Yay Levi can spawn witching stalkers if you nuke him and he was on fire. (Or you use a witching stalker to kill him lol.)
  6. I see csonti's point in that reincarnation says reduced to 0. (Does it say killed?) Which sonnias's trigger is after damaging. Which he was not on fire at that moment. (If it says killed then Witchling)
  7. I added in play since buried models do not activate.and are not in play. And since all friendly models that could activate (at that time) did then she gains reactivate.
  8. Doesn't the buried text say if your buried you don't activate? Therefore Tara does gain reactivate since all models in play have activated. So Tara bomb works just fine how it is supposed to.
  9. Like any push that hits (impassable, wall etc)terrain it stops. The action itself is completed just fine.
  10. There is a giant debate on this. There is no yes or no answer. If you do a search you will find an abundance of threads with this question an all of them ending with people playing it how they think is right. Now after saying all of that. I am in the camp of yes.
  11. The attack resolves before the model is moved. (Aka you would push first) reasons if you succeed then the model does not move and you push. If you fail you push then he gets to move. But either way the attack has to resolve.
  12. Point and click point at a model and then just make that model die and if any thing gets in your way kill that also. "Sunrise" is a good abilty real good. but you dont need to use it or focus on it but if the option presents itself then use it ofc
  13. Oh i will be there. just to harass you a little but i do plan on sleeping this time around. it will be fun again i am sure. not sure if i want to play guild or arcanists though.....who am i kidding NEVERBORN
  14. LOL HT 3 is 3 wounds. ht 4 is 4 5 is 5. 6 is 6 wounds 2 or less 0 wounds. just for your referance Place target enemy model within 5” of this model, then place this model within 2" of the target. The target suffers falling damage as if it had fallen from a height equal to the amount by which this model's final duel total exceeded the target's, up to a maximum of 6. If the model is killed, this model counts as having killed it. Also what i wrote above is straight from the rule book not me
  15. models moving off elevations and falling suffer no damage if the fall was 2” or less. If the fall was more than 2” the fall deals 1 damage per 1”, or fraction thereof, fallen. Example: A model that falls off of a Ht 4 Cliff would suffer 4 damage. A model that falls from a Ht 6 Cliff but lands on a Ht 3 surface would suffer 3 damage. you are correct. its right there in the rule book
  16. not trying to be rude here but all these questions can be answered in the rule book.....i think its on page 11 or something for modifiers
  17. Also the seishin does not need to be the target just killed by an Attack action. Like sonnias's blasts.
  18. It's killjoy's fault. He keeps wanting to not die. But yeah I agree telling people I can push their dead model with teddy or that I can reposition before you bleed or explode gets nauseating.
  19. Sadly ratty that is incorrect •After damaging: These effects happen after step 5 and only if the target suffers 1 or more damage from the Action. These effects are resolved before the damaged model is removed if it was killed by the damage. Also here is a wonderful thread that allows models killed by Collodi to make a one action. http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/99040-actions-causing-actions-when-a-model-is-killed/page-3 So yes the model is reduced to 0 wounds and "killed" But it is still there for any triggers and abilitys to resolve.
  20. No the first attack has not resolved. Nothing is stopping or lack of a better word interrupting his death. He gets riposted and dies then if the defender was at 0 (onslaught attack) Would die.
  21. Ok different way to look at it. The attack action has to resolve but before it does triggers happen.
  22. It's an after damaging trigger. It specifically says it's done before the model is removed. In the case of hitting an already dead model it just burn a cards. But his healing would not actually trigger till Thu model was actually removed. (Or rather he heals then things explode ie stalker gamin etc) But it opens questions like if the model is at 0 wounds did I damage it with my second attack. Would it cause black blood to go off. And if so would it go off the first attack as well. Even though the model is no longer on the table after resolving my second attack. Lets just say issues. But his healing ability is part of the attack but triggers happen then his ability. Then other models abilities.
  23. No just no. Triggers are resolved first. If killjoy declares onslaught and his first attack kills the defender onslaught goes first. You must make that second attack. Its not a May it's a do it now. Triggers are resolved first before abilities. (If they occur at the same time) for instance onslaught would happen before black blood happens. But the call out box on page 30? Says acting models abilities first so unless it's a defensive damage trigger (think Jacob lynch) then no he won't heal if he kills the model. I got it backwards the first time.
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