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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. And here I was thinking we were being quite civil. Are you guys shooting veiled insults at me that I am not recognizing? Did I miss a backhanded compliment somewhere? But I do agree It does need a faq.
  2. My logic is the the end result is no longer just severe. So when weakness says severe does moderate.the end result of a red joker flip is greater than severe. So it is not effected by weakness.
  3. Where do you get only 4 categories? Why does the black joker get a place but the red is left out? I posted the chart that has all 5 categories. I think my logic is sound. If you take the severe profile and all effects associated with it and add it to the weak profile and all effects associated with it does not equal severe (w/fx) So severe+weak=/=severe by itself purely by adding the weak flip to it.
  4. How do you get 2 instances of damage? Combining 2 profiles into one. That is what it does severe+weak=1 source not 2. And on the effect thing. If severe damage also adds paralyze could it not also be written 2/3+slow/4+paralyze. So if you combine the severe+weak you get 6+paralyze. But only the creator knows how it's supposed to truly be effected. But again that's why in the beginning of the post I wrote I wanted to know the thought process. Then diligently typed mine out.
  5. No it has never been ruled on. People shouted their opinion and I believe it was closed.
  6. REally bad idea. Jack daw uses Twist and Turn and makes papa detonate himself. maybe it would deal some damage but really good placement is needed.
  7. ok for reference Weakness: If an enemy model within 3 would deal Severe damage, it deals Moderate damage instead. People are saying that Nix with this Sweet abilty Drop the Red joker's Damage from Severe+weak to Moderate+weak. now i wish to debate the thought process of why they believe this. here is the damage chart of what things do. now in the book its a chart. i cant make a chart my skills are poor. Black joker No Damage 1 to 5 Weak 6 to 10 Moderate 11 to 13 Severe Red Joker Severe + Weak Now if i flip a 11-13 against Nix my Severe damage i would deal is reduced to moderate. seems pretty straight forward. Now if i flip the Red joker i do Severe+Weak. which Clearly by itself is not Severe any more but a sum of 2 different Damage profiles. now some things about the red joker and how it affects things since it is a Unique card and only one of in the deck When a Red Joker is flipped it may always be chosen (except when a Black Joker is also present) regardless of any to the Damage flip. The Red Joker always deals an amount of damage equal to the Severe plus the Weak damage. Damage that is staged down (such as extra models hit by blast damage) becomes Moderate. Now to further extrapolate on the red joker As well,the Red Joker's damage is stepped down to Moderate (not Severe) damage. Now why would the Rulebook the object where we take guidance from tell us this line if the Red joker was not in its own separate category. But wait godly how do you do blasts if you not really doing severe damage. Glad you asked. the red joker takes the Severe damage Profile of the weapon and adds it to the Weak damage profile. That means if the Severe damage had blasts in its profile then so does the red joker. so a 2/3 :blast /5 :blast would deal 7 :blast if it flipped the red joker. then since the Rulebook tells us to Stage down to moderate not severe and ignore any blasts from that profile the secondary targets would take 3damage each So in Closing Severe damage is not Severe+Weak. to further clarify Severe =/= Severe+Weak. Any questions?
  8. you would determine cover from the frozen heart model. as that is where you are drawing LOS from. Hans goggles See though smoke bombs Torakage drop they affect los. hans i am pretty sure ignores the steam cloud. since it is an aura.
  9. No. reactivate in this case is wasted. 1. Draw Phase: Shuffle Discard Piles, Discard Cards, Draw Cards & Meet Hand Size 2. Initiative Phase: Flip for Initiative, Use Soulstones, Determine First player 3. Activation Phase: Players Activate Models 4. End Phase: Upkeep, Earn Victory Points, Check for Encounter End you are already past the Activation phase of the turn you dont back track to it to activate.
  10. Question did you flip severe or the red joker. The red takes the severe profile adds (+) it to the weak profile and you deal that much. So technically yes you would not. Blew the chi right out of the model with such great force. (Unless the damage kills the model then you still get your chi) but hey let's bring this to the rules forum and stop blowing up razhem's tread.
  11. Rifle would make Jack a sad sad panda.
  12. Tara would cry herself into the new kirai. Saddest master to ever walk malifaux.
  13. Only when concerning blasts does red joker say it drops to moderate. Do you know why. Well let me explain. Cause it would deal severe+weak then the blasts would deal severe. To stop this abuse they made it so the red joker does moderate when it steps down. Now if the red joker is flipped on nix he takes severe+weak. Not a step lower. The red joker is not just a better severe flip it's in its own category. Heck check the rulebook there is a nice chart. Didn't we already discuss this?
  14. Hamelin does not have pipes he has a blow gun that after sticking you With the dart you get all woozy and by random chance you stumble in his direction. Yep blow gun and if you buy the upgrade is darts are blighted but they ignore the 1/2/3 damage cause disease is painless. Or he had some anesthesia with blight.
  15. The key language is "would discard" meaning they never are actually discarded. But 2 mulligans a turn is still pretty awesome. And the lure is a direct as close as possible means once it hits your front that was the closest point from where the lured model started. Course there is some debate if you care to. exercise your search fu.
  16. Don't try killing him. But his crew lacks wp. And are decently squishy. And with out a crew masters don't usually win games by themselves. Yes his curses are powerful but hey he is a master.
  17. Give me about a 1/2 to get in a dock and I am down.
  18. Oh I don't play it any of the ways I have posted about. I know how they should work and play it as such. If the OB kills a model no rat. I understand that is how it should work. I understand that Collodi should not make dead models dance. I completely understand that Collette should not be killed if she triggers death defying from non insta-kill triggers. I guess my ocd sees the poorly worded. ..words and wants it to be right. Clear and concise so no one can debate it. Mainly cause I love the game.
  19. Just making sure people understand that part. That if her trigger ever did get not killed put in it, it would effect these triggers but only if she was reduced to 0 wounds by the attack to actually trigger her trigger. Also if it was said that insta-kill triggers do reduce the models to 0 to remove them then her trigger would come into play again. Which also for instance if something was burning and within range of reincarnation and was decapitated Sonnia could get a stalker. But as my understanding at the moment a burning model that is decapitated has not met the requirements for reincarnation (reduced to 0 wounds) to spawn a stalker. (Unless of course the damage did reduce to 0 ofc)
  20. Sadly this is not supported by the rules as written. Also I have not even talked about the other version of killed. Disembowel: After damaging, kill the target unless it discards two cards or two Soulstones. Or any other of the instant kill triggers (decapitation assassinate swallow whole etc) How is kill defined? Do we lower the model to zero wounds then remove it. Or do you just remove the model. Mind you Collette's trigger death defying does not stop insta-kill triggers even if she gets reduced to 0 wounds in the process. She would still be killed Even if she was not at 0 wounds. So we have being killed by triggers and being killed by being reduced to 0 wounds. So again I ask what is kill(ed) defined as.
  21. I would point you to Hamelin who gas wording to say he is not killed. As does Levi. For her trigger to come into effect she has to be at 0 wounds. Which is killed. Her trigger does not prevent this. It only heals her after she is killed.
  22. But the definition of killed Which was posted is when a model is reduced to 0 wounds. Again I know how it should work. I am not that obtuse. But if some one claimed what I posted above they are technically right. And have the rules backing them. So people agree the obedient trigger needs a rework. Does Collodi's. Collodi: The text on the My Bidding Trigger was changed to: After dealing damage to target non-Leader, if the target was not killed, the target performs a (1) Action chosen and controlled by this model's controller. This Action may not declare Triggers. Which if killed is the instant you hit 0. Then it works fine. But the see Collette above. Again what is killed. Is it being at 0 wounds after resolving all effects in which case you are then removed. But then collodi's trigger would not function since you can't determine if it's killed till after. If it's the instant you hit 0 then Collette's trigger has issues. But either way the OB needs recording.
  23. It's not a question of how it "should" be played. Its how they do play as currently worded.
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