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Everything posted by sssk

  1. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    Hi Team Marcus, Thought you might be interested in THE BIG PLAY IT LIKE BEATDOWN COMPETITION. Check it out here http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com/. It's one of those prizes that you look at and think, "yeah, I'll entertain this idiot for a few minutes". Enjoy (and tell all your friends, it's a beginner's dream) Dave/sssk
  2. Hi folks, I'm not sure if anyone checks this thread anymore, but if you do, why not pop over to http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com/ and enter the big competition there. The prize is ASTOUNDING (no, really, it's actually a very good prize). So check it out. Dave/sssk
  3. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    I don't think I'd ever expect to win my first few games with a new master. Lilith is pretty nasty for anyone. Interestingly, Lilith and Marcus can have fairly similar crews (very fast, very hitty, not too survivable). Also, while my blog has a load of my thoughts on it, they're not necessarily the right thoughts. I know dgraz uses Marcus in very different ways to how I use him. You have to find what works for you. Marcus actually works very well on his own, so for his crew you can take pretty much any of the Arcanist stuff and he won't disappoint. Personally I like to stick with mainly beasts, because that's why I like Marcus (I'm an ecologist in real life), but having a crew of big constructs can lead to a much more survivable Marcus crew, and if you have Joss/Howard/Rail golem... or all 3, Alpha becomes monsterous. Anyway, I'll hop off the soapbox. Keep is informed with the progress of #TeamMarcus Dave/sssk
  4. You could do it with Alpha (Marcus)
  5. One thing you didn't mention on the post which I think came up somewhere in the twitter chat was "I don't like other people touching my deck" from a superstition perspective... #GetOverIt. As to the riffle shuffle, you're only passing the deck to be cut, not so that they can totally shuffle it afresh.
  6. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    Hi folks, It's a weak link, but there's a Marcus related resolution in the latest post at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com/ So go check it out why not (#ShamelessAdvertising)? Dave/sssk
  7. Hi folks, Sorry, I haven't kept this thread up to date. There's a few "new" posts up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com, so go check them out. Particularly the latest one, about my new year's hobby resolutions. If I don't stick to them, you have my permission to call Marcus a silly billy. Dave/sssk
  8. Like the ominous shadow in the back of the picture, I'm still lurking. It looks slightly more likely that I'll be around in July, but sadly still no promises yet. Very interested to see how things progress.
  9. That's a nasty cough you have there. I'll be using totally basic Marcus. Painting up a shiny new crew, and if it's not painted, it's not being used. Should probably take a look at wave 2 as well...
  10. I'll be there once I remember to actually buy a ticket. Don't think I've ever played a 40ss game before... this may not end well.
  11. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    Hi folks, I'm now the proud owner of a shiny new plastic Marcus crew, sadly it's somewhat grey right now. I have a 40ss tournament coming up at the start of March (2 months away), and figured that it would be a good opportunity to make me do some painting. The next hurdle on this path is that at the best of times I'm a slow painter, this is both because I have a lot of stuff going on in real life, and because... Er, I'm a slow painter. The next hurdle is that I want to try and paint my Marcus crew well, as I use them a lot and my current Marcus crew is an embarrassment to Team Marcus. Unfortunately that essentially means I'll be painting even slower than usual! With that in mind, I want to try to get 1 model painted every 1-2 weeks (told you I was a slow painter), but with only 8-9 weeks before the tournament, which 7-8 models do I try to paint? I reckon a nice core crew for 40ss would be Marcus, Myranda (with the obligatory Cerberus), Razorspine Rattler, December Acolyte, and 2 molemen. Then if I can get Cojo and the Jackalope done in time, that'd give me a bit of flexibility. So what does Team Marcus think? (And yes, painting updates will be going up at Play It Like Beatdown)
  12. Broadly I'd hold it in turns 1-4 and discard it before turn 5. Knowing stuff will succeed is rather good. Exceptions would be if there's a "big" turn coming up, in which case I'd discard it (so it's out of the deck that turn anyway) and probably use a soulstone to make sure my hand is as good as can be. Also if your opponent has lots of things which make you discard cards, it's probably not worth holding on to... But that decision is very situational.
  13. As soon as I saw it, my initial response was "I guess I'll just have to put together a Puppet Vassal Wars league", expect it in the new year. Fantastic game, this is a great way to get more people interested. Very excited
  14. So it's a nerd fight you want is it *rolls up sleeves to reveal distinct lack of muscle*. On a serious note though, a very well written blog post. Looking forward to more.
  15. Hi folks, There's a new post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com about December acolytes, which a few folks requested. I'm not convinced that I did them justice, but have a read, and then give one a go. It won't disappoint. Dave/sssk
  16. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    Hi folks, Not totally Marcus related, but there's a post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com about December acolytes, which a few folks requested. I'm not convinced that I did them justice, but have a read, and then give one a go. It won't disappoint. Dave/sssk P.S. mine will be painted in autumnal colours and called a "Ranger", so that it sticks with Marcus' wild theme... Just need time to do some painting now
  17. Anyone who's thinking of going to day 1 of the masters but not playing in the masters itself, could you give a shout. Just wondering if it's worth going. I fear I probably won't make it to day 1, but if there's lots of folks going I might try to get there.
  18. Hi folks, There's a new post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com/ It's more from ZacGoldenhall about using colours in crew painting, and today it's all about how to tie your crew together in various ways. Enjoy Dave/sssk
  19. Hi folks, it's been a while, but there's a new post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com all about demo games. Hopefully it won't take quite so long to get another post, but silly "real life" has rather been cramping my style. Enjoy Dave/sssk P.s. yes, I suspect I will be picking up Marcus in the black Friday sale
  20. Slightly off topic, but kind of not. Here's my two proxies for Joss in my Marcus crew. Obviously I wanted a bit more of a wild feel to him. Still can't decide which will be Joss. I think probably the first one, the second one might well become the captain. Joss: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=ferrus~hfh057&category=miniatures~fantasy-humans Jess (Joss's twin sister): http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=sana-%28resin%29~hfh062b&category=miniatures~fantasy-humans
  21. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    After reading through the 2nd wave stuff, I've decided not to write a Huggy post, as most of my thoughts are invalidated by stuff in the second wave (namely a whole lot of non-master models with damaging Ca actions). Acolyte will be up after a non-Marcus post I'm writing at the moment... Unless this one turns out to be rubbish and gets scrapped (as is often the case)
  22. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    In terms of the acolyte, mine is going to be a bit more of a woodland ranger type person (can't decide whether to stick with the current acolyte, or use a wood elf waywatcher or something). Certainly the acolyte will be in a post soon. Since I got mine it's been in every crew... As in EVERY crew. I love the metal gamin with Ramos. Haven't tried it with Marcus yet though. Cheers for the feedback
  23. sssk

    M2E Marcus

    Hi folks, There's a special 2 month birthday post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com all about a subject which is very close to my heart, and (I think) very important for the whole of Malifaux. Check it out, and enjoy. Dave/sssk
  24. Hi folks, There's a special 2 month birthday post up at http://playitlikebeatdown.wordpress.com all about a subject which is very close to my heart, and (I think) very important for the whole of Malifaux. Check it out, and enjoy. Dave/sssk
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