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Everything posted by Fantasyfreak

  1. Thanks for a great well run event James! Very much enjoyed and very pleased to take best painted, thanks to everyone who voted for my Yan Lo crew ☺
  2. Got my eye on this one as unfortunately missed last year's. Not been to one of your tournaments for ages which is a travesty!
  3. Thanks for running this Graeme, and you're welcome I knew after playing you a couple of months ago you were worth a punt for your category
  4. Oooooohh yeeaah, Saturday off, so will be down for both. Dare not ask for a pass yet though so soon after the nationals Me and Hutch were talking about heading into Leicester on the Saturday night for some shennanigans if anyone is interested to join us
  5. Would just like to add to the thanks to Mike, Lee and Chris for all the hard work and running what was an amazing tournament! I had an absolute blast, all of my opponents were so nice, thanks to all of you for that! I had a really hard time choosing sports. Haha, and thanks to the revolving dance floor crew for putting up with my bad extremely drunken dancing Some feedback then; Pros Food was an improvement on last year, thought it was great to be honest and was really grateful for a late spread on the Saturday night when sourcing food can be a pain. Bar. Bars are awesome, essential for a weekend event I think, whether you are drinking alcohol or teetotal. Organisation was good. Enjoyed on the day strats & schemes even though I didn't think I would, but I think without such a well organised and enforced set up period they would've been a downfall. Great atmosphere, amazing crowd (but that's just the malifaux scene) Mic for announcements on this scale is pretty much needed, I enjoyed the drunk with power banter tbh even if it meant you needed to pause for a brief moment. Free stuff! Painting entries on a seperate table Improvements that could be made IMO, not so much cons (realise some things are out of control or unavoidable) Score sheets. For the paint and sports votes too. Votes for the costumes and tables, would've liked to see the costumes all together. A touch more space between tables, also more space around the actual table for all the gaming components needed to play, some had none. Some more thought to some of the terrain, a couple of tables had A LOT of severe terrain on (woods), covering most of the board and I'm saying this as someone who ran a mostly incorporeal crew. But to reiterate, easily my favourite tournament of the year, and sure it will be next year, can't wait for the next one!
  6. Think i'll check this out on Sunday! Will come say hi Will bring the daughter as can't argue with a free ticket!
  7. Dammit! I was doing one a couple of months ago, was just going to finish it today but noticed the site is down It'd be great if you could send me yours Brass Monkey and I might use those or will at least be able to finish mine
  8. What is proving grounds? Are we talking gaining grounds or is it a special rules pack
  9. Thanks Mike, board games and beers before #towelsout action it is then Sad face for no trinity, I would've just taken the advantage to play 3 masters I like, not for any gaming advantage. But meh, i'm not fussed, as long as a get a few games of faux, beers and talk to peeps i've not seen for ages it's all win! Fav event of the year this one, really looking forward to it, thanks for all the work you, the tractors and York boys put/will be putting in.
  10. oooh. Is the bar gonna be open in the evening? Is the venue the same one as last year? Also schemes are announced on the day and trinity is out, Correct?
  11. My first event in 6 months, had great fun! Well run, nice venue, good prizes, great atmosphere and tea service. Can't ask for more really. Thanks to Panzer for running, Graham for stepping out to make the numbers even & helping, and Shadow games for hosting. Plus everyone who voted for my crew
  12. My local FLGS- Tabletop Tyrant (also know as gifts for geeks online) is running a Malifaux tournament on Saturday the 19th of September. The event details are here https://www.facebook.com/events/1446161419013304/ I said I'd put this up on the forums to publicise it a bit, have also put forward a few ideas to change up the rulespack a bit too as the round times are a bit too short currently etc. A few of us Squigs will be attending too being as it's our new club home and it's on our doorstep If interested, register your interest I'll update this thread when any amendments are made to the pack etc.
  13. Still on the lookout for these Puppets! DM if you have anything. Post edited with what I've sourced
  14. Hi, We have a great group of Malifaux players in Leicester, you're going to the right place! We have been playing at a club for years but are moving to be playing at a place called 'Tabletop Tyrant', which is very close to where you will be staying! (about 5 mins on a bike) PM me when you're here and we'll get you sorted
  15. Ooh, I might actually be able to make this for the first time since the year of it's inception!
  16. Love this! I've been wanting to do a quarrantine zone city board for a long time and this just makes me want to do it even more
  17. I Will Also, for future reference for anybody wanting the answers to the above rules questions; (I've found out the answers, in addition to what's above) Razorspines chomp! is a normal action, so doesn't have to hit a DF and isn't dodgeable. The Cherub's CSNTU is also an action that doesn't have to hit a DF and isn't dodgeable. The target doesn't get a rip if it has an exhausted token already as you only rip if you have an exhausted token when you animate the puppet. Can't see a definitive answer as to if the target gets an Exhausted token, but we play it as they don't as that makes the cost rather high.
  18. So as the title says I'm looking for puppets. Lady J P Pokey Vik P or M Misaki P Collette Marcus Pandora Lucius Cassandra Joss Kade Nino Witchling Moleman Sorrow Juju Zombie Chihuahua Mature Neph Ice Golem Hog Whisperer Piglet Bayou Gremlin Have trades or cash, UK based but will trade worldwide
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