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Kad Baz

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About Kad Baz

  • Birthday 08/29/1981

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    Stone Mountain, Georgia

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  1. Try posting in the Southeastern Malifaux Players group. I'm not aware of a Birmingham group. Good luck!
  2. Welcome! Really like the art work, lookin forward to seeing more!
  3. Giga-Bites in Marietta will be hosting a two day event April 8th and 9th, 2017 for folks who participated in the Grand Guignol Campaign League Sign in: Saturday, April 8th 10 AM First Round: 11 AM- 1 PM Lunch 1PM- 2 PM Round Two: 2PM- 4 PM Round Three 4:15- 6:15 PM Sunday Round Four: 12PM-2PM Lunch 2PM - 3PM Round Five 3 PM- 5 PM Prizes and Painting Contest 5PM Entry Cost: $25 Each player who attends the two day will use their Arsenal from the campaign, as well as any left over scrip. Each player will be given 10 scrip to hire models before the event starts. They may spend any amount of this scrip, or keep it for hiring on Sunday. They may use their left over scrip to buy upgrades, or hold onto it. Each day will have an event from the Shifting Loyalties book. All Schemes and Strategies will be drawn from the Gaining Grounds 2017 set, and will be announced 1 week before the event. Initial pairings will use players over-all records from the campaign. Each round will consist of ten minutes for pairings and set up, 1 hour and 40 minutes for games and 10 minutes for aftermath. Players will be able to begin playing as soon as they set up, and do not have to wait until the full ten minutes have passed. Tournament organizer will call "30 minutes left", last turn after 85 minutes, and last activation at 95 minutes, after which players will tally VP as though the turn and game had both ended. Players will perform the aftermath steps, and then report W/L/T, VP and differential to the TO. Players will not have access to the Cut 'Em Up for Parts, or the Good Doctor rules during the event. Three rounds will be played Saturday, and two Sunday, with winners determined by Tournament points, as described in the Gaining Grounds 2017 document. Players will be able to use any remaining scrip to hire models before play resumes on Sunday. Players may earn extra scrip for this event by playing against folks in their local group who still need games to get to their ten total games. The player who has already played their 10 games does not get scrip from the weekly event, for playing special scenario or from any other source, does not have to flip for Finished Off, accumulate injuries or make Barter flips, or other wise take part in the Aftermath step. The only exception is if they finish a bounty in which case they generate a aftermath hand and flip on the reward table. If a player who has reached their game cap plays someone who hasn't they earn 2 scrip which carries over into the two day event. This should only happen if their are no other players who have not reached their cap available.
  4. Giga-Bites Tabletop Gaming Cafe 1803 Roswell Road #1851, Marietta, GA 30062 will be hosting a 50 soul stone Standard Encounter Tournament on Saturday,March 18th, 2017. The Gaining Grounds 2017 rules will be followed. The tournament will be fixed faction.The tourney will consist of 3 rounds of 2 hours a piece. Sign up will begin at 11:00, with play beginning at Noon. We will also have a painting competition with prizes for the best single Mini and crew. There is a $5 entrance fee. Models from the Ripples of Fate book can be proxied, provided they are clearly labeled, and you have copies of there stat cards photocopied out of the book, and available for your opponent to inspect. Thanks and hope to see everyone there!
  5. Giga-Bites Tabletop Gaming Cafe 1803 Roswell Road #1851, Marietta, GA 30062 will be hosting a 50 soul stone Standard Encounter Tournament on Saturday,February 11th, 2017. The Gaining Grounds 2017 rules will be followed. The tournament will be fixed faction.The tourney will consist of 3 rounds of 2 hours a piece. Sign up will begin at 11:00, with play beginning at Noon. We will also have a painting competition with prizes for the best single Mini and crew. There is a $5 entrance fee. Models from the Ripples of Fate book can be proxied, provided they are clearly labeled, and you have copies of there stat cards photocopied out of the book, and available for your opponent to inspect. Thanks and hope to see everyone there!
  6. Sweet! @Kyle if you are interested we have Malifaux at Giga Bites in Marietta on Wednesdays. We'd love to have you!
  7. Hi Kyle! Are you going to be Georgia based?
  8. Thanks, Kadeton! I could not find it when I was flipping through the rule book today. Much appreciated!
  9. Had a question come up while T.O ing a tournament today, and I am wanting to check my reasoning and see if folks think it is sound. I'm acting as the ringer with Kirai and my opponent is playing Titania. My opponent activates Aeslin, successfully casts (0) As Leaves on the Wind (...enemy models within aura 6" suffer negatives to cast duels until the end of the turn.) My opponent then targets a model of mine with (1) A Wicked Silence, which is a Cast Resisted by Willpower. My opponent's contention is that my model is at a negative when defending because A Wicked Silence is a cast duel. My contention is that I am not at a negative as it is not a cast duel for the model defending, it is a Willpower duel. I cited the example of Pandora's Fading Memory, which only only triggers when she defends with her Willpower, or casts Incite, which uses her Wp to cast. Which of us is correct? Has there been a ruling on As leaves on the Wind that I missed? Thanks in advance.
  10. Howdy, all! This league is being run by a number of small local groups throughout the southeast, and is running from January 29th through March 25th, 2017, with a two day final event tentatively scheduled for early April at Giga-Bites Gaming Cafe in Marietta, GA. The Grand Guignol Campaign League is accepting sign ups for the league starting now. We are also looking fo folks to organize their local groups, help facilitate games and report results. If you are interested, please PM one of the admins. Here are the rules for the league: We will be following the rules for Malifaux Campaigns laid out in Shifting Loyalties, and all page # reference that book, with a few modifications. 1. This League will cover eight weeks, and players will be limited to a max of 10 games over the course of the league.(pg. 5) 2. All crews will start 35 soulstones. (pg. 5) 3. Instead of tying the availability of masters and Avatars to a particular week, Masters will be become available for purchase after a players 3rd game, (pg. 6)and Avatars after their 5th (pg 30). 4. This will be a competitive campaign, with the score at the end used to determine the winner for each local group, and placement at the April Event. (pg. 34) 5. The league will use the Cut 'em up for parts, The Wandering Relic, and the Good Doctor optional rules. (pg. 33). The Wandering Relic will be distributed by the organizers, and each crew can only make a Trip to the Doc's twice in the campaign. 6. Each game week will have a special story scenario which will be selected from the Wyrd Chronicles, the base rule book, or pulled kicking and screaming from the depths of the organizers fetid imaginations. Each player can play each Story Scenario up to twice in the game week for which it is active, and will be rewarded with 2 scrip for playing the story scenario. 7. Game results must be reported to your local organizer in order to count. Players may post battle reports in this group, and the better the report, the greater the chance of attracting the attentions of Those Who Thirst, or earning extra script. 8. Prizes will be provided for local leagues, and the April event will have additional prizes including a custom set of tokens for their crew, a propainted crew box, and trophies. To sign up, please checkout our FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1871097006457569/ . We are looking for both players and local organizers.
  11. Giga-Bites Tabletop Gaming Cafe 1803 Roswell Road #1851, Marietta, GA 30062 will be hosting a 50 soul stone Standard Encounter Tournament on Saturday,January 21st, 2017. The Gaining Grounds 2017 rules will be followed. The tournament will be fixed faction.The tourney will consist of 3 rounds of 2 hours a piece. Sign up will begin at 11:00, with play beginning at Noon. We will also have a painting competition with prizes for the best single Mini and crew. There is a $5 entrance fee. Models from the Ripples of Fate book can be proxied, provided they are clearly labeled, and you have copies of there stat cards photocopied out of the book, and available for your opponent to inspect. Thanks and hope to see everyone there!
  12. Giga-Bites Tabletop Gaming Cafe 1803 Roswell Road #1851, Marietta, GA 30062 will be hosting a 50 soul stone Standard Encounter Tournament on Saturday,December 3rd, 2016. The new Gaining Ground rules will be followed. The tournament will be fixed faction.The tourney will consist of 3 rounds of 2 hours a piece. Sign up will begin at 11:00, with play beginning at Noon. We will also have a painting competition with prizes for the best single Mini and crew. There is a $5 entrance fee. Models from the Ripples of Fate book can be proxied, provided they are clearly labeled, and you have copies of there stat cards photocopied out of the book, and available for your opponent to inspect. Thanks and hope to see everyone there!
  13. Giga-Bites Tabletop Gaming Cafe 1803 Roswell Road #1851, Marietta, GA 30062 will be hosting a 50 soul stone Standard Encounter Tournament on Saturday,November 5th, 2016. The new Gaining Ground rules will be followed. The tournament will be fixed faction.The tourney will consist of 3 rounds of 2 hours a piece. Sign up will begin at 11:00, with play beginning at Noon. We will also have a painting competition with prizes for the best single Mini and crew. There is a $5 entrance fee. Models from the Ripples of Fate book can be proxied, provided they are clearly labeled, and you have copies of there stat cards photocopied out of the book, and available for your opponent to inspect. Thanks and hope to see everyone there!
  14. Wyrd has posted the official announcement for their new Divergent Paths event.(http://www.wyrd-games.net/divergent-paths) Official prize support from Wyrd will be sent to Giga-Bites, thanks to the awesome David T. Finn. What is required to get special goodies from Wyrd is to: 1) Play a MINIMUM of one game using the Divergent Paths story encounters in every one of the 5 two week periods. The first period begins September 12th. This means a total of 5 games between September 12th and November 20th. 2) One of the players from each game need to report results (winner and loser, final score) to me. You can also report your results to Wyrd through the link provided if you want to be a part of the global event, but this isn't strictly necessary to participate in our local league. 3) Profit! In addition to Wyrd's special goodies, I will be offering prizes for the most wins, best painted crew and single model, and anyone who manages to play at least ten of the story encounters. If you have any questions please let me know.
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