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Everything posted by Requirement

  1. Oh and I can't remember if this has been put up but; Samael- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samael And the Hoffman/Coppelius connection is some good reading as well - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sandman_%28short_story%29
  2. Simple fix? Take them to the local print shop and have them laminated. It costs like a dollar (or shilling? Euro? Piece of eight? A farthing? Pounds?)
  3. I'm pretty pleased with him for a 6 point model. The one real drawback as I see and everyone is fond of bringing up is his lack of speed. It sucks that he has an awesome melee weapon that ignores armor and HtW but has to wait for an enemy model to come to him. Once your opponent doe know the threat he can pose he is also likely to become target 1… so you will see him disappear from a game quite frequently. Much like Samael his shtick typically only works once or twice.
  4. Looks good. I like the shading/highlighting on the jacket
  5. Everything said here. On the serious side, Sonnia is a pretty versatile, adaptable master who doesn't really need a ton of synergy with her crew. I would suggest picking up a Witchling Handler if you like the stalkers to add a little bit of synergy to your crew.
  6. My buddy wants to do a weekday thing (he's a server and typically likes to work weekends) I however don't care, so long as I know two weeks ahead for requests off and such. Weekday or weekend is a little more dependent on your schedules though I think. I have no idea what you guys do or what your schedules are like other than gathering that Rebecca does school. Maybe memorial day weekend? Although that seems a little far off... My buddy also said that he is would be interested in both us going there and you coming here to do two tournaments.
  7. Hey, sorry it took me a couple days to get back here. I just started a new job so I'm not sure about my schedule just yet. Most the players in my group are food service industry so we typically play weekdays late at night but we have talked about doing some weekend stuff to try and meet other players outside our area (like you!) I told one of the other guys in my group that I extended an invitation to you though and we would be happy to get you up here, we just need to figure out a time. There is a game store up here (The Guardtower) that has a "Malifaux Night" on Thursdays that I have never actually been to but my roommates went and said it was sparse at best... so if you could swing a Thursday you could also always try that.
  8. She actually watched a game last night as well. She said it made a lot more sense when you see everything in action vs. reading about it. I'm pretty sure it was also comforting for her to see me and my buddy have to reference the rules manual a hundred times (and I'm somehow known as the rules nazi of my group?) because somehow we forgot every rule. Also, I lost. So, it was a pretty typical game. Also, the rest of my group and one guy in particular, are stoked to get some play in against you two. He offered up our board here or to travel and would love to participate in a tournament. We have never actually tournamented before and want to get a little practice in before we try and do a big one like GenCon.
  9. That, good sir, is brilliant. Keep up the good painting!
  10. In an awesome twist, my girlfriend actually sat down and started to learn the game with me last night. Ha! Her biggest thing was "how do you remember all this stuff?" so I feel like that is about the best you can expect
  11. I am up in Columbus... little far, I know, but I am always happy to play a game.
  12. Your translations are pretty good, enough to get your point across. I was born in Montreal and raised in America, so my limited French skill is finally being put to use reading your posts!
  13. Also, the reference section of http://tabletopgeeks.com/malifaux-downloads/ has some killer sheets to keep around the table for newbies. Common talents and abilities list is clutch, even for some veteran players.
  14. I think I played too much Pokemon... gotta have 'em all! I totally feel the "hurts the wallet" argument, I'm just as poor as everyone else. I think buying two boxes (or more aptly having a friend buy one... sneaky sneaky) or just a couple models from those boxes can be worth the investment if you use them to show people how to play with them. Just keeping "starter models" around for the demos, ya know. Solid demo crews! I love it. I would maybe think about just leveling the cache to 2 or 3 for all of them for the first game and maybe even just say "We'll do hiring crews next game, this is to show how it works." Again though, those crews are solid (maybe even without editing the cards? None of those models are too "wall of texty") and show a lot of different abilities without getting to weirdly complex. I didn't mean for it to come off as "crush the weaklings!" More of a "show them what their crew can do and what your crew can do, on game three, as a constructive teaching tool." Obviously I don't think it would be cool to (pre-errata) Dreamer bomb them on their first game, as funny as that concept is in my head. (BOOM! So what did you think of the game?) We are more in agreement on this than I think it initially seemed. Like I said on the first post though, I lost the first 50 games I played. It sucked. I have cool friends who were encouraging, helpful, and not too big of jerks. Being that guy to a newbie player goes a long way in keeping them with it. I think what happens after the game is just as, if not more, important than what goes on during the game (after the first few games...) I couldn't help myself. There are only so many times a day I get to say "Sweep the leg!" I like the mistakes make us better. I like it because I make so many mistakes and I want to at least pretend I'm getting something out of it. *grin* But it is a seriously good lesson for new players and one of the first things my buddy kept telling me (as I was failing to glue Lucius' cane and hand on) was that I will get better by making mistakes and losing to good players. I think the lesson is good both ways. I like showing what my models can do and showing people what their models can do. I think the more exposure to ways things interact the better. I'm honestly still not sold but I support your efforts. I also would like to see the fruits of your labors when you get it done. And the submissions for quotes to go above the doorways are absurdly long. There's no way we are getting a mason to inscribe a 300 word quote on a piece of granite.
  15. Ryle is never friendly, but he can push out the damage. I personally vote for Ryle even though it realistically may not be the best option. I feel Ryle is a little more versatile than Nino. He can grab objectives, not die the second he is in melee, and still shoot things. Neither are a bad option though. Like everyone else on here says, just choose the model you like best. Or like I usually say, "Screw it and buy them all, I don't need to eat or pay my phone bill."
  16. Ryle is never friendly, but he can push out the damage. I personally vote for Ryle even though it realistically may not be the best option. I feel Ryle is a little more versatile than Nino. Neither are a bad option.
  17. Analysis paralysis is an amazing term for it and I personally vote we, as a community, fully adopt it. It still happens to everyone. I play with a couple guys who have been playing table tops since they were 12 and they will fully go through Analysis Paralysis at least once a game. It does get better. In the meantime though, the consequences are never that bad. As I said up top, don't stress too much, at some point it starts clicking and you can work through some of the interactions in your head. Getting a little experience under your belt, even with another game, can be really helpful and I honestly do hope you come back 'round to Malifaux. It really is an amazing game and quite fun. Hahaha damn French. Unfortunately my French is quite poor at this point, Americanization took care of that for me. However, I did have to help an English as a second language father understand the intricacies of the language, so I fully understand where you are coming from. hahaha. If you ever have wording issues I might be able to help you (or anyone else on here could as well.) Like I said, if you have a laptop keep it nearby when gaming. Everyone is always helpful and there is always someone online to answer and typically pretty quickly. What 1/3 of it did you disagree with? Might help me be a better teacher. ---------- Post added at 12:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ---------- Also: I love walls of text... on my cards, on my forums.
  18. Hahahaha Thank Ratty, I'm just a fanboy. The counters are super useful though. +1! Definitely something to remember.
  19. Nerds unite! I'm the only gamer in my group who wears them, make me feel like the ultra-nerd... both a good thing and a bad thing.
  20. I love this line of thinking. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to shrug off or dispel it...
  21. I don't think there is any harm in it. I think it could be helpful. I'm not trying to knock on you or the idea of finding ways to help out new players and I wasn't trying to sound like a dick. Three of my last five games have been demo/starter games so I'm stuck with everyone else trying to explain the game and help people get their minds around it. I am not trying to say it isn't hard to figure out Malifaux, especially without table top experience. I just don't think that there is an easy way to simplify things without drastically changing the game. I think a walk-through handbook? That makes the most sense to me. I liked the way book 1 walked through things. Admittedly, though, it was a fair bit confusing and the fluff didn't really help me not get distracted. Maybe, for you, getting some experience with Anima Tactics will be the segue into Malifaux. Way back in the day my friend, who is the one who did introduce me to Malifaux, tried to convince me to pick up 40k. I for some reason just couldn't figure it out. I got really frustrated and never even actually played a game. Malifaux is the first game I have ever actually played. It is also the first game I have ever understood, rules-wise. And, yes, it took me about 6 months to figure it out to a point that I was actually OK. Fair, I wish it wasn't so confusing to start out as well. I also wish I lived close enough to Montreal (my birthplace even!) to just roll over and help you out or run a few games. If you haven't yet you could get in contact with Zachio or gnam who are Henchmen in the Montreal area. They know the game, have models, and can probably help out. At the very least it would be nice to have someone in the room who already knows the rules. This really is valuable advice. And like I said in my last post, you are going to fail and mess up but that's all part of the learning curve. Even the most experienced gamers forget all sorts of stuff, especially in a denser game like Malifaux. Just stick to it, don't stress too much, and make your games fun. Again, sorry about last post if I seemed like an arse. I really wasn't trying to be.
  22. It happens like this EVERY time. I am known as the king of bad flips. The other day I couldn't get the Executioner to kill a Canine Remains.
  23. Somebody made one but has not released it yet as he wants permission from Wyrd.
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