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Everything posted by Boshea

  1. Wyrd deck boxes are too damn hard to open.
  2. With the power of the inter-webs, minis sent. So very glad I asked for the international retailer list.
  3. Probably Viks. Beyond Sisters in Spirit they're pretty straight forward crew to play.
  4. I feel like I signed up for this, but can't find any PMs that I did.
  5. I have a similar issue I'm waiting to resolve (item didn't add to cart). I feel like the email to contact is office.assistant@wyrd-games.net but I could be wrong.
  6. I like the check box confirming that people are aware shipping won't start until the 5th. Now to try and get a hold of wyrd to add an item post checkout because I'm bad at reviewing my orders.
  7. If I obey an enemy model and use it kill another enemy model, does it count towards my Reckoning kills?
  8. Perdita is the one on the left
  9. Perdita is the one on the left
  10. IS everything in the special edition boxes the special material or just the spirits/constructs?
  11. I have a mold for wood bases. I just left the nub on the scissors and then pushed him into the base before it set.
  12. I originally picked up the Golden Interference paint to try some different effects for power/magic weapons. Then these happened. The Void is shiny apparently
  13. This reminds me, I should really finish painting my Gluttony.
  14. I've been liking the Vallejo wash line, but I mix it 1:1 with Pledge to get good results out of it. Availability of paint is likely the biggest factor. As much as I want to try Reaper, P3, and Coat d'Arms I'd need to order them online. GW, Golden, and Vallejo (Panzer and Model ranges) are my only local choices. I airbrush with Vallejo, and any non-airbrush paint I have is to make colour matching easier. Golden I use more for mediums and some different things. I like the GW line, especially after the revamp. Only use the layer, bases, and washes though. The new washes work far better. There new technical line is interesting and I've tried the cracked earth effect. I know how to achieve a lot of those effects with medium mixes, but crackle medium is giant pain to work with on its own. The only thing I've ever seen used from Army Painter is their quick shades and Sprays. Both get pretty good results and I know several undead players who only have painted armies because of the bone spray.
  15. Don't have rules in front of me, but fairly certain he has a crow built into his cast. Otherwise you can burn a stone to add the crow.
  16. Over thinking it. The 'another' refers to a third model. You draw lines between the acting and targeting model only being stopped by blocking terrain and other models.
  17. I probably just need to work my cork more.
  18. In teh Grim Darkness of the future, there is only neon colour. What type of cork are you using? Looks way better than mine.
  19. Some where it was stated that the issue was resolved.
  20. So would you prefer to complain about how things got fixed, how things are not getting fixed, or how stuff isn't getting released?
  21. I'll need to look into this. Always mapping out a 3x3 area is a bit of a pain.
  22. Been in a bit of a hobby lul. Had planned on painting up my Seamus box for the facebook group, but doe some reason I could not get bases to mold right and didn't have enough time to paint anything. Was also planning on painting up my Tuco for Rotten Harvest, but just couldn't get motivated to paint. With wave 2 out in the open hoping to get some more games in since a large part of my collection and many of my player's is now playable. Once I get a better feel over what I like in this edition I'll probably start getting more Malifaux painted. Right now I have a pile of Sisters of Ba..... Adepta Soritas based and primed. Need to at least get a troop choice painted up by the end of the month for the best painted category. Also got that Seamus crew primed and based so probably paint them as breaks between the Sisters.
  23. Miniature Market, Coolmini and Wyrd's own store is where I've ordered anything my store couldn't get. Never got around to using meeplemart.
  24. Pretty sick. I have a chaos sorcerer in a similar, but no where near as good, scheme.
  25. Vanessa will very likely add a third upgradable sister. Not having to put all your abilities on to the glass cannons will help a lot.
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