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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. I guess the question is why. Why isn't Colette both where the Colette model is and where the target of RP is? It seems to me Colette would be effected by engagement and auras as if she were in both positions. If you don't consider the marker's location to count, how could you draw range and LoS from it?
  2. I agree. I get the 1 model in 2 places interpretation. And while I don't like it I get the 2 separate models interpretation. The 1 model and 1 projection that is that model in some cases and not in others, seems really hard for me to wrap my head around.
  3. The first thing that sprang into my head was Snake oil salesman. Medicinal Compound, efficacious in every case! Yes. But different crossovers would mean different crossover models. To be honest With Tanuki, Fermented River Monks and now Shojo bring TT it and like they're trying to suck Brewmaster back in. Surprised She long want the cross over either. Qi would have been pretty far down my list of guesses. Like performer and woe. Definitely would have guessed Performer and Qi first. My general point is that, for a lot of the pairings, it seems more like a random pairs were picked then an enforcer designed to bridge the themes rather than picking Masters that already have similar themes to be boxed together.
  4. I think drinking formaldehyde is the overlap.
  5. I honestly think the pairings must have been picked from a hat. I would have sworn Mcmourning and the only other poison Master Brewmaster would end up sharing a model.
  6. Zorida got a pretty big expansion, being able to summon Effigies, Mannequins and Wicked Dolls. I know it's not quite the same as adding the puppet keyword, but it's a pretty big model list.
  7. I agree it needs a faq. But it seems to me that it would say: "target takes an action as if it were a model with this model's stat cards" if it was meant to be a temporary double instead of Colette doing the thing at range. The double interpretation is stronger I think. Decoy's couldn't use focus but you could use them for 3 charges or multiple summons a turn, and not have to worry about getting damaged or gaining conditions.
  8. What match ups/strats do you think he's worth 8ss in?
  9. Not really a speculation but more of a wish list. I hope we get more Bayou enforcers. If the four Bayou masters revealed so far only Rock Hopper is in Bayou. He seems cool enough in Mah, but I can't see any other crew grabbing him OoK. 56 masters in 23 boxes means each faction should get 3-4 right?
  10. I think "as though it were this model" stops 1 per activation stuff like the summon or multiple charges.
  11. I usually don't have much problem with Manipulative or Serene, or hitting things in general with Tri-chi, but there isn't a whole lot of manipulative in my meta. I think I'm going to regularly use Popcorn with the new Brewmaster instead of leaving him in the case. Alcohol Poisoning will help a lot when poison is ticking twice a turn and it also provides extra push distance. Blood poisoning to fit the potential extra damage or distance.
  12. She's got D6, 12 wounds, Hard to Wound, a self heal, and Soulstones. What more do you want?
  13. I think few things are as distracting as someone throwing a knife at you. Even if they keep missing. My head cannon is that Incriminating Evidence is the name of the katana. I like the new Youko. Being able to fish out two 13s from the discard seems amazing. I don't know how valuable the triggers in keyword are to know how valuable Whispered will be.
  14. Yeah, it's sort of the same trick that fermented river monks, and to a lesser extent moon shinobi, have. It makes me wish he had slippery. Shiners staff is pretty good. But that's more the ability itself combined with built-in push, poison and other ability synergies. Drunken kung fu doesn't seem to add a whole lot to that, imo.
  15. My initial reaction is great disappointment. I really would have liked to see Too Drunk to Care instead of Butterfly Jump and +1 defense. Drunken Kung-fu is almost wasted on this model. He has no gun action to ever benefit from friendly fire. The only ranged ability he would use on an enemy doesn't have a resist or TN. The only time, outside of something your opponent provides, it effects his action is if you use Open the Gourd on a construct in concealment. And he only has one attack with a mediocre damage spread to get the damage flip bonus. It seems to be in his card m mostly to screw him out of using focus. Looking more at the card, it's growing on me. The mobility tricks are pretty great. Especially since a lot of them happen in the end phase after the opponent has an ability to react to them. Open the Gourd looks stellar. It makes Bar Room Brawl and Tipsy Slide both better. I'm a little worried that it will make the crew hyper dependent on the Whiskey Golem, which already has a big target painted on it. Shojo seems amazing. Especially with OG Brewmaster, since Red In The face boosts every Have a Drink up to the 3 poison sweet spot.
  16. Sounds potentially brutal. Especially if you focused it up the previous turn. I think I would want to try out Kudra OoK. I don't know how much you'd get out of her mantra, but built in Onslaught with a Master that can give out Injured +2 and fast sounds strong.
  17. I think the same. I think any pool that focuses hard on the center would benefit from a list that can pop out a Canine, Ashigaru and maybe Construct a turn. Coordinated Attack and Cut Them Down work really well with Spreading your best attacks via plastic surgery too. Honestly to me this McMourning seems like the new default to me. He doesn't have any hard counters I can see, since RRR offers a lot of protection against marker removal. The OG Mcmourning will be the wild card you play when you think they won't bring condition removal.
  18. This is about what I was thinking of as a standard list. Maybe swapping The Grave Digger and Kentaurai for the Emissary sometimes. How'd the game go? What was the final score?
  19. Unless they have a crazy crew one or two keywords should cover it.
  20. I think it's a good sign if I get corrected three times. It means the forums have some solid system mastery. Lol
  21. I thought that too. Like low key Colette. But then the model is also holding a fist size growing soulstone, which seems like it gives the game away. Yeah the timing of stuff will be interesting. Like I think Colette can choose a Dove as the target of Routine Performance, take her Prism attack then burn the Dove as a soulstone using it's Smuggled Soulstones since modifying the duel comes after measuring range to the target. It could be used to guarantee the suit Colette needs to summon a new Dove in base contact with that attack's target. I think she could also sac a Dove next to her actual model since it would also count as with 3 of Colette.
  22. You're right. I play against Friekorps and thought it was a thing everyone can do. But when von schill give himself a bonus action, it's from a trigger. And when Hannah does it with Adaptive Tactics it explicitly allows her to do it. So, Cassandra could make a second decoy marker a turn. But it would take both her bonus action and a standard action which is kind of expensive for an 8 stone model.
  23. I believe the answer is no, it doesn't count against your 1 bonus action a turn. It's the same way that actions generated from other actions or triggers don't count towards your limit. Like when you take the charge action, the attack it generates doesn't use your second action for the turn.
  24. I disagree. It counts as Colette. Not a new model like Colette. It's "as though it were this model" not "as though it were a model with this model's stats" Even if we ignore the token part, I think this is the first time we've had one thing count "as though" it were a completely different model. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of confusing parts in need of clarification. Like to my current understanding the target counts as though it were Colette, but Colette also counts as Colette which could make auras interesting. It might also get confusing with Doves which will count as Colette, but also don't specify that they stop counting as Doves for the action.
  25. I think it would resolve, if able, against Colette since the token counted as her during the action. Like Cage Fighter has no range or LoS restrictions only that the attacking model used a attack. I don't think it really matters when the token reverts back. Since at the time it took the action it was Colette. I can't think of any after resolving abilities off the top of my head that check to see if the model is still in range.
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