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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Another way to think of it. Just because a model is taken out of the game, does not mean it is dead. He could just be knocked out, unless there are Resurrectionist around and we turn him into a punk zombie.
  2. If you are playing an encounter indoors, the rule book says the walls are Ht4. Don't know if that helps out.
  3. Nicodem's "Zombie Control" ability also removes the mindless ability and makes them friendly to the crew. So as long as they are within 12", they are your buddies. So range all you want with them around but they will not help in stopping shooting, outside sacrificing them to take hits.
  4. Sounds like a great time. Wish I was anywhere close to the place.
  5. I second that. Having ran many a tournament, event, or what-have-you the basics are first place to look. Next is to keep your community in mind very close to second. Try not to exclude anyone, but always know there will be that 'one guy'. If everyone is pretty new, keep the points low, also true if it is your first event. If half the community only have one or two masters per faction, make it fixed masters. As for changing up stategies and schemes, have to vote against that, don't change up what people know. Even if it is an tournament, people have been playing schemes one way will confuse them if you change them up. Also let everyone know the standards you are looking for, a friendly tournament with lots of new players or is it all out tournament sytle with take no prisoners. For my area, I have to allow the proxy rule and let the painting slide as some in my group just won't do it, but as long as everyone is having fun and looking forward to the next one, you did a good job.
  6. A little more than a week until we find out which factions make the best team mates and which ones should never team up.
  7. Go to reaper minis and look at the Choronoscope line. Lots of themed zombie pack with 3 to a pack. I got a dead doctor, nurse, and patient.
  8. Can Kearis even have a totem? Or is because she was a henchmen under a master?
  9. Reaper minis carries dollies, aka model manequins. They have 3 didfferent styles to pick from.
  10. From what I understand, that is not their proper names, it is the type of Neverborn they are. I was confused at first also, as to why they are not unique. Seems they are a type not a named character.
  11. Summons are still limited by rarity. That is why you never see two rogue necromancys at one time. The effect would still go off, the new model is not summoned. I far as I know, summons don't die just because you try and summon a new model. Page 9 of the rule book has the rule on it.
  12. Oh yeah, I seen that earlier also. In the flash bar. Does have a asian necromaner look to him.
  13. That is some nice looking ice. When I move to Arcanist, I will have to keep this thread in mind.
  14. Well well, sounds like something to listen to. I would listen anyways.
  15. Having fun is the real key! I like to run Seamus with 2 dead doxies and 3 belles (more if we are playing higher points) and I have fun everytime. Take the crews and models you like and go with it.
  16. So nice! Never thought of making Molly all goth. Now it doesn't seem so odd when she gets together with Kirai to write poems about the darkness and being sad.
  17. Time again for another event at the Dragon's Lair. Where? Dragon's Lair Comics 8316 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68134 (402)399-9141 Date? Saturday, July 14th When? Starts at 10am and ends around 5pm Fee? $5.00 that goes towards prizes Crews will be 25 soulstones, fixed master. Format will be Accumulation. Proxies are allowed as long as correctly based and completely finished. Non painted models also allowed. The basic rules: This will be a team brawl style event. Players will control their own crews, soulstones cache, and fate deck. Model rarity are based on crews and unique models are limited to 1 to a team. Henchmen taken as masters gain their henchmen cache as normal. In round 1, players will be randomly paired with another player to form a brawl sized crew. In round 2 and 3, players will be paired highest scoring player with lowest scoring player. In the event there are not enough players to form paired crews, the two odd players out will play each other, one on one. Strategies will be fixed and are as follows: Round 1-Treasure Hunt, Round 2-Contain Power, Round 3-Slaughter Prizes go to the Best Team and Best Single player with draws for random models during the event. As always, if you got questions, post them up here. Special thanks to Nilus and his awesome team malifaux event idea. It all happens at the Lair!
  18. My gaming group normally goes with 10+ pieces, but this are smaller pieces (no more than 6"x6", if that). We have large towers, buildings, and desert terrian with a 12"x12" foot print, but they are afraid to use them. I think it due to the Rasputina phase that went thought the group, but everyone seems to like smaller pieces and lots of them.
  19. Would those rules really need an update? The rogue necromancy and dead doxy have rules on their cards stating that they can summoned, no real need to put that on the master's card. My question would be if the rulebook will have the full rules in them. If I remember correctly, book 1 does not have strategies and schemes listed in it as they didn't show up till book 2. I could be wrong on this, only seen book 1 and 2 a few times.
  20. Guess this will all go to show that the idea of "weakest" and "broken" are maybe in the mind of the player. If Rathnard does start a clean sweep with Seamus and schools all he plays against, would that make Seamus powerful or maybe broken? Or does that just prove that Rathnard is a good player? Guess we will all see in the end.
  21. To me, it looks like entrall only gives a hiring bonus. This would let you hire outside of faction. Hiring Von Schill would put the special forces rule into effect, so you could only take special forces after that. On his card, Von Schill as a leader can negate the two merc rule, but not as a henchmen. The way I read it (all the rules together) you take Von Schill, you can take any number of freikorps as special forces/mercs but still get your entrall to hire other models. So no desp mercs as they are not freikorps.
  22. Something about the fact a bundle of fingers leaving a corpse counter seems a bit much. Not that I feel Resurrectionist need to be limited on the summons, but that rule just leads to trouble. Every list is now going to have 2 canine remains and 2 corpse bits in the starting list. The canines attack the bits, the bits slow to die on the canine and then the master's action comes up, you summon whatever you want. Seem a little cheap to me, not that I ever use that tactic.
  23. I don't think it is malifaux fault, more the horror genre itself. Very few horror type killers are female. Necromancers (like Nicodem) are normally pictured as older men, mad sciencist (like McMourning) are also normally male, and serial killers (like Seamus) are almost always male also. It is just what comes to mind when think of those types of horror images. Change any of those to female and the image changes.
  24. Well, guess I will jump in also. 1-night terrors (terrible models) 2-guild autopsies (more types of guild models) 3-crooligans (so the whole class can come out and play) 4-mindless zombies (maybe ones that look like what is fighting on the battlefield)
  25. You are going to need some flesh contructs, maybe a rogue necromancy, mindless zombies, and Bete Noire goes good with Nicodem also. I hear grave spirit as a totem is good. You will need all the extra stuff for summons as Nicodem is very good at that. ---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ---------- So no on punk zombies and yes on crooked men? If that is what works for you. Players are like the Resurrectionist masters themselves, each one summons differently.
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