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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Greetings all! Since we now have some offical campaign rules, I could not hold back on working on some rules for a setting. So this will be report thread for the campaign I am running at my local game shop. Event Thread http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?41119-Mystery-of-the-Moonlight-Murders Campaign Rules https://docs.google.com/document/d/11dUX_9qvjnh0XVyBZv4YJFY89_UVbVcN_-CFvnPsmgg/edit?usp=sharing Here is the list of current master/henchmen we have in the campaign and points they have earned: Leveticus-6 Von Schill-3 Perdita-1 Karis-1 McMourning-0 Ophelia-1 The Viks-3 Enjoy and feel free to ask any question you like!
  2. LordZombie will there! Bringing the henchyness and Through the Breach podcasting goodness with me. Maybe I will be bring some extra stuff also!
  3. There is a madman killing off the minions of the Malifaux factions, and he is making his way up to the unique minions! But it is not Seamus and it is not Lilith, he is only known as the Moonlight Killer. He strikes around midnight and always leaves behind riddles as a clue to who is next. But the Masters of Malifaux are going to wait around and wait their turn. So form a crew and join the manhunt for the Moonlight Killer! Details! When? Starts this Saturday the 13th and runs until May the 25th. No gaming on the 20th for Adepticon. Time? Starts at 10am and runs until 4pm. Cost? Nothing, but you can win prizes during the campaign and the player with the most Wound points will win a prize! Where? Dragon's Lair Comic 8316 Blondo St Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141 This will be a 6 week Malifaux campaign. Crews can be led by a Master or a Henchmen (not both in a crew) and all unique minions are truly unique for the campaign so get there on time to get the ones you want! Check out all the details this Satruday!
  4. My group will be running a campaign starting this weekend. We did some houseruling here and there. I will post them up when I get them done later today.
  5. Short Answer-Yes. Long Answer-Yes. At least you can't ride any of the dinosaurs, or maybe you can? The event itself was a flop, eveyone should up too late and not enough players for a good event. I will still post up booklet 4.5 Dinosaurs Unleashed! soon so anyone can enjoy the event at your local shop!
  6. Oh yeah, booklet 4.5 Dinosaurs Unleashed! will be posted up for all to enjoy. Just need to spice it up a little more.
  7. Hey, hope the event goes over well and everyone has a great time! Someday, Lincoln and Omaha need to cross paths!
  8. This Saturday, Dinosaurs invade Malifaux! Not only will you get to play in the event for prizes, you can get you very own copy of booklet 4.5 Dinosaurs Unleashed!
  9. As a player of Fantasy from 3rd ed to 8th ed, trust me, that is not one diverse army and not even close to two. Getting the whole faction in Malifaux will give you YEARS worth of gaming versus what you would get in GW. Don't forget, an army book/codex is now $50. One playable unit in Fantasy is $150 and that is minimum size, same goes for 40K. There is really no way you can compare GW to Malifaux, Malifaux will always come out on top. That is not just fanboyism talking, I have played GW games since '96.
  10. I want in on the action this time. Sounds like a lot of fun.
  11. Man, I really want to join in the next round! Sounds like fun.
  12. I have tried that combo a few times, the big problems is the fight for crows at that point. Molly needs all 14 crows in the deck to even try and do anything and with Yin needing them to cast, it just doesn't really work out. I enjoy taking Molly as a leader and have pulled off a draw or two, which is a victory in my eyes. For some crews, you just have to play and enjoy the game and forget everything else.
  13. Don't forget, we got Malifaux demos at the Lair today!
  14. I hear they are just going to condense the rules down to card size so they are easier to carry. Not easier to read, just carry.
  15. Oh yeah! There will also be a EBO battle of the time nanny game too! That is free to play but you can win a prize!
  16. So we all know Malifaux has got Gothic, Steampunk, Victorian Horror, Wild West, and Ninjas in it. There is one thing that Malifaux is missing to make it complete, Dinosaurs! That's right, join us at the Dragon's Lair on March 30th (International Table top gaming day) for a story encounter like no other! Check out all the info below! When? Saturday March 30th, International Table Top gaming day Time? Starts at 10am and runs until 4pm Where? Dragon’s Lair 8316 Blondo St Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141 Cost? Only $5 gets you in. Here are the details of the event The event will be single faction and players get to pick 2 masters from the choosen faction. Players must use the each master in at least one encounter. Crews will be 30 soul stones. Painted models are not enforced. Proxies may be used as long as properly based and pointed out to the opponent before the encounter starts. The event will run for 3 rounds. The story Someone has found a way to bring dinosaur back! Some factions are all for this, but others don't like the idea very much. Depending on the faction you pick, you will be against their return or helping their return. Strategies will be set up depending on the sides you are on and will even change to suit crews that are on the same side. Prizes Players will vote on the player they like as the best player and favorite opponent. Winning games will have no factor on winning prizes, it is all for fun. There will also be even more prizes now! Want to see what the encounter is all about? Check it out here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u9qCZaPmg72dwi6fs7CwZZXH8mKIUt3Fl07SMF7r7hA/edit?usp=sharing
  17. You hear all the talk about Malifaux but not really sure what is all about? Want to try out a game before you buy something that you may not enjoy? Then stop by the Dragon's Lair for demo days! When? Saturday March 16th and 23rd. Time? There will a chance for a demo from 11am until 3pm. Where? Dragon’s Lair 8316 Blondo St Omaha, NE 68134 (402) 399-9141 Cost? Nothing, it is just a demo! Stop by and try out some Malifaux and chat with the group about crews and how the game works. You will be happy you did. It all happens at the Lair!
  18. There are a lot of aspects of Malifaux that make a great selling point. It is one of the cheapest games to get started in. Most starter boxes are priced between $25 to $45 dollars and that alone gives you what you need to play a few encounters. The rulebook is $15 and a fate deck is $8 (or $12 if you go plastic). Another thing that really sells Malifaux is the miniatures themselves. When some people see the box sets, they will fall in love with game right away. So Malifaux is good at selling itself, but what you need to do is run demos. Find two easy crews (Seamus, Lady Justice, Lilith, Rasptunia, or the Victorias), paint them up, set up a nice 3' x3' table and show people how it is played. That is the best advice I can offer. That is really how Malifaux got started in my area and that was over a year ago and I still get new players joining every month. Once you get a small group going, others check out what you are doing, point out some the selling points of Malifaux (see earlier in the post), they will join in. Don't get discouraged if no one shows up for the first couple demos, just keep at it. Have Malifaux nights (or days) on a day when you know the shop is busy and keep it on the day. The locals will get used to it and start showing up. Once you got a good group going, set up a day for Malifaux and start off will some open play. It will take some time, smaller games like Malifaux are a hard sell to some people as it is "young" in gaming terms. But keep at it and before you know it, you will have a group of 10 regular players and you will be a henchmen running story encounter events. Hope some of this helps and best of luck.
  19. Kaeris did get an alt model for Arcanist winning the Dead Heat campaign last year. None of the book 2 master have alts, only the book one guys got that honor.
  20. Looks like I started something. Some has the Relic Hunters split up on ebay now.
  21. In one encounter, Izamu got turned into a maniquinn.
  22. So the other day, while checking out the malifaux section of ebay, I noticed someone was selling Jakob Lynch. Not the box set, just him himself, not even hungering darkness. That got me thinking. Would you buy parts of the new box sets if they were sold on ebay? If so, what box set would you think would do the best to break up and sell?
  23. The old puke worm? I know of a malifaux podcast that just came out today that discusses that very model. Check out Through the Breach! http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=111
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