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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. I can speak from experience also, that the terrain might be the reason. I demoed the game using the starter also and played Guild, but was beating soundly. Angel Eyes is brutal with her shooting attacks, but a little cover can help with that.
  2. The campaign continues. Our Guild player was able to hang into the pit fight until the end and win a Carver model to add to his arsenal! Still time to join in. Due to the length of the pit fight, the campaign has been extend one more week to help out with missed games.
  3. Ever wondered about how malifaux plays? Well, come on down to the Game Shoppe on March 12th and try out a demo! We will have everything you need to play, just show up and ask for a demo! March 12th at the Game Shoppe 4014 N 144th st Omaha, Ne 68116. (402) 991-8699. Demos starts at Noon and run until around 2pm.
  4. What? Nine hours of malifaux goodness? Man, I need to come over there for one some time.
  5. Is the idea of this to be a new crew for Gremlins, or just a crew within itself? Might sound odd to ask, but if you made the crew within itself as part of a story encounter set, that would make the play test easier.
  6. I have always wanted to make a list of all the special and alt models and I see you got that also. Nice.
  7. Ok, here is what I plan to do this month. Hamelin 15ss, Nix 8ss, The Stolen 2x3=6ss, Malifaux Rats 2x3=6ss Hope to finish them as they are for my campaign.
  8. Yes! We have started! Now to get some pics up!
  9. In my current campaign, I have two TT players. One is running Toshiro and the other is running Sensei Yu. Both are doing quite well and hold their own. Sensei Yu, even played by a newer player of Malifaux, can stay on the board for quite a while. Add a few upgrades, you him and you got a powerful leader. Toshiro is great for the buffs he can give out and for summoning. In low cost encounters and a campaign setting, summons can be a big deal. I ran Ama no Zako during the playtest and she was pretty good. My crew was all off as I was playtesting the new models at the time, but an Obey in smaller encounters can be great as well as her hazardous aura are lots of fun.
  10. Lot of people didn't seem to like the Iron Zombies and not impressed with the encounters. Ask any Resser player and they will tell you only the Valedictorian is any good.
  11. That is not a bad idea. Good way to introduce a player to the crew and a TTB adventure for some back story.
  12. This Monday, there will be a special Pit Fight event and one player will walk away with a special campaign upgrade to summon the Carver model they will win if they are the last person standing in the pit fight! There will also be pizza! Never too late to join!
  13. So we got Transmortis, which got some bad press, then came the Crossroads Seven set and Brotherhood of the Rat, now we got the Creative Taxidermy. Great ideas for releasing models with some bonuses. I can't say I am the biggest fan of the new direction of the Story Encounters, but they are pretty cool. Biggest problem, this idea is a little late in the game. There are only about 17 models left to release and little within a faction to make a themed story encounter. So here is the question for my fellow Wyrdos, if you could see any themed story encounter set, what would you like to see? Maybe a release of older models with alt sculpts? Maybe one with duel faction models with alt faction sculpts? Personally, I would love to see the Ten Thunder Bros in a set with that alt Ototo from the Chronicles. What can you come up with?
  14. I did not even notice the story encounter set for the piglets. It is a shame this idea is running a little late in the game, but still liking the idea over all.
  15. We do have plans for guest players to join in from time to time.
  16. The Through the Breach group is back! This time we are doing videos of Through the Breach one shot adventures! Check out our very first show with the link below and let us know what you think! Like, Share, comment! It is good to be back.
  17. Omenbringer, you are my hero.
  18. By all rules of the GG, as long as you do a little modeling on it, it is a 100% legal conversion.
  19. I can't wait for this to start. I am holding back on some minis so I can count them in the challenge.
  20. Yes, that is all very true. There is the Carver model also. But the tortoise and the hare are also models that only appear in their named encounter and can not be hired by crews without a "counts as" rule. I talking more along the lines of the Iron Zombies. They can out around the start of M2E, and were just a story encounter box set, which was pretty cool. Maybe a little limited as who would buy the box set as it had only Resser models. They then changed their mind and included them in book 2 so everyone could see the model stats and not just the ones that buy the box set, which is okay, but it feels like a limit to me. The Crossroad seven were already in book 3. The Brotherhood of the rat is just Hamlin models from book 2.
  21. That is what Fatemasters are for!
  22. It is under the skill itself. It changes as you level the skill.
  23. Wyrd as stated they will not make anything that is not part of a book anymore. So there can't be story encounter box sets with unique models that are not in a book. The reason why the Iron Zombies were placed in book 2 and the two player starter placed in book 3.
  24. I do love seeing fan made crews and models. Stuff like this would make such great story encounter packs, but Wyrd killed that idea already.
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