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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Oh, I thought you were Von Clausewitz! Lots of hidden Malifaux players in the area. I might drop in then to help out and play a game or two.
  2. Greetings and welcome to the forums and world of Malifaux. Guess if there are two pieces of advice I can give would be the following: 1st- Find the FACTION you like. You might think you will get one box set and be done, but you won't. I chose the Resurrectionist as I like the undead (my name might give that away) and it contains some of the best masters in terms of looks. Sad Kirai-chan, crazy Seamus, mad doctor McMourning, the gentlemen Nicodem, and the pitiful but hopeful Molly make up one heck of a faction. So as you buy, you can switch out pieces from one box set and make up new crews. Kinda of a win win. 2nd-Remember the game is based on objectives. Took me a while to learn that, but my games are getting better now that I keep that in mind. So that is what I got to offer. The core rules of Malifaux are very easy, it is the rest of the stuff that makes it great.
  3. Hey Porkchops, what time you thinking of running the demo or gaming?
  4. Welcome to the forums and the wonderful world of Malifaux! I have no comments on Sonnia as I have not played against her or with her. I am Ressurrectionist through and through, but if I did play Guild, I would pick her. Enjoy the game and always feel free to ask questions.
  5. So my friends in my gaming group are going all out on the bases for their minis. Making plasicard bases with crates and what not. The other one is going with green stuff and stamps. I myself and just going with with basic dirt and few graveyard objects (I play all the ressers). My point and question is this, is basing a really big thing in most groups? I figure it is a big deal in tournament, but do does your gaming group go all out when it comes to basing? I ask as I wonder if I should put a little more to my bases.
  6. I don't think the forum need that much else. I do think a sub forum for other terrian would be cool, but really,we are here because of Malifaux so we should stick with Malifaux.
  7. Well, we got that one figured out. Point to you sir!
  8. I will have to stop in and check it out. The more malifaux the better, I always say.
  9. Having ran many many a demo in my time, I have to +2 with Closseau and SpiralngCadavr. Don't no do multiplayer games for demos. It make the game very confusing for someone just getting started. A friend of mine love to do that and the poor new guys had no idea what was going on. If anything, I would say to stick with what comes in the box set and demo that. After all, who is not going to start with a box set and that gives them an idea what to expect.
  10. Just a quick update! Dragon's Lair now carries a nice supply of Malifaux! If you live in the area, stop by and check it out and then drop in on Saturday for a game or even a demo to get you started!
  11. Malifaux really does need a campaign system. I personally would just take a book with just the rules over a box set. I was thinking of trying out some campaign rules with my gaming group, I will have to post them up when we get something done.
  12. I host gaming at my local game shop and we started getting into Malifaux a few months ago. At the moment I have 6 regulars in the game with 3 other maybes. Now, not every gamer in my group is going to play. The shared reason is that they don't want to waste money on a game we will not be playing in 2 months and two of the guys don't want to play because they don't like the miniatures (figure that one out as they both play wahammer and war machine!) Over the years of hosting and gaming, I have seen many a game system come and go. GW has been around a long time and you will always find those miniatures in most gaming shops, but don't let that stop you. Run some demo and give it a go. Even if Malifaux is only around for a few months and it dies out, you start again. Don't give up, one day it will stick. I am sure that is how Warhammer got started.
  13. I love the aethervox. It is great to have playing the background as I paint miniatures. I am up to episode 7 at the moment and have enjoyed everyone of them so far. I will say (and I have no idea if this is back or not) that did enjoy the doppelganger and hope it made a return. Other than that, keep up the good work guys.
  14. My gaming group is fairly good sized, but it does always end with the 5 players so the 3 way game pops up. Over time we decided the best idea so far was to always make the strat always shared and use a "tail biting" effect for schemes. Basically player 1 counts player 2 for his scheme and player 2 counts player 3 and so on. It kinda forces everyone to play each other. Has been working out so far. I have always wondered why games of this type (Malifaux, War Machine, Mordhiem=at first) never put in rules for multi player games. A game of this size is going to be played my many players and there is always the group that wants to do multi battles. Always found this kinda of odd.
  15. I am no vet of the game, but I will try and help out. From what I have seen, Blessing of Desolation has a misprint and should say melee attack. As for the Hollow Waif, that would not be possible. Page 44 of the rulebook will tell you. Mainly, you can't kill yourself with a spell.
  16. I was out there during the summer, and the shop has a really nice selection of models. I will let the gamers in my area know in case anyone wants to stop by. Keep us posted as to any tournaments in the future.
  17. We have a small following of Malifaux players starting to build in the area, so I figured I would let the good people of the forum know. We are mainly newer players but if the interest is good a campaign may be in the future. As the GM of the gaming group, I welcome all in the area to stop by and check it out. Place: Dragon's Lair Location: 8316 Blondo St. Omaha, NE Day: Every Saturday Time: 10am till 4pm Phone: (402) 399-9141
  18. Thanks for all the replies everyone. I am hoping we get one more into the game, just to balance out the games. Three ways seem to turn to a get the rezzer then get objectives. But I am loving the game so far.
  19. Greetings. I host gaming at my local gaming shop and one of the guys in the guy brought up Malifaux, and 4 box sets later, we got a 3 people playing. I went with Resurrectionist as Kirai was just too cool to not play. One of the others went guild and gremlins and the other went guild and von schill. So far I have the Seamus, Nicodem, and McMouring box set and just the models within them. The question I have for the pros is what would be good buys to help out against Perdita and Lady Justice? Perdita shoots me to pieces before I can get to them and Lady Justice takes out everyone mainly by herself. I know the game is not about wiping out the other team, but objectives. So any ideas? Thanks for the help.
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