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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Is whining about still having good no news on a missing TTB kickstarter pledge ok? Is asking for a tracking number so we can know what is going on, asking too much?
  2. I think Kadeton hit the nail on the head with his statement that Through the Breach fluff doesn't match Malifaux fluff. It is a RPG based off a miniatures game that acts like there never was a miniatures game. As a RPG by itself, it is pretty good. As a RPG based off the already set and established story and setting, it is a pretty bad. On the topic of magic, TTB makes it seem like it is the most terrible and unlawful thing you can do, yet over 75% of the models in Malifaux, the game these rules are based on, have some sort of CA action. Soulstones, one of Malifaux trademark features, seems like they have been removed from the game. The stories in the Malifaux rulebook make Malifaux look exciting and dangerous, but the RPG just makes it seem like the Guild hunt down everyone with magic and soulstones and do little else. In Malifaux, bad things happen. In Through the Breach, bad things are the only thing that happen. But I am sure that is just me.
  3. I second the comment on teleport! -laughs- Looks pretty cool. But what happened after the train session? Did you just fast forward to the next setting? Not that there is anything wrong with that, I use that trick myself sometimes.
  4. I like the idea of the single flip, but it just doesn't work in this game. More confusion that anything else.
  5. So I should have got mine a few weeks ago when my friends in the same city did. Darn.
  6. Not to sound rude, but how do you know his should have been sent? Do you know of anyone else's that should have been sent?
  7. I am on the list of people that got nothing also. Maybe now that gencon and the rush is over I can see about getting my stuff and maybe gencon stuff also. Under what do you list the problem? Also, what link do I provide since one is required?
  8. The books go pretty deep into the city of malifaux. A side of malifaux you have not seen before.
  9. Nope, my list was more for a checklist to count off models as you collect them and give you an idea what out of faction models can be taken.
  10. Now that Through the Breach has it's own sub forum and I have figured out how to post links, I figured now would a great time to start up a thread about the RP episodes on Through the Breach podcast. I will keep the first post updated with links to the episodes. Feel free to ask questions and discuss. Episode 1: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=381 Episode 2: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=386 Episode 3: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=391 Episode 4: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=397 Episode 5: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=409 Episode 6: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=414 Episode 7: http://throughthebreach.com/blog/?p=432
  11. Figured it was about time someone made a checklist for all the factions with a break down of model types and also include a list of out of faction models that can be used. So I did. Enjoy the following and hope you find it useful! It is all based on M2E models and just the plastics. You see anything wrong or missing, let me know and I will update it! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eFJXvAnLS9Jj76N8n30BKoBAK-aqgiCQ_0cCk6eNFAo/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Rules https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YiuB-hqAfXzxep85yBzdFulbxi-jW6AqVfrqHL3HpcY/edit?usp=sharing
  13. Don't forget about Sydney! She always makes everything...different.
  14. Well, that sounds great! Good to see you still game some. You can add me to the list of people you can ask for help.
  15. Well, well. Look who is a Fatemaster now. You running your own campaigns now, Bow?
  16. Starting this Saturday, factions battle against each other as well as zombies as the new Versus rules come out!
  17. And don't forget you got a place to come and try out all those new goodies, Loveless! We are still gaming on Saturdays!
  18. The story continues as normal. I do plan on posting up stats for the characters and items that show up in the mansion as well as rules for the mansion itself. Keep an eye out.
  19. I do plan on posting up the stats and some ideas from the TTB podcast RP if people want to use them in their campaigns.
  20. So there were no tracking numbers sent out. My two friends who live in my city got their pledge 2 weeks ago and I still have nothing. At what point in time should I be worried I am getting nothing?
  21. Welcome to the new forums! Everything here is a little harder now. Also welcome to Malifaux!
  22. Misery. A stretch, but I am proud of Wyrd for making a female creature model that doesn't have boobs to show it is a female. Good show.
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